Descrição do Produto: Select Drops – Tinture de Cânhamo – 1000mg (30ml) – Sem Sabor
A Select Drops apresenta uma solução inovadora e eficaz para quem busca os benefícios do cânhamo em sua rotina diária. Com uma formulação meticulosa, esta tintura de cânhamo é feita a partir de ervas secas que são infundidas por 48 horas em uma mistura proprietária, garantindo a extração máxima dos compostos benéficos. O resultado é um produto versátil que pode ser facilmente adicionado a alimentos, bebidas ou administrado sob a língua, proporcionando uma experiência de consumo discreta e prática.
Cada frasco de 30ml contém 1000mg de extrato de cânhamo, oferecendo uma dosagem potente e consistente. A embalagem inclui um aplicador de gotas fácil de usar, que permite ao usuário medir a dose exata com precisão, assegurando que cada gota conta. Fabricado nos Estados Unidos, o Select Drops é sinônimo de qualidade e confiança, ideal para quem busca uma alternativa natural para o bem-estar.
- ERVAS SECAS INFUNDIDAS POR 48 HORAS em uma mistura proprietária, perfeita para adicionar a alimentos, bebidas ou sob a língua.
- APLICADOR DE GOTAS FÁCIL incluído em cada embalagem para a dose perfeita e consistente.
1. Alívio do Estresse e Ansiedade: A tintura de cânhamo pode ajudar a reduzir os níveis de estresse e ansiedade, promovendo um estado de relaxamento.
2. Melhora do Sono: Ideal para aqueles que enfrentam dificuldades para dormir, a Select Drops pode auxiliar na regulação do ciclo do sono.
3. Apoio à Saúde Geral: Os compostos do cânhamo são conhecidos por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e antioxidantes, contribuindo para a saúde geral do corpo.
4. Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser facilmente incorporada em diversas receitas ou consumida diretamente, adaptando-se ao estilo de vida do usuário.
5. Dosagem Precisa: O aplicador de gotas permite que os usuários ajustem a dosagem conforme suas necessidades individuais, garantindo uma experiência personalizada.
Para obter os melhores resultados com a Select Drops, recomenda-se começar com uma dose de 1 a 2 gotas sob a língua, mantendo por 30 a 60 segundos antes de engolir. Isso permite uma absorção mais rápida e eficaz dos compostos ativos. Caso deseje adicionar à sua rotina alimentar, você pode misturar a tintura em bebidas como chá ou sucos, ou incorporá-la em receitas de pratos frios. Ajuste a dosagem conforme necessário, sempre respeitando as orientações do fabricante e suas necessidades pessoais.
Vetus Regina –
For me, I find it a waste of money, I wasn’t really impress for what it did for me. If anything it made me a little relax and sleepy, but cold medicine does the same lol. My gf has back issues and tried it as well, we both gave this product about two to three months and about 3 bottles worth. It didn’t do much for the gf either, but make her sleep a little better. So were like 50/50 on this stuff and with the price jumping almost 20.00 more, probably stop buying it for that price.
B Albert –
I use for myself and my fur babe daily for anxiety. Excellent quality product. Lasts a long while. Comes with a handy dropper. I buy this regularly and always have a stock on hand. Helped my anxious babe and my anxious self quite a bit 💙
MommaKai –
Firstly this product is NOT “select” brand CBD distributed by Cura Wellness in Portland Oregon as advertised in the ad photo. I recieved “SOCIAL” brand CBD distributed by Sentia Wellness (also in Portland Oregon area). Now owned by the same entity I suggest more BRAND TRANSPARENCY here.
sprmario82 –
First time trying this product and all I can tell you is that I love it.
It helped me with my anxiety and panic attacks it calm me down from stressful situations makes me feel more productive definitely helps to sleep and boost you mood I usually use twice a day or when anxiety and panic come back, flavor isn’t a problem all you feel is oily feeling in your mouth but goes away. About pain I haven’t experienced since I don’t suffer from any pain but I am sure it helps as well
MommaKai –
I’ve used this product for many months. It successfully relieves gum pain, radiculopathy symptoms into my arms and hands in addition to minor knee discomfort. The solution is a welcome help, replacing opioids. The seller is proactive when rare (one, so far) shipping issues occur. I can recommend the product without hesitation.
Jonnie –
I actually purchased these for my dog. Even though these were not the drops recommended for dogs I wanted something stronger. My dog has a tumor, and he has seizures. He is a chihuahua between 7 and 8 pounds. I started at a lower dose and went up to this dose. I actually give him a half a dropper full. Before I started these his tumor was growing quite rapidly. Since he has been on these his tumor growth has decreased significantly. In addition his seizures have not stopped, but they have decreased in duration by at least 50%. So I am a proponent of this product, but it seems to take a lot to make a difference. Since my dog is so small it is affordable. If he were larger, I am not sure if it would work the same or if I could afford it.
Francisco M. Vigil –
Just started using this product. Skeptical at first on if it would help any of my aliment? Has helped me sleep better so far by relaxing me. I did have some reoccurring knee pain. The weird thing was that I was having some pretty bad pain and discomfort, and that night I took my usual dropper. The next day the pain was totally gone like nothing had happened. Used only two nights so far. So far so good!
Dustin –
This product is great for both myself and my pets! Just a few drops for my cats when they need a calm me down & a whole dropper for myself to calm my nerves or help with pain. Love it! Def will get again when my bottle runs out