Descrição do Produto: Sal do Himalaia para Inalador Cerâmico ou Refil de Neti Pot – 2 lbs
Descubra o poder do Sal do Himalaia com nosso produto especialmente formulado para inaladores cerâmicos e refis de Neti Pot. Este sal premium, extraído das profundezas das montanhas do Himalaia, é uma solução natural e eficaz para aliviar sintomas de alergias, sinusite, resfriados e gotejamento pós-nasal. Com 2 lbs de sal rosa do Himalaia, você terá um suprimento duradouro para promover a saúde respiratória em sua casa.
- AJUDA: Um auxílio respiratório natural e livre de drogas. O sal do Himalaia atua como um limpador sinusal, reduzindo a dependência de sprays nasais tóxicos e medicamentos caros carregados de produtos químicos.
- SAÚDE: A inalação de ar salgado, conhecida como espeleoterapia ou haloterapia, oferece alívio natural de asma, alergias, infecções sinusais, gripe, dificuldades respiratórias e sintomas de resfriado quando utilizado no inalador.
- USO: Ideal para ser utilizado com o Neti Pot e o sistema completo de limpeza sinusal. Proporcione terapia de ar salgado natural em casa com nosso inalador cerâmico.
- SUBSTÂNCIA ATIVA: Contém sal rosa do Himalaia premium. Sem produtos químicos, agentes antiaglomerantes ou aditivos de fluxo livre. Inclui naturalmente 84 minerais traço que seu corpo necessita. Os cristais de sal rosa do Himalaia são considerados o sal natural mais saudável do mundo.
- REFIL: Reabasteça seu inalador cerâmico com sal do Himalaia fresco sempre que desejar.
1. Alívio Natural: Reduz sintomas de alergias e problemas respiratórios sem o uso de medicamentos químicos.
2. Saúde Respiratória: Melhora a função pulmonar e alivia a congestão nasal, proporcionando uma respiração mais fácil.
3. Rico em Minerais: Contém 84 minerais essenciais que ajudam a equilibrar o corpo e promover a saúde geral.
4. Praticidade: Fácil de usar com inaladores cerâmicos e Neti Pots, permitindo que você faça terapia em casa.
5. Sustentabilidade: Produto natural e livre de aditivos, promovendo um estilo de vida mais saudável e consciente.
Para utilizar o Sal do Himalaia em seu inalador cerâmico ou Neti Pot, comece enchendo o dispositivo com água morna e adicione uma colher de chá do sal. Misture bem até que o sal esteja completamente dissolvido. Para o inalador, respire profundamente o ar salgado, permitindo que ele penetre nas vias respiratórias. Para o Neti Pot, incline a cabeça para o lado e despeje a solução em uma narina, permitindo que ela flua pela outra. Repita conforme necessário, sempre utilizando sal fresco para garantir a eficácia do tratamento.
Amazon Customer –
I purchased product from Lilian Aroma, and didn’t receive as by the date indicated. Lilium Aroma was great at offering a small refund due to the inconvenience but still arrived too late for the purposes intended. I wrote a poor review because the window for return was closed (didn’t understand that, as it wasn’t 30 days. Long story short Lilium Aroma has now refunded total amount
This is great customer service and much appreciated
Thank you Lilium Aroma. I will purchase products from you in the future and tell friends and family of your amazing personal service.
Great transaction from start to finish – delivered quickly intact. The product really helps clear out my sinuses/lungs. It’s easy to use and reasonably priced. The salt does sometimes come out of the bottom so I keep the bottom part in the enclosed bag when I use it.
K. Son –
I would recommend. I brought this for my inhalation therapy for my lungs. I suffer from chronic respiratory infections and I use inhalation therapy to get my lungs strong and help prevent respiratory infections. Himalayan Salts are known to help with lung infections. I found that it is very effective for my inhalation therapy. When I inhale it I can taste the salt in my mouth and my lungs, its very good for inhalation therapy. I am going to try some in my Netti pot for my sinus rinse also to help me with my sinus issues.
R. Taber –
I have been using Himalayan Sea Salt for about 10 years, in cooking, bathing and now in my Inhaler, with wonderful results. I am off of my in haler’s, ( I was on a total of 4) except for one I keep for back up in case of emergencies. I was diagnosed with COPD Aug 2000 and was diagnosed with emphysema 1 May 1983 and I’m still going strong will be 70 in August. I do not use in haler’s that has steroids in them. As of last report from John Hopkins University they reported that steroid compromise your immune system increase your chances for phenomena by 60% to 70%. You might want to check this out.
Jim Bob –
I ordered the lung container with salt and it works great, gives a good taste and the container for the lung inhaler is well made at a good price. Its works great on the lungs and healthier than steroids on the lungs. I did not know that each salt packet last a month when I bought the package which is great. It came with a well made neti pot which has no lid, and I found this hard to get use to for a person use to using one with a lid. So i gave this to my wife who has no experience with neti pots and can follow the instructions easier since she is not fighting past experience and training with a neti pot wit a top. I have no complaint about it but prefer a pot with a top and have one here so im using it. The overall package is worth the money and the lung inhaler is just what I wanted. The salt is fabulous on the lungs.
Diane88 –
Used with Himalayan Inhaler after a severe allergic attack of windblown allergies. Had tried antihistamine ( I am allergic to prescription and over the counter medications), which made things drastically worse. Using the salt with the ceramic inhaler started working almost immediately. This is the best and fastest working item I have tried that has been effective for me. Thank you so much for such a wonderful product. Diane
nancy schultz –
My Salt inhaler is great! It beats having to drive to my local salt spa and sit for an hour. ….although I do like a good salt nap! It’s a very basic design and the pink color looks kinda fleshy. I call it my flesh pipe. I absolutely believe in salt therapy and this product allows me to maintain a treatment any time of day!
Bethany Blake –
I actually didn’t even know I bought these. That’s horrible I know. But I bought a stupid nose inhaler and it came with Himalayan Salt and I thought this was the bag that it came with but actually I added this to the cart to. Anyways, the Inhaler doesn’t work and it is junk and I can’t return it because hygiene. So I am stuck with these. What else can I do with this? Can I crush this and use it as a salt? Because that’s what I am thinking I’ll do. Don’t buy, waste of money this stuff.
Years ago I had asthma. While working with some dry plant material I went into an asthma attack. I limped
through with the only thing I had on hand — hot tea & steam inhalation. But even after wards I was still wheezing some. A local health food store
told me about salt inhalers. I ordered one. I treated myself with the salt inhaler. It really cleared up any wheezing I had. And I liked that
my lungs felt warmed from the inside too. Took away that dampish feeling deep inside my lungs. I’m using it every few days. Maybe it will
prevent another asthma episode. I rarely get them. But now, with this preventative tool — I think things will be better in my bronchia. I won’t
know how the inhaler might work during an acute attack. But, so far i like what it does for my lungs.