Descrição do Produto: Sangre de Drago (ou Grado) – Sangue de Dragão Líquido Peruano (4oz)
Sangre de Drago, ou Sangue de Dragão, é um produto extraordinário extraído da seiva do Croton lechleri, uma árvore nativa da Amazônia peruana. Este líquido vermelho intenso, que remonta às lendas dos exploradores espanhóis que o nomearam devido à sua coloração vibrante, é conhecido por suas propriedades curativas naturais. A seiva é coletada de forma sustentável, garantindo que a extração não prejudique o ecossistema local, e é 100% pura, sem aditivos ou conservantes.
- (Croton lechleri) Seiva Líquida Ecologicamente Coletada: A seiva é cuidadosamente extraída de árvores de Croton lechleri, respeitando práticas de manejo sustentável.
- Preparada a partir da seiva coletada de forma sustentável: A coleta é realizada de maneira a preservar a saúde das árvores e do ambiente ao redor, promovendo a biodiversidade.
- Uso Sugerido: Recomenda-se a ingestão de 12 gotas, duas vezes ao dia, diluídas em uma pequena quantidade de água.
- Ingredientes: 100% pura seiva de Sangre de Drago proveniente da árvore Croton lechleri.
1. Cicatrização Natural: A seiva de Sangre de Drago é amplamente reconhecida por suas propriedades cicatrizantes, ajudando na recuperação de feridas e queimaduras.
2. Propriedades Antiinflamatórias: O produto possui compostos que podem reduzir a inflamação, sendo útil para condições como artrite e outras doenças inflamatórias.
3. Ação Antioxidante: A seiva é rica em antioxidantes, que combatem os radicais livres e ajudam a proteger as células do corpo contra danos.
4. Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: O uso regular pode fortalecer o sistema imunológico, tornando o corpo mais resistente a infecções.
5. Melhora da Saúde da Pele: Além de suas propriedades curativas, a Sangre de Drago é eficaz no tratamento de problemas de pele, como acne e eczema, promovendo uma pele mais saudável e radiante.
Para obter os melhores resultados com a Sangre de Drago, recomenda-se a administração de 12 gotas do líquido, duas vezes ao dia. As gotas devem ser diluídas em uma pequena quantidade de água, facilitando a absorção dos nutrientes e propriedades benéficas da seiva. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e, se necessário, consultar um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades específicas.
Wow! It is healing my intestinal issues. It healed a cold sore fast and it did not hurt as much. It stopped me from gushing blood when I cut off part of my thumb AND it healed fast. I use it daily on my face for age spots and it tightens my skin.
My dog has a gastrointestinal disease and this is curing that! I Put 3 drops 2x/day on her food. I also add a drop to her water bowl. She loves the water with Dragons blood. The bowl no longer gets that biofilm in it. My dog is 20 lbs and 13 years old and i seems to also be helping her arthritis and joint pain. she is moving better and walking longer without the need of the stroller and being more playful. I love this stuff!
I recommended Sangre de Drago to a friend. He had a non healing wound from bunion surgery on the left toe. The last surgery was over a year ago but the wound would not close or heal because he is diabetic. We started using Sangre de Drago directly on the wound and in less than a week the wound closed and healed. The pain stopped. The nightmare is over. It has been about three weeks and the area has regained the normal color. The dark purple color of the entire area is gone. The threat of necrosis is gone as well. It is an amazing product that can be a life saver.
This review is from 2017, I have not used it recently on non-healing wounds but I am not sure about recommending it. Are the new bottles being watered down?. I received a bottle with clumps … and the rest very liquid … have they altered the product ??. Can not say as I do not need it for something as grave as a non healing wound.
I hope not. Sangre de Drago is a miraculous product in its natural and original form. We hope and pray it is kept that way.
Dr. Kathleen Olsson Nelson –
Superb product. No alcohol, so it can be given to pets. One of my beloved cats is dying of cancer of the bone, and I give this
to her along with her pain medications and it eases her agony. I am hopeful that she can survive with long term use of Dragon’s
Blood, so that I can have that much more time to love her. This product also healed a staph infection on my hand from a cat
bite (not the same cat) and blew away the doctors who demanded I use toxic antibiotics that create Clostridium Dificile gut
disease that can kill you. I used Dragon’s Blood instead and the infection cleared in a week, and zero side effects that the
horrid chemical antibiotics create. I love this natural healing method and Dragon’s Blood is fabulous.
A truly wonderful, pure product from a solid vendor.
Kathy Johnson –
Great product. It seems for me it has helped my digestive problems. I think it is a genuine product.
Mrs Mia Wallace –
I bought this for the value buying in bulk as I started to run out of my other brand which is more expensive. This has solids in it that I’ve never seen in DB resin before. It’s also not working as effectively to treat the condition I use it for. I’m going back to my other brand. Bummer because this is a pretty huge bottle.
Orhunterfisher –
If you are active, clumsy, hard working, have dogs and for so many other people this must be carried with you always. I have had friends actually call this the miracle medicine and it is just that- a Miracle Medicine. So, if you have never used this I will give you the basics as quick as possible. This is the pure sap of a tree from the genus Croton. Look it up, you will recognize the tree from pictures. The sap is black and slightly thick out of the bottle but once it hits your skin and warms, it will instantly thin out and run. Make sure to have a paper towel, tissue whatever ready. Pointers…if possible tilt so the wound can be at an angle where you place a drop and have it run into the wound…then do not dab, use the paper towel/tissue to whick excess. Leave remainder on and let dry. It will form a natural, yet artificial scab, like if you left syrup dry on your skin. Once dry no worries about it getting on anything like clothes BUT when wet, it can and will get on stuff and may stain so clean it immediately. Now, why us it???? Well it is like an antibacterial sauve but far superior! ANY cut, scratch, puncture, burn etc heals in almost miracle fashion. It is my understanding that the sap is anti bacterial, viral and fungal and stimulates immune response. I have never seen burns and even deep wounds heal so quickly. One bottle will last an entire family a whole year! ***Extreme caution***** DO NOT touch dropper to wounds!!!!!!!!!! Make sure to allow the sap to drop freely onto the wounds. More than once I have had the dogs move quickly and bump the dropper and if you get germs into the bottle the entire bottle will go bad!!! Ruined!! I now have purchased additional dropper bottles, boil in a pot and then add the sap from the main bottle that way i am never at risk of ruining the main bottle. This stuff is TRULY AMAZING. Use it sparingly because a little goes a long way
I like the economy size, and also the consistency. The brand I had used before seemed watery compared to this, which is thicker. Good value. Great for skin issues, and it also is used by some to boost the immune system, which I have started using a few drops for internally, now daily. I used to just use it for surface issues. Versatile.
Angel Romero –
Seems to be pure quality…my initial impression is good…need more time to confirm long term results.