Descrição do Produto: Nature’s Trove SAM-e 400mg 90 Comprimidos Revestidos Entericamente
Nature’s Trove SAM-e 400mg é um suplemento premium que se destaca pela sua qualidade superior e eficácia. Com uma formulação meticulosamente desenvolvida, este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma solução natural para o bem-estar geral e a saúde das articulações. Cada comprimido revestido entericamente é projetado para garantir a absorção ideal dos nutrientes, permitindo que o corpo aproveite ao máximo os benefícios do S-adenosilmetionina (SAM-e). A embalagem em blisters frios assegura a frescura e a integridade do produto, protegendo-o de fatores externos que possam comprometer sua eficácia.
A Nature’s Trove se compromete a oferecer suplementos de SAM-e acessíveis, utilizando matérias-primas que contêm os mais altos níveis do isômero ativo S.S. e fabricando sob rigorosas condições de Boas Práticas de Fabricação (GMP). Este produto é livre de alérgenos, corantes e sabores artificiais, sendo adequado para veganos, certificado como Kosher e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (GMO) ou soja. Com mais de 20 anos de experiência na formulação de SAM-e, a equipe de especialistas da Nature’s Trove apresenta um produto respaldado por uma vasta quantidade de ciência, literatura e estudos de pesquisa.
O SAM-e é conhecido por suas propriedades que podem ajudar a manter a saúde das articulações e o bem-estar geral, tornando-se uma escolha popular entre aqueles que buscam melhorar sua qualidade de vida de forma natural e eficaz.
– Qualidade Premium: Fabricado sob rigorosos padrões de qualidade, garantindo um produto seguro e eficaz.
– Absorção Otimizada: O revestimento entericamente dos comprimidos maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes pelo organismo.
– Saúde das Articulações: Contribui para a manutenção da saúde articular, promovendo maior mobilidade e conforto.
– Livre de Alergênicos: Adequado para pessoas com restrições alimentares, sendo vegano, sem glúten e sem soja.
– Apoio ao Bem-Estar Geral: Pode auxiliar na melhoria do humor e na redução do estresse, promovendo um estado geral de bem-estar.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de um comprimido de Nature’s Trove SAM-e 400mg por dia, preferencialmente em jejum ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante ingerir o comprimido com um copo de água, evitando a mastigação para garantir a integridade do revestimento entericamente. Para melhores resultados, mantenha uma rotina regular de uso e consulte um médico antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Jimmyblues –
Competitive price, straight Sam-e – just remember you can take more than one. One a day did nothing, I needed 2 to feel the effects. They’re hard to describe, I just am in a good mood more often, and feel physically that everything is working more right. And when you’re up there in years, that is a huge plus-
Also some brands have huge tablets, these are a little smaller which is better. As I’ve said, if you’re up there in years and feel a little sluggish, Sam-e is a good idea !
Astra –
I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, beside product called PEA I am taking SAM-e every morning to help my stiffness. It really make difference, I noticed I don’t have to take other painkillers too often. Very reasonable pricing as well.
Mary Clements –
This is the best and most reasonably priced Sam E I have found. Definitely helps with mood especially during dreary winter months.
