Complexo de Minerais Traço II – Saúde Imune
Procurando melhorar sua saúde e fortalecer seu sistema imunológico? Apresentamos o Complexo de Minerais Traço II – Saúde Imune da Seeking Health. Este suplemento mineral é cuidadosamente quelado para uma absorção ideal, fornecendo 9 minerais traços de alta biodisponibilidade para apoiar sua saúde. Com minerais como iodo, selênio e zinco, nosso suplemento apoia a função imunológica saudável, cabelos, função celular e pele. Além disso, este suplemento mineral é livre de ferro e cobre, focando em minerais traços de suporte. É também livre de OGMs, glúten, ovos, peixes, frutos do mar, nozes, amendoim, trigo, gergelim e soja, tornando-o adequado para pessoas com alergias alimentares. Na Seeking Health, priorizamos a qualidade e a segurança em todas as etapas do processo de produção, desde a pesquisa até a embalagem, para fornecer suporte à saúde em que você pode confiar. Invista em um estilo de vida saudável com o Complexo de Minerais Traço II – Saúde Imune!
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Alta biodisponibilidade de minerais traços: nosso suplemento é cuidadosamente quelado para garantir uma absorção ideal dos minerais, proporcionando benefícios máximos para a saúde.
- Suporte à energia e cabelos: com minerais como iodo, selênio e zinco, nosso suplemento ajuda a promover a função imunológica saudável, cabelos fortes e brilhantes, além de melhorar a função celular e a saúde da pele.
- Livre de ferro: projetado sem ferro e cobre, nosso suplemento se concentra em fornecer minerais traços de suporte, evitando o risco de excesso de ferro no organismo.
- Suporte ao sistema imunológico livre de alérgenos: nosso suplemento é livre de OGMs, glúten, ovos, peixes, frutos do mar, nozes, amendoim, trigo, gergelim e soja, tornando-o seguro para pessoas com alergias alimentares.
- Otimização de um estilo de vida saudável: na Seeking Health, nos comprometemos com a qualidade e a segurança em todas as etapas do processo de produção, garantindo que você receba um suplemento confiável e eficaz para apoiar sua saúde.
- Fortalecimento do sistema imunológico, essencial para a defesa contra infecções e doenças.
- Melhora na saúde da pele e dos cabelos, promovendo um aspecto mais saudável e vibrante.
- Suporte à função celular, contribuindo para o metabolismo e a energia do corpo.
- Minimização do risco de deficiências nutricionais, especialmente em dietas restritivas.
- Segurança para pessoas com alergias alimentares, permitindo que mais indivíduos se beneficiem do produto.
Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula diariamente com alimentos ou conforme indicado pelo seu profissional de saúde. Não exceda a dose recomendada, a menos que seja orientado por um profissional de saúde qualificado. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças. Armazene em local fresco e seco.
kathryn carter –
Really can tell a difference
AmazonShopper –
I took this sublimely with few others. While I think they were all great, I tend to believe this is the one making difference. I started feeling more energetic in 3 days. Day 8-9 now, I can feel the difference. Thank you,
Joy –
Great company. Quality product. A must for coffee drinkers and those whose job makes them sweat a lot. Replaces lost electrolytes. No leg cramps at nite waking me.
Sherryl –
I’m glad I came across these minerals, I suffer from just about everything, I’m always fatigued, always catching colds, always having digestion issues. With that said I was listening to Dr Berg about symptoms and supplements so I was looking for a product similar to the one he sells but more economical.. so I bought this one. I’m glad I did because most of my symptoms have improved tremendously because I added this mineral supplements to my diet. I feel better, I can go a whole day without needing or wanting to nap. I’m more focused, my memory has improved.. I would have never thought that something so basic as a supplement could have improved my state of being so much.. I highly recommend this product to everyone.
recheryl –
I had used another brand of a very similar product which was at least twice the price. It has some very important minerals, especially if you are on a keto or other restrictive diet. I’m very happy with this purchase, it is exactly what I was looking for at a good price.
RornDoone –
This is my own limited example about what happened with my individual experience, so you be the final judge as you read this. Adding Trace Mineral Complex II to my supplement routine has steadily brought me out of an 8 year bout with a Major Depression, one which was almost fatal. Contrary to prevailing belief, research has taught me that true clinical Depression, like nearly all of “behavioral” health, is more consistently linked to the brain’s chemistry than to any feature of one’s character, attitude, spirituality, or mental fortitude. When it comes to neurochemical (aka: mental or “behavioral”) health, chemistry trumps everything. A deficiency of certain trace minerals can be a huge contributor to neurochemical disorders, just like they can for many other physical ailments. Treating real, severe, clinical depression can be complicated and should be done in partnership with healthcare professionals. But while I firmly believe in taking medication as prescribed to keep a stable neurochemical foundation, it has been just a tired, gray, joyless existence, at best. Something was noticeably lacking. My remarkable, recent, rapid improvement has been too precisely correlated in time with the addition of Trace Mineral Complex II to be attributable to anything else. I’ve only been using Trace Mineral Complex II for two months, but my healthcare providers and everyone close to me have noted a marked change for the better in these most recent few weeks. I’m no longer dead dog tired all the time. I can think faster and more clearly. I can do much more creative problem-solving. I can better keep up with my job. I don’t always feel defeated. I’ve quit desperately craving certain foods. I’ve been able to adjust my perspective on a number of issues that previously seemed untenable and impossible to change. I don’t want to die. Little things like that. I know part of it is having a consistent source of selenium, a trace mineral which is known to help with depression, in addition to chelated zinc, which keeps me healthy in the germ-ridden world of healthcare. It’s less expensive than buying selenium and chelated zinc separately. In addition, I have a steady source of other trace minerals, any deficiency of which is known to seriously affect human physiology, all the way from neurochemistry to overall metabolism; and it’s all in one reasonably-sized capsule (instead of several). If you already have to take a lot of pills, or if you need a multi-supplement that is more cost-effective than buying all the ingredients separately, I highly recommend this Trace Mineral Complex II. Your body deserves it, including your brain.
2017 Update — Once more, I’m here to order, and I thought I’d add this update. I’m still enjoying life so much more than before this life-altering discovery. Having added methylfolate and methylcobalamin (see discussion in comments), I’m in such a better space than possibly ever before; crucially, the improvement all started right here with Seeking Health Trace Minerals Complex II. I scrupulously and conscientiously do not allow my supply of this absolutely foundational supplement to run low. Thanks again, Seeking Health!
Amazon Customer –
I can’t live without this! Helped after I lost my hair after c#%^*d v sooo much! I never knew I was low in minerals. My hair has re grown and gotten thicker and my nails are so strong now.
AlwaysLookn4Adeal –
I have been using for two weeks. I won’t know if it works until next bloodwork. Pills are small and there is no odor.