Salva de Sebo de Carne Bovina – Natural e Feita com Sebo de Carne Bovina de Pasto
A Salva de Sebo de Carne Bovina é uma pomada luxuosa e totalmente natural, elaborada a partir de sebo bovino proveniente de animais alimentados com capim. Este bálsamo multiuso é ideal para quem busca um cuidado eficaz e holístico para a pele. Com propriedades hidratantes, cicatrizantes e anti-inflamatórias, a salve se destaca por sua capacidade de nutrir e reparar a pele, aliviando irritações e promovendo a regeneração celular. Sua formulação rica em sebo de carne bovina de pasto proporciona uma experiência única de cuidado, deixando a pele macia, flexível e revitalizada.
Além de suas propriedades curativas, a Salva de Sebo de Carne Bovina é enriquecida com óleos essenciais e mel cru, que potencializam seus efeitos benéficos. Este produto é especialmente eficaz para tratar áreas secas e rachadas da pele, oferecendo uma hidratação profunda e duradoura. A combinação de sebo bovino e ingredientes naturais garante que a pele receba o tratamento que merece, sem a adição de produtos químicos nocivos.
– Hidratação profunda e nutrição para pele seca e rachada.
– Ingredientes naturais e orgânicos para cuidados com a pele.
– Benefícios anti-envelhecimento e alívio para pele sensível.
– Produto holístico e livre de produtos químicos nocivos.
– Fabricado nos EUA com sebo de búfalo alimentado com capim de alta qualidade.
Aplique uma quantidade adequada do salve de sebo bovino em áreas secas ou rachadas da pele. Massageie suavemente até que o produto seja completamente absorvido. Para melhores resultados, recomenda-se o uso diário. Evite o contato com os olhos e, em caso de irritação, interrompa o uso e consulte um médico.
Skyrim –
Works wonders!
Alyxandra Fields –
I had purchased this product at least 4 times and it had no fragrance and was my favorite product. They have added a fragrance which is so overbearing and now I cannot use this product. Please take the fragrance OUT! There is none listed on the ingredient list so that is also concerning.
Amanda Sisco –
Of the 4 orders I’ve placed for this lotion, only 2 have come perfectly. One of them came leaking tallow out of the container and package, and then it’s replacement arrived with the jar completely shattered.
The tallow itself is so hydrating and smells great, but if the company itself needs to fix it’s packaging.
Alyxandra Fields –
When the product arrived the plastic lid was broken and the product had leaked out into the box it came in- I also noticed that the smell of the product was very strong and personally I did not like the scent.. I did just end up throwing the whole thing away because it was very greasy.
Dobby –
Doesn’t break you out
Amazon Customer –
Washed my face, used my moisturizer toner let it dry & put a small amount of the tallow on my face & minutes later my skin felt so good. So far it’s a great buy & wonderful product & made in the U.S.A.
Nodelicateflower –
More overbuying on my part cuz, well, cuz it’s a stressful time and it’s either buy or eat! so I really have no idea what possessed me to buy this, but I’m glad I did. I use it at night on my face over one of the many serums I have stashed away. I alternate it with other moisturizers because I get worried it might clog my skin. But it hasn’t, and my aging face seems to like this stuff. It does have a slight beefy smell but that doesn’t last very long. Not sure if the bison option or the beef one is better. This was just more of an oddball choice and there we go! Lol.
For reference, I have a birthday coming up that starts with a seven, I ignored my skin for years, and had more than one sunburn. So I am definitely looking for products with great moisturizing properties. It only takes a little and I clean off any excess on my chest. And what do you know the dog loves me! (Lol, I don’t actually have a dog.)
Nicole Bodzewski –
I was looking for tallow with minimal, quality ingredients and this is it. Has a light sweet smell, and I only need a pea size amount for my face. Is a salve rather than whipped, so a bit greasy initially but for me it absorbs quick. Leaves skin soft and supple.