Os Segredos da Tribo apresentam o Extrato de Cramp Bark USDA Orgânico, uma fórmula de alta potência que oferece uma solução natural para aliviar cólicas e desconfortos menstruais. Este extrato é feito a partir da casca seca 100% certificada de Cramp Bark (Viburnum Opulus), garantindo a pureza e a eficácia do produto.
- Testado por Laboratório Terceirizado: Sem substâncias estranhas, sem enchimentos, identificação de ervas confirmada para sua segurança, teste micro.
- Produtos 100% Naturais: Sem corantes ou sabores artificiais, sem adição de açúcar ou adoçantes, testados e verificados quanto à pureza: destilados a vapor, qualidade impecável, sem glúten, sem conservantes, sem soja, sem laticínios, sem ovos, sem crueldade animal.
- Nosso produto: Facilmente absorvido pelo corpo.
- Alta Potência: Método de extração inigualável com patente pendente, maior concentração de componentes bioativos, 100% fabricado nos EUA.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Alívio Natural: O Extrato de Cramp Bark USDA Orgânico é uma alternativa natural e eficaz para aliviar cólicas e desconfortos menstruais, sem os efeitos colaterais dos medicamentos convencionais.
- Qualidade Garantida: Este produto passou por testes rigorosos em laboratórios terceirizados para garantir a ausência de substâncias estranhas e a pureza dos ingredientes.
- Alta Potência: Através de um método de extração exclusivo, este extrato possui a maior concentração de componentes bioativos, proporcionando resultados rápidos e eficazes.
- Orgânico Certificado: A casca de Cramp Bark utilizada neste extrato é 100% certificada como orgânica, garantindo que você esteja consumindo um produto livre de pesticidas e produtos químicos prejudiciais.
- Fabricado nos EUA: Este produto é fabricado nos EUA, seguindo rigorosos padrões de qualidade e segurança, para que você possa confiar em sua procedência e eficácia.
- Alívio eficaz de cólicas menstruais, proporcionando conforto durante o ciclo menstrual.
- Produto 100% natural, ideal para quem busca alternativas sem químicos e aditivos artificiais.
- Alta concentração de princípios ativos, resultando em uma ação rápida e potente.
- Certificação orgânica que assegura a qualidade e a segurança do consumo.
- Facilidade de uso, com dosagem prática que se adapta à rotina diária.
Recomenda-se tomar 1 ml (aproximadamente 28 gotas) do Extrato de Cramp Bark USDA Orgânico, diluído em água ou suco, três vezes ao dia. Agite bem antes de usar. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento. A dosagem pode ser ajustada conforme a necessidade individual, sempre respeitando as orientações de um especialista.
Stop.Pause.Breathe –
I highly recommend this Cramp Bark herbal to ease painful periods and pelvic pressure. In my case these are both due to fibroids – but I want to be very careful about saying Cramp Bark treats or shrinks fibroids. I can say this herbal supplement helps relieve symptoms related to fibroids. When I take Cramp Bark regularly, I have much less pain during my cycle. I also think there’s less bloating – still watching that.
One note: this isn’t the best smelling herb, IMHO. The comfort it offers is worth it though.
Brandywine –
My husband uses this for his back every evening. He has two fused vertebrae and gets awful cramping in his toes. My stepson uses it for his back and hips. He is a disabled veteran and it really works to help him stop the cramping in his legs.
Michelle M. –
I could barely stomach the smell. My husband has to shake it up for me in water. It literally smells like gross feet and the smell made me want to VOMIT. It did help for my cramps, but truthfully, I’d rather take Midol and get minor relief from that, than have to smell this. It’s so bad. You’ve been warned.
Pam Glindeman –
I usually have to hopscotch from one type if pain reliever to another during my monthly symptoms, depending on where the pain is, and what kind it is, pms ache, back ache, pressure and bloating pain, cramp pain, all required different medication. Now I just use this crampbark and a single midol dose and I am good. The relief is worth the price and pre-planning needed to order it online.
A Barrett –
I have SLE (Lupus). As such, I have IBS symptoms. I also no longer have a gallbladder but have sphincter of oddi pain. I also have very bad cramps and heavy bleeding with my cycle (sometimes to the point of huge clots and gushes). I have taken this daily for a little while to prevent IBS symptoms in the mornings. It replaced an IBS medication (I am not a doctor, please do not take as medical advice, I am just sharing my experience). It also has stopped my sphincter of oddi pain (cramp bark helped with my gallbladder pain before it came out). It slows my bleeding down like crazy during my cycle. I purchased this after using an herbal tea with cramp bark and recognizing that the cramp bark was the ingredient that made the difference over red raspberry leaf which was the other active ingredient in the herbal tea that helped with all of the same issues. I decided this would be more convenient to use because the tea is no longer available anywhere. I put the drops in a strong juice (mango passion fruit is what I notice it in the least-it makes apple taste yucky to me because this is very sweet). A bottle has lasted me over a year but I started using it daily a few months ago. I up to two times per day during my cycle when I need to. I highly recommend this product for its quality and ease of use. The dosing is on the bottle. I find I have to refill the dropper to get the “full dropper” dose usually.
MorJoy –
So according to my research, cramp bark helps with circulation and blood flow. I think that’s why it’s been helping my IBS. It helps with muscle spasms. That said, I haven’t noticed ANY pain relief regarding my monthly cycle. In fact, I feel like cramp bark almost gets me on my cycle a little early. It comes strong and painful. And the smell is TERRIBLE but the taste isn’t so bad. It helps tremendously when I’ve eaten too many fiber less carbs that my colon has a hard time with. I take a full dose after eating something I shouldn’t. But, unfortunately I’ll still be hunting for the salvation of my cramps.
charlene –
As those are aware, endometriosis can cause very uncomfortable to excruciating pains in the pelvic region. Woke up in the middle of the night cramping, no bueno… And while ibuprofen may be a medication that relieves inflammation, it is extremely hard on your kidneys. Cramp bark is an excellent alternative; a much healthier alternative. Literally one dosage and within minutes the cramping begun to subside, ultimately stopping all together. Definitely not a permanent solution (there’s no cure) but an excellent alternative to pharmaceutical medicine. I highly recommend trying for any cramping caused by female reproductive health issues. Who knows, may even work for stomach cramps too.
Amazon Customer –
It works yes, but the smell is so aweful it’s like getting kicked in the face with a vomit covered dirty foot. No joke. The taste is okay, sweet and herbal. But the smell is so appalling that I can’t have it anywhere near me unless it’s in a plastic baggie to block the smell