Doctor’s Best Saw Palmetto 320 Mg Softgels, 180 Unidades
O Doctor’s Best Saw Palmetto é um suplemento em cápsulas de 320 mg, com 180 unidades, formulado com extrato de Saw Palmetto, uma planta nativa da América do Norte reconhecida por seus benefícios à saúde da próstata. Cada cápsula contém uma alta concentração de extrato, garantindo eficácia e suporte à saúde masculina. A extração do Saw Palmetto é realizada através de um método de dióxido de carbono, que assegura a pureza do produto, livre de resíduos de solventes, proporcionando confiança na qualidade e segurança do suplemento.
O Saw Palmetto é amplamente utilizado para promover a função saudável da glândula prostática, ajudando a aliviar sintomas associados à hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB), como a frequência urinária aumentada, dificuldade para urinar e diminuição do fluxo urinário. Além disso, este suplemento contribui para a saúde do sistema urinário como um todo, promovendo um equilíbrio hormonal masculino adequado.
É importante observar que as imagens da embalagem podem variar, mas a qualidade do produto permanece inalterada. Durante os meses de verão, o produto pode chegar aquecido, mas a Amazon armazena e envia os produtos conforme as recomendações dos fabricantes.
1. Suporte à saúde da próstata: Ajuda a reduzir os sintomas da hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB).
2. Qualidade garantida: Extraído com dióxido de carbono, assegurando um produto livre de solventes.
3. Fácil de usar: As cápsulas softgel são simples de engolir e se integram facilmente à rotina diária.
4. Benefícios para o sistema urinário: Promove a saúde urinária geral, além de apoiar a próstata.
5. Confiança na marca: Doctor’s Best é uma marca respeitada e reconhecida pela qualidade de seus suplementos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula de Doctor’s Best Saw Palmetto 320 Mg Softgels por dia, preferencialmente durante uma refeição. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, garantindo assim que o uso do produto seja adequado às suas necessidades individuais.
Jpitts312 –
My hubby takes 2 tablets per day, he told he is better in terms of feeling emptied and needs less visits to toilet.
Desert Daisy –
43-year-old female here. I am on testosterone replacement therapy (Androgel) due to an almost non-existent level of testosterone. After about 6 months, I noticed my hair was starting to thin in certain areas, sort of like male pattern baldness. After freaking out, my hormone doctor tested my DHT level and it was 22ng/dL (normal for women is under 20ng/dL). She suggested I take saw palmetto to lower DHT, but didn’t recommend any particular brand. So choosing Dr’s Best was a complete stab in the dark. My doctor said it would take at least 3 months for the saw palmetto to take effect. I had my blood drawn after approximately 2 months on the saw palmetto (taking 1 pill in the AM) and could not believe my DHT number. It went from 22 down to 7!!! I’ve attached screen shots of where I started and where I’m at now. I’m very pleased that this supplement appears to be working. My thinning hair spots are starting to fill in, but that’s still going to take some time. One thing I should mention that I changed during this time – I stopped consuming all dairy (for unrelated reasons … I’ve been low carb for 5 years, but started putting on weight and dairy was definitely the big culprit). I’m not sure if dairy can affect DHT, but wanted to provide full disclosure. I hope this review will be helpful to those of you also struggling with high DHT. The lab results are proof enough for me that it’s working, and I could have used this type of information when first making a decision on what supplement to try. Good luck!
The OC –
As I’ve gotten older, various body parts don’t seem to function as well as they used to. Like many other guys my age, my urge to get up and go to the bathroom several times at night caught me by surprise. My primary care doctor of course recommended Flomax which appears to help but not eliminate the problem. So I started researching saw palmetto and then tried out a few different brands. At the same time I also eliminated dairy products (milk,butter,ice cream,cheese) and diet Cokes–a favorite drink of mine for decades.
It didn’t take me long after researching the problem to realize that it was important to get a supplement that was a saw palmetto extract rather than the other (cheaper) formulas out there. Changing my food habits as I indicated above also cut down on my night time journeys. Limiting my trips each night to 2 or 3 times was quite an improvement. But once I switched my supplement to Doctor’s Best Saw Palmetto, I started sleeping through the night again. What a difference that makes to my overall energy level and outlook on life! I found the right combination of strategies to solve my problem. You can do it too!
David Ross –
You’d think with the corny name that this product would be a cheap product. We’ll it is ummm the best that I found.
My unofficial test: I used to go about once an hour during the night. So you can imagine how tired I was. I went to a Urologist to make sure there’s no issues and I had taken the Saw Palmetto the doctor sold to me. It worked ok and my bathroom runs was reduced to about 3 to 4 times a night. As the doctors pills were pretty high, I decided to go to my local pharmacy and try out one of the pills there. It didn’t work. I then decided to see what’s available online and saw the reviews on Doctor’s Best. I went back to 3 to 4 times. I thought maybe I can find one better. Saw another review on another product and decided to try that one. didn’t work either. although I wasn’t running as frequently without taking anything, it wasn’t as good as Doctor’s Best. So I returned once again to Doctor’s Best.
I’ve been taking Doctor’s Best for a few months now and the frequency has reduced even more. I get up now at most twice a night but most of the time it’s at the same time: at around 2 hrs to when I need to get up for work. Sometimes I can sleep through the night which is awesome!
Scott E. High –
Too early to say if it works or not.
Desert Daisy –
This saw palmetto is 320mg standardized extract. This is the dosage that was used in the various clinical studies. If you want to use saw palmetto, then standardized extract is what you want and this is the dosage that you should use. It is also non-GMO which is a big plus. The 180 count bottle is a great value for the money — a 6 month supply in one bottle. It is very easy to swallow. This is a great supplement.
jessica mcrae –
I have to take double of this product to see any benefit when they claim to have higher potency than similar products with half the dose. It’s either a bad product or doesn’t have the strength they claim it does.
vac –
This product is the right stuff if you want to take Saw Palmetto and is offered at a good price. In addition there is a 15% further savings with Amazon’s subsribe and save program. The key point is to look for a standardized extract such as this instead of just the berries. The Doctor’s Best product is just as likely to be effective as essentially identical products which cost up to twice as much such as Source Naturals Saw Palmetto Extract 320mg, 120 Softgels.
Some scientific studies have shown that standardized saw palmetto extract in this dosage (320 mg daily of standardized extract) is effective in decreasing the symptoms of benign prostate hyperplasia(BPH). Other studies have shown that it is no more effective than a sugar pill. Overall, saw palmetto is thought to be safe and may be of some help for BPH.
In simple terms BPH means that the prostate is enlarged and slowing down the male urinary stream. The downside of taking saw palmetto is that it should not be an excuse for avoiding an exam and discussion with your doctor. For example an exam and blood test may be needed to rule out prostate cancer. So man up and see your doctor if you have urinary symptoms that might be BPH or might be cancer. That done you can consider whether to take saw palmetto or use a prescription medicine.
scott taylor –
I’ve noticed a difference in my hair faill since taking these. My hair is not falling as much.