Descrição do Produto: SANE MD – Youthful Glow Vital Collagen Powder
O SANE MD – Youthful Glow Vital Collagen Powder é um suplemento de colágeno em pó que promete transformar a sua rotina de cuidados com a pele, cabelo e unhas. Com uma fórmula avançada de peptídeos de colágeno hidrolisado, este produto é projetado para manter a sua pele com uma aparência jovem e radiante. Os peptídeos de colágeno são conhecidos por melhorar a hidratação e a elasticidade da pele, reduzindo visivelmente as rugas e os primeiros sinais de envelhecimento.
O colágeno é uma das proteínas mais abundantes no corpo humano, proporcionando forma, força e integridade aos tecidos e órgãos. O nosso pó de peptídeos de colágeno não só ajuda a manter a pele saudável, mas também fortalece as unhas e deixa o cabelo com um aspecto incrível. Com uma pureza ultra elevada, o colágeno hidrolisado contém 90% de proteína e é rico em 8 dos 9 aminoácidos essenciais, que são fundamentais para fortalecer os ossos, aumentar a força muscular e manter as articulações saudáveis.
Produzido a partir de colágeno orgânico de vacas alimentadas com pasto na América do Sul, o SANE MD oferece uma qualidade superior. Este é o suplemento de colágeno mais confiável, com benefícios impressionantes para a pele, ossos, articulações, músculos e tendões. Além disso, é fabricado em uma instalação certificada pela NSF e GMP nos EUA, garantindo que você receba um produto de altíssima qualidade.
– Melhora a hidratação e elasticidade da pele, promovendo um aspecto jovem.
– Fortalece unhas e cabelo, contribuindo para uma aparência saudável e vibrante.
– Contém 90% de proteína e 8 aminoácidos essenciais, essenciais para a saúde óssea e muscular.
– Produzido a partir de colágeno orgânico de alta qualidade, garantindo pureza e eficácia.
– Fabricado em instalações certificadas, assegurando padrões rigorosos de qualidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) do SANE MD – Youthful Glow Vital Collagen Powder em 240ml de água, suco ou sua bebida favorita. O produto pode ser adicionado a smoothies, iogurtes ou receitas de panificação. Para resultados ideais, utilize diariamente e combine com uma dieta equilibrada e hidratação adequada.
Sheryl L. Cortez –
thank you
Roseanna Ellis –
Love this product
Michael JC –
Great product from SANE, as usual. I’ve been using it daily for awhile and I’m seeing benefits. My skin is less dry, my nails have grown much faster to an amazing length, and my joints are less stiff. I put it in my morning coffee. There is NO flavor. Its lasting a long time, as well, which has been my only complaint with other SANE products which can be packaged with less product to last a month, and so very expensive.
Xxcccxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxjanet goodJeanette Gliottone –
I have used other SANE products and with generally favorable impressions based on the quality of the products. This product easily matches those experiences. The Nutritional Facts offer a view of an excellent hydrolyzed collagen peptides product, with a 6gram serving providing 5 grams of protein, with only 22 calories. It contains zero total fats, zero cholesterol, zero carbohydrates (including zero total sugars). This is an unflavored product, meaning they do not add flavoring like chocolate, vanilla or berry. However, being sourced from grass-fed bovine, there is still associated flavor notes. It’s very mild, and if mixed into a smoothie, will easily slip behind the other flavors.
I added some to hot oatmeal, with some cacao powder and blueberries, and really did not notice this collagen protein. By the way, I’ve used collagen peptide powders in baking, with excellent results. It works in bread and cookie/brownie recipes. It’s a great way to boost the healthful aspects, without adversely affecting the taste or texture.
This hydrolyzed collagen peptides powder matches the descriptions in the product details. It seems like a quality product, and satisfies expectations. Keep in mind that collagen, while a protein, is not considered a ‘complete’ protein. (The term ‘complete protein’ refers to amino acids, the building blocks of protein. There are 20 different amino acids that can form a protein, and nine that the body can’t produce on its own. Collagen is not considered a complete protein because of the conspicuous absence of the essential amino acid tryptophan.). That said, collagen peptides do provide a vast array of amino acids, including most of the essential amino acids.
I consider this to be a quality product, a viable and credible source of collagen peptides. Accordingly, it earns a 4.25 – 4.5 star rating, with a high level recommendation.
Karo56 –
Great for hair and nails too.
Victoria Loria –
I have taken this product before and I really felt a difference. I haven’t noticed a ‘GLOW’ but I my joints do feel more lubricated and they don’t hurt. When I stop taking it or miss a dose, I can feel the pain in my knees coming back. It dissolves quickly and easily in water or any other drink you would want to add it to. There is no flavor so it won’t make your drinks taste different. An added bonus for me, when I add it to bottled water, it neutralizes the additives they put in water to “give it flavor” and doesn’t burn my throat.
ChristiJo –
I’ve been taking collagen supplements for a while now, and love the results. My hair and nails are so much healthier. I’m only giving this brand three stars because nowhere on the product description or on the label does it tell you what type of collagen it is, only that it is bovine (cow). I assume it is type I and III, but the label should specify.
You get only 8 oz of collagen in a zip top bag. Most of my collagen supplements, in this price range, come in a large tub. A tub makes it much easier to scoop out. I added this to my morning coffee and it is flavorless, can’t even tell it’s there, which is a good thing.
Michael JC –
I’ve been trying collagen supplements lately because, well, why not? I have no idea if they actually do anything. Like with any supplement, you usually have to use something consistently for a long period of time before results being to show, and it could be so gradual that you never notice. This is the sort of thing where I know that collagen is supposed to be beneficial, and this contains collagen, so theoretically this should provide me with some benefit. It certainly hasn’t caused me any negative effects, so there’s at least that.
This is the first collagen that I’ve used that has instructed me to refrigerate after opening. I don’t know if it’s necessary or why this collagen should whereas other collagen supplements I’ve tried have not said that, but there you go.
This has 5g of protein per serving, but the serving sizes are small. There are 37 servings in the container, but if you wanted 10g per serving as you get with most other collagen products I’ve tried, you’d have 18.5 servings per container, so be aware of that when you consider the value of this versus another product. Yeah, this has 37 servings versus something else that might have 20-25, but the servings only give you 5g vs 10.
Another thing to consider is that just because something is unflavored does not mean it has no flavor. While this does not have an off or unpleasant flavor and is mostly neutral, you might notice an umami quality to it. While there are many different ways you could use this, I just dump it into a drink that I make the night before. All of the powders I add get hydrated overnight, so I don’t have to worry about clumping.