Scotch Porter Exfoliating Beard Wash
O Scotch Porter Exfoliating Beard Wash é um limpador em pó de argila de caulim e farinha de aveia, especialmente desenvolvido para a limpeza profunda da barba e do rosto. Ao ser misturado com água, sua fórmula em pó se transforma em uma espuma luxuosa que proporciona uma experiência de limpeza única. As propriedades esfoliantes do produto ajudam a remover suavemente as células mortas da pele, reduzindo a ocorrência de pelos encravados e irritações, resultando em uma pele mais limpa e saudável sob a barba.
Com microcristais que esfoliam de forma delicada, o Scotch Porter Exfoliating Beard Wash garante que a pele fique mais suave e livre de irritações. Este produto é cuidadosamente formulado, vegano e não contém ingredientes de origem animal, além de ser livre de parabenos, sulfatos, ftalatos, silicones, petrolato, PEGs, óleo mineral e corantes sintéticos. É ideal para todos os tipos de cabelo masculino, especialmente aqueles que são grossos, ondulados, cacheados, secos ou texturizados.
Os ingredientes naturais, como a proteína de couve e o extrato de casca de salgueiro branco, atuam no combate aos sinais de danos e ressecamento, incluindo caspa e descamação. O extrato de cavalinha presente na fórmula promove a saúde dos folículos capilares e estimula o crescimento dos fios, garantindo uma barba mais robusta e bem cuidada.
A aplicação do Scotch Porter Exfoliating Beard Wash é simples e prática. Para utilizá-lo, basta dispensar uma pequena quantidade de pó seco na palma da mão, adicionar um pouco de água e esfregar as mãos até formar uma espuma cremosa. Aplique a espuma no rosto e na área da barba com movimentos circulares, evitando a área delicada dos olhos. Após a aplicação, enxágue abundantemente com água e seque parcialmente o rosto e a barba. Para resultados ainda melhores, recomenda-se seguir com o Moisture Defend Face Lotion para o rosto e hidratar a barba com o Conditioning Beard Balm e o Smoothing Beard Serum.
A fragrância do Scotch Porter Exfoliating Beard Wash é masculina e revigorante, com notas de eucalipto, cítricos, bergamota, cardamomo, lavanda, gerânio, âmbar, cedro, patchouli e almíscar, proporcionando uma sensação refrescante e energizante durante o uso.
- Limpeza profunda e não agressiva para o rosto e barba.
- Fórmula vegana e livre de ingredientes de origem animal.
- Combate danos e ressecamento, incluindo caspa e descamação.
- Fácil de usar e aplicar, ideal para a rotina diária.
- Fragrância masculina e revigorante que proporciona uma experiência refrescante.
Para utilizar o Scotch Porter Exfoliating Beard Wash, siga as instruções abaixo:
- Dispense uma pequena quantidade de pó seco na palma da mão.
- Adicione um pouco de água e esfregue as mãos para formar uma espuma cremosa.
- Aplique a espuma no rosto e na área da barba com movimentos circulares, evitando a área dos olhos.
- Enxágue abundantemente com água.
- Seque parcialmente o rosto e a barba.
- Para melhores resultados, siga com o Moisture Defend Face Lotion para o rosto e hidrate a barba com o Conditioning Beard Balm e o Smoothing Beard Serum.
Ronnie –
I love this stuff! The smell and it cleans your face really well. You get a lot of product since they don’t add water in it, great idea and I will be buying more
steve –
great line of products
Daniel Brannon –
Didnt realize it was a powder at first. But it works great and has a great smell.
TJ –
First off, I didn’t realize that this was a powder when I purchased it. Maybe I missed it in the description, who knows, but just make sure you are aware that this is a fine powder. You use it by pouring a small pile of it into your hand and mix with water, rub hands together to form a lather and apply to beard/face… That is how you are supposed to use it. Good luck with that.
I found that I had to use a very liberal amount of this powder in order to work up enough of a foam to work as described. Too little and I got no foam, or somewhat of a pasty mess in my beard. Again this is a fine powder, so when you try to rub your hands together with water to get the foam, you can watch half of the product just run down your hands and into the drain.
I also have hard water, so even though I had to use a liberal amount, I would sometimes have to do a second application to get sufficient foam. Probably related to how much of the product I lost on the first application. All this for my modest beard which is anywhere from ~1/2″ long (13cm). I could understand if I had a duck dynasty beard, but no…
Another challenge with the powder is that it is very fine and light, so I would pour product into 1 hand, get my second hand wet, and let the water dripping off of it drip onto the powder. If you try to just run a slow stream of water from the faucet into your hands, it will blow the powder right out of your hands, and again, watch product run down the drain.
Now, if you manage to work up a good foam, the product actually works pretty well. It cleaned my face, without leaving it dry. My beard felt squeaky clean. I didn’t have that feeling of product buildup that I got from some other beard washes. I would follow up with the scotch & porter beard conditioner and beard balm and the total package actually worked well.
So using this was an incredible hassle, and I really didn’t enjoy using it. However, it worked well enough
that I kept trying to figure out the magical sequence of steps and techniques to get consistent results.
All I can say to you is good luck with that.
Quality products. Do yourself a favor and use them, you won’t be disappointed.
Kenneth R Owen –
It is a powerder that will need to be mixeed with water. iMHO this helps with the level of scrub one is wanting. Plus it reduces the size of the bottle and I imagine their cost in shipping.
I love how it feels and how well it works. Wonderful product. The only reason I didn’t give it all 5 stars, is due to having to mix in water and not sure it is even ment to moisturize.
Gabriel –
It seems alright as a beard soap, but it just doesn’t feel as good or feel like it cleans as well as other beard shampoo I’ve used in the past.
Great product work very well with my beard bumps underneath the hair