Descrição do Produto: Scdophilus 3
Scdophilus 3 é um probiótico inovador, especialmente formulado para ser utilizado em conjunto com a Dieta de Carboidratos Específicos (SCD). Este produto utiliza uma cepa bem documentada de Lactobacillus acidophilus, reconhecida por seu papel fundamental no suporte à saúde intestinal. Desenvolvido pela GI ProHealth, o Scdophilus 3 se destaca pela sua pureza, hiperalergenicidade, estabilidade e eficácia clínica, oferecendo uma solução confiável para aqueles que buscam melhorar seu bem-estar digestivo.
A fórmula do Scdophilus 3 foi meticulosamente elaborada para atender às necessidades de indivíduos que seguem a SCD, uma dieta que visa a redução de carboidratos fermentáveis, promovendo um ambiente intestinal saudável. A presença do Lactobacillus acidophilus ajuda a equilibrar a flora intestinal, favorecendo a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes essenciais. Além disso, o Scdophilus 3 é projetado para ser estável em condições adversas, garantindo que os probióticos cheguem ao intestino em quantidades adequadas para proporcionar os benefícios desejados.
– Suporte à Saúde Intestinal: Promove um equilíbrio saudável da flora intestinal, essencial para a digestão adequada.
– Apoio à Dieta SCD: Ideal para quem segue a Dieta de Carboidratos Específicos, ajudando na adaptação e manutenção da dieta.
– Alta Pureza e Eficácia: Formulado com ingredientes de alta qualidade, garantindo a eficácia clínica do produto.
– Estabilidade Superior: Os probióticos são estáveis e eficazes, mesmo em condições adversas, assegurando que os benefícios sejam mantidos.
– Hiperalergênico: Desenvolvido para minimizar reações alérgicas, tornando-o seguro para uma ampla gama de usuários.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Scdophilus 3, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula diariamente, preferencialmente com um copo de água, em jejum ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante manter o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a estabilidade dos probióticos. Para maximizar os benefícios, combine o uso do Scdophilus 3 com uma dieta equilibrada e rica em nutrientes, respeitando os princípios da SCD.
Joseph D. Price –
So far, I’m really liking this product. I’ve had such bad experiences with probiotics. They claim they are helpful to stop diarrhea. Well, seems like every probiotic I took made my symptoms worse! I was using Renew Life probiotics originally developed by Brenda Watson who has since sold to Clorox (I believe it was Clorox). See if your scenario is similar to this:
1) Having GI issues
2) Read that probiotics are the miracle cure
3) Tried some from local retailer like Wal-Mart, Target, etc. Perhaps Culturelle or those Pearls.
4) Find out you need probiotics in the billions and billions daily with multiple strains
5) Keep taking them only to have issues get worse or never improve
I was tired of this. I found that I had less symptoms when I didn’t take them. So, I quit. Then, I’ve been reading more and more about diets–Paleo, Atkins, Low-Carb, Gluten-Free, etc. So much information out there. Then, I read about the Specific Carbohydrate diet. I was like, “Hmm, this makes some sense,” and I really liked how it broke down food groups and how they digest/etc.
Then, I read about making the yogurt. As a full-time business professional, single person, who leads an active life, I can’t say I have a lot of time to make all kinds of foods/etc, so I did some further research on how to get the probiotics recommended without having to make a fermented product. I also read how people who have GI issues a) are being reported by more studies that there is an underlying bacteria issue, and 2) react negatively to the Bifidus strains of probiotics. Well, the RenewLife probiotics were loaded with Bifidus strains. I was taking the 50 Billion capsules daily where 30 billion was Bifidus. Think about it: Activia yogurt is full of “Bifidus Regularis,” which is a genetically engineered probiotic designed to make you regular (i.e, POOP) when you’re CONSTIPATED! So, yes, Bifidus strains can encourage issues.
So, as I decided to being moving towards specific carbohydrate diet, I decided to buy these and try them. I received them from Amazon on October 8th, 2016. Today is October 28th, 2016. I began taking one (1) pill a day every day for three weeks. Since I’ve been taking them, I am VERY happy to report that my GI issues have been steadily declining every day. I’m not having that queasy feeling as though extra water is in my colon, I’m having more solid bowel movements, and I’m not going to the bathroom as much.
I also read from the GI ProHealth’s website that probiotics are like fiber in that you should work your way up. So, I started with the 3 billion capsules 1x a day; however, just this week, I’m starting to move up to 2 pills a day for 6 billion per day. I’ll do this for another 3 weeks and move up to 3 pills a day for 9 billion. When I’m ready to reorder, I’ll get the 10 billion pills and stick with one of those a day for a while as I continue to move towards better eating.
I’m not going to lie–restrictive diets are not something you should try doing cold turkey/overnight. I am going to work on meal planning, grocery planning/etc, so that I can 1) eat appropriately, and 2) not be dependent on having to eat every meal at home. I don’t have time to cook every meal, so there has to be a migration period for planning/learning/etc.
I hope this review helps. I am very happy with the probiotics so far.
Maryelin Guzman –
I’m using with my child 2 years old and the result is very good.