Sal de Uvas Picot: Alívio Imediato e Praticidade em Cada Sachê
O Sal de Uvas Picot é uma solução em pó efervescente que se destaca como um antácido eficaz, ideal para aqueles momentos em que a azia e a má digestão se tornam incômodos. Vendido em um kit com 3 caixas, cada uma contendo 12 sachês, este produto é um verdadeiro aliado para quem busca alívio rápido e duradouro dos sintomas digestivos. Sua fórmula efervescente, composta por bicarbonato de sódio e ácido cítrico, atua rapidamente para neutralizar o excesso de ácido no estômago, proporcionando um alívio imediato e eficaz.
Imagine-se em uma refeição deliciosa, mas, após o excesso de comida ou bebida, a sensação de desconforto começa a surgir. É nesse momento que o Sal de Uvas Picot se torna um verdadeiro salva-vidas. Ao dissolver o pó em água, você experimenta uma efervescência que não só alivia a azia, mas também ajusta o pH do estômago, reduzindo a sensação de peso e desconforto. A praticidade dos sachês individuais permite que você leve o Sal de Uvas Picot para qualquer lugar, garantindo que o alívio esteja sempre à mão, seja em casa, no trabalho ou durante uma viagem.
1. Alívio Rápido: Proporciona alívio imediato dos sintomas de azia e desconforto estomacal.
2. Fácil de Usar: Sachês individuais que podem ser transportados facilmente e utilizados em qualquer lugar.
3. Fórmula Eficaz: Ingredientes como bicarbonato de sódio e ácido cítrico que neutralizam o excesso de ácido estomacal.
4. Versatilidade: Alivia uma variedade de sintomas, incluindo refluxo e acidez.
5. Confiança e Qualidade: Produto confiável, fabricado com ingredientes selecionados, recomendado pela Vitaminer Shop.
Para utilizar o Sal de Uvas Picot, dissolva o conteúdo de um sachê em um copo de água. Mexa bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. É importante consumir a solução imediatamente após a dissolução para garantir o alívio rápido dos sintomas de azia, acidez e desconforto estomacal. Recomenda-se não exceder a dose recomendada e, caso os sintomas persistam, consultar um médico.
Reinier –
Delivered fast.
Plyto –
I have grown up using Picot as a remedy for tummy aches or when you really need to burp. It tastes like sprite with a pinch of salt, very fizzy but once it’s down you will feel great! Be sure to read the directions and ingredients before use to make sure this is the best remedy for you!
Victoria M –
Now days, when you go to buy Alka-Seltzer almost every kind you can find contains extra ingredients for painkilling and or aches and pains, sinuses, etc. it’s almost impossible to buy the simple Alka-Seltzer that we used to get along time ago just for heartburn or stomach upset.
When I discovered these Picot envelopes, I found them to be a pretty good substitute. They contain the exact same ingredients that the original Alka-Seltzer did, though at a slightly different ratio to each other. I find that I need to use two of the envelopes of the powder in about 5–6 ounces of cold water to get the relief and the “burp” that releases uncomfortable stomach gas.
So…I received these on 7.3.24′. I am an avid user of Alka Seltzer due to stomach ulcers, but, for some reason couldn’t get any via my health insurance plan this month, so I found these while searching.
Curiosity caused me to anxiously try them, so that night, my stomach was not too bad, I tried a packet.
I burped…slightly. Nothing to write home to mom about, but it did, just a bit, help my tummy…keeping in mind I was not in too bad a shape. It was more curiosity.
2 days later, I over ate leaving me feeling quite uncomfortable, so I opened another one of these bad boys. Can I say, I didn’t burp at all. Not even the slightest of burps. If I’m being honest, somehow my tummy felt a little bit better. Maybe it was psychological, I don’t know, but I did feel less full.
I read reviews where people were burping up a storm. Not me.
Will, I purchase these again? Yes. But will use them as a back-up plan. I will, however, continue to purchase my usual Alka Seltzer.
Amazon Customer –
Best acid/up set stomach remedy on market, keep in your jacket/car/truck/ office /home / survival /first aid kit
Marisol F –
I love this product it works like in 15 minutes. I always buy it.
This is the best ever-I’m hooked. My mom always says she feels like indigestion issues or mild stomach aches and she has one of these to make her burp and make her stomach feel better. I tried one the other day after I overate and was just so full just out of curiosity and I put the entire packet in half of a 16oz bottle of ice cold water. AMAZING. Extra bubbly. Tastes great! Burps will automatically come within the next few minutes if not immediately. Now it’s become part of my nightly routine simply because I like how it tastes and makes me feel after. Not bloated or overly full or with an upset stomach. It’s amazing. Recently though my mom couldn’t find these in the store she normally purchases these from and so she bought an alka seltzer pack instead. It was def disappointing and nothing like sal de uvas! I used the same amount of water and put both tabs into the bottle and there were very little bubbles if any-(I didn’t feel or see any myself) and I drank the entire thing and not one burp lol. I’m sure they are made for different things but for me sal de uvas is amazing! I highly recommend it!!!
Maxine F –
Helps with my problem. Glad I tried it.