Descrição do Produto: SaltStick FASTCHEWS® Variety 2-Pack – 60 Contadores de Pêssego
O SaltStick FASTCHEWS® é a solução ideal para atletas e pessoas ativas que buscam repor eletrólitos de forma prática e saborosa. Este pacote contém duas garrafas de 60 unidades cada, com sabor irresistível de pêssego, proporcionando uma experiência refrescante e energizante. Formulados com uma combinação balanceada de sódio, potássio, cálcio e magnésio, os FASTCHEWS® ajudam a prevenir cãibras musculares e a manter o desempenho durante atividades físicas intensas. Cada pastilha é fácil de mastigar e se dissolve rapidamente na boca, tornando-se uma opção conveniente para quem está em movimento. Com a garantia de qualidade SaltStick, você pode confiar que está consumindo um produto que atende às necessidades do seu corpo durante treinos e competições.
1. Reposição Eficiente de Eletrólitos: Combate a desidratação e a perda de minerais essenciais durante atividades físicas.
2. Sabor Agradável: O sabor de pêssego torna a experiência de reposição de eletrólitos mais prazerosa.
3. Praticidade: As pastilhas são fáceis de transportar e consumir, ideais para treinos, corridas ou viagens.
4. Prevenção de Cãibras: Ajuda a reduzir o risco de cãibras musculares, melhorando o desempenho atlético.
5. Sem Glúten e Vegano: Adequado para diversas dietas, garantindo que todos possam se beneficiar.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir 1 a 2 pastilhas de SaltStick FASTCHEWS® durante ou após atividades físicas prolongadas, especialmente em condições de calor ou umidade. As pastilhas podem ser mastigadas ou deixadas dissolver na boca, permitindo uma absorção rápida dos eletrólitos. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com água para otimizar a hidratação. Para atletas de resistência, o uso regular durante treinos e competições pode ser fundamental para manter o desempenho e a energia.
Deborah Jones –
I used this for traveling this summer so that I wouldn’t get dehydrated. They worked wonderfully!
Tom and Johanna Young –
These are winners. Two of my kids have medical issues (POTS) and require extra salt. There are many tablets and drinks on the market and we’ve tried so many. The kids like these the best. The flavor is fruity but not with the gross Sweetness. The salt taste is still apparent but not too bad. Overall their favorite and they were glad to find them at a medical conferences we attended. Peach is their top choice.
William M Mardis –
The chews delivered quickly. The flavor is enough to be able to eat without water. Easily dissolves. I sweat alot in hot weather when hiking up and down hill. Taking these about 1 per 1/2 liter of water kept me from feeling fatigue during a long training hike and left me without any trace of cramping which plagues me at my age.
christoaz –
Iv’e been using SaltSticks for a while now, mostly for Mt Biking here in AZ. It can be pretty warm here in the desert (even in the winter) so exercising without replenishing sodium etc. will have an adverse effect on your system and performance. However, It took me several years to realize I needed something like this. A couple years ago I was doing a 23 mt bike race (it was about 75 degrees temp out) and cramped really bad (had never had this happen before) in the last couple miles…I was really pushing my pace and doing pretty good but after the cramps I almost didn’t even finish the race. After that I decided to really research what I needed to avoid that painful scenario happening again. Several resources etc. pointed to this product and I’ve been using them every ride with excellent results! These are also good to take after a night when you may have had one too many drinks. p.s. Don’t wait too long to try these like I did.
I have always liked Salt Stick Caps because you don’t need as many per hour as the other brands. Now this is just as good but I have the feeling it acts faster and the flavors are great! Maybe the containers should be sized better as they rattle in my pack. But the chews are fantastic!
Barbara –
He has reordered these many times. He feels they give the fastest relief for cramps. Also, the small container makes them super convenient on bicycle rides to carry and pop one without having to stop on the bike.
Damon Maxwell –
They need to make an endurance gel, that has the sodium and carbs, aminos, etc. Just added to my post workout recovery routine they work well with the tart cherry juice. just wish they didn’t cost so much.
Susan in California –
I love the watermelon flavor but the peach is VERY tart. They don’t need to be washed down with water but it’s good to keep hydrated. Tablets like these are handier than carrying a drinkable electrolyte product in addition to water. The little plastic tube will be nice for long hikes. On shorter walks I pop a couple in my pockets. No magnet in shipment.