Sailor Moon –
I’ve been taking these for over a month and I have to say they work phenomenally. Yah has blessed me with this product. I have had depression and anxiety for 10 years. I have tried herbal teas, sound therapy, CBD, lemon balm and other herbs and supplements. Nothing and I MEAN NOTHING works like SAM-E. I’ve tried the genius joy brand but it’s low quality and over priced. I always like to do my own personal research before I take a substance. I found that taking 800 mg to 1600 mg for depression and anxiety is the optimal dose. I tried 800 mg the first 3 days and felt that wasn’t enough. So I bumped it to 1600 mg a day and it’s been working amazing ever since. That is 2 pills in the morning and 2 pills in the evening. Now I’m not going to lie to you.SAM-E is harsh on the stomach but after me and my mom prayed to Yah for a solution because O didnt want to go back to taking CBD because it’s not as effective as SAM-E, we were given the solutions of taking it early in the morning (further first dose), I like to take it at 4 am and then go back to sleep b4 I have to get up for work or school. And then when I’m up and moving I will EAT ONE CHOBANI YOGURT. Theflavprs that have been effectived are BLACK CHERRY, KEY LIME, SMORES, & MIXED BERRY. I am confident that any of their flavors will work for people though, it’s because of the probiotics. For the evening dose I just take it b4 dinner and I am good to go. Once I started incorporating the yogurt and taking the first dose early the loose stools and stomach cramps stopped. I was literally pooping 6 to 8 times a day. Based on my personal experience the CHOBANI YOGURT is protective for the stomach. And I’m not sure on why taking it early helps but I highly recommend taking it rhat way instead 30 minutes before you have to leave because you will have to poop on a public bathroom, I’m just being honest like how I want others to be with me. In conclusion if you don’t have bipolar or are taking a current anti depressant give this a shot. But if you do HAVE BIPOLAR STAY AWAY BECAUSE THIS WILL GIVE YOU MANIA, the box states this and research online says this as well. Also if you’re taking an antidepressant it could have a negative reaction with the SAM-E. be safe everyone, I want all of us that suffer from depression/ anxiety to feel better and live happy- healthy lives. I no longer have suicidal thoughts and I’m less anxious and depressed. I truly have seen a change in my life. And I want you to see a change in your life too. ❤
tony –
Been taking this product for years as a natural anti depressant that works for me without side effects.
The quality and price is very good. I will continue taking this company’s product.
Turd –
se necesita mas tiempo a saber si esta funcionando o no
Gary –
These worked well. They worked better for me at a lower dose. Good packaging and good results.
Michael M –
SAMe, S-adenyl L Methionine has been noted by research to improve cartilage formation. As you see from the name, it is essentially an amino acid. I purchased the 200 and 400 mg quantities.
The product is a molecule that is synthesized by some yeasts – bakers’ yeast is most common.
While I cannot personally double-blind test its effectiveness, scientific evaluation has, and has shown it to increase cartilage recovery.
I nearly completely re-tore a long-previously reconstructed knee , and, as my other knee had also been damaged by significant aerial mistakes and landings I sought more than just the usual chondroitin, MSM, etc. Having seen live images of the cartilage damage in my knees, and exploring the research, I strongly feel that SAMe is worth purchase.
This brand is naturally-sourced – a good selling point, and it is reasonably priced on comparison to many others.
SAMe is also sold as neuroactive, due to its part in the synthesis of serotonin, which was a matter of concern. Serotonin is synthesized through the production and synthesis of this molecule, in great part by mutualist symbiotic enteric microorganisms. Again, because this is natural, it is almost certainly a good nutritional supplement, as enteric organisms tend to change quickly in response to different dietary intake.
Thus, it promotes more regular synthesis of one of the most important neurotransmitters.
Due to the highly stressful period in which all of us are immersed, I haven’t looked deeper into that neurological issue, although we DO know a few things about it. Serotonin itself cannot cross into the brain, and that produced in the intestines affects other physiological processes – we need it.
But excess serotonin production in the brain affects males and females differently and the brain’s feedback processes tend to act to restore normality
(it’s possible that some individuals may experience persistent insufficiency OR excess, but those are a small minority. .If you suspect such long-term problem, do consult a medical therapist – Psychologists can refer those with metabolic problems of persistent types to psychiatrists who can test for such problems. But recognize that serotonin understanding is in its infancy, and the past with its SSRIs and other quite invasive drugging, is like using a hammer to fix a computer board or a brain)
That, in short, is why I do NOT recommend that people seek neurotropic drugs – from alcohol to other drugs, we interfere with or destroy natural functioning, which it’s sometimes better to address ONLY through physical, mental, social activities.
SAMe is, though, pretty much methionine, a food, and we may often be deficient in that amino acid – which is why it can improve cartilage formation, as well as other variables like digestion.
So, explore the effects of ANYTHING you ingest, and DO NOT just take things because of inane claims unsupported by rigorous scientific research.
This company was extremely responsive (FAST!) to my Amazon order, and, so, with its component sourcing, seems a great place from which to purchase nutritional products.
While I have experienced reduced pain , I had also been expanding the exercise of joints I injured and reinjured, and so cannot honestly evaluate sensations like pain reduction for others.
I use less aspirin since the combination of SAMe, the natural healing process, and slow increase of exercise of affected joints, and as usual recommend any safe reduction of NSAID use. SAMe does not have the deleterious side effects of NSAIDs.