Descrição do Produto: Sakara Beauty Water Detox Water Drops
Descubra a revolução na hidratação e nutrição com as Sakara Beauty Water Detox Water Drops. Este produto inovador, que oferece 60 porções, é a solução perfeita para quem busca repor os minerais essenciais que faltam na água da torneira e nas garrafas de H2O. Com uma combinação poderosa de minerais traço iônicos naturalmente presentes, essas gotas não apenas hidratam profundamente suas células, mas também promovem a produção de colágeno, resultando em uma pele radiante e saudável.
As Detox Water Drops são enriquecidas com uma mistura antioxidante de clorofila, extraída das folhas de amoreira branca, garantindo benefícios máximos para o seu corpo. Ao incorporar essas gotas em sua rotina, você aumenta a ingestão diária de vegetais essenciais, promovendo um estilo de vida mais equilibrado e nutritivo. As Beauty Water Drops, por sua vez, possuem um sabor sutil que se mistura perfeitamente a qualquer bebida, tornando a experiência de hidratação ainda mais agradável.
Para utilizar, basta misturar um conta-gotas cheio das Beauty Water Drops e Detox Water Drops em 480 ml de água. Você pode adicionar até três conta-gotas, ajustando ao seu gosto pessoal. Essa flexibilidade permite que você personalize sua bebida, tornando-a não apenas saudável, mas também deliciosa.
Na Sakara, nossa missão é redefinir a nutrição de qualidade e compartilhar o poder das plantas. Oferecemos alimentos funcionais respaldados pela ciência e guiados pelo espírito, para que você possa viver sua melhor versão.
– Reposição de minerais essenciais que faltam na água comum.
– Aumento da ingestão de vegetais essenciais, promovendo uma dieta equilibrada.
– Hidratação profunda das células, contribuindo para uma pele mais saudável e radiante.
– Sabor sutil que se adapta a qualquer bebida, facilitando a inclusão na rotina diária.
– Fórmula antioxidante que ajuda a combater os radicais livres e promove a saúde geral.
Para obter os melhores resultados, adicione 1 conta-gotas cheio das Sakara Beauty Water Detox Water Drops em 480 ml de água. Você pode ajustar a quantidade de gotas de acordo com seu paladar, podendo utilizar até três conta-gotas. Misture bem e consuma ao longo do dia para maximizar a hidratação e os benefícios nutricionais. Ideal para ser incorporado em sua rotina matinal ou como um refresco durante o dia.
Tijuana P. –
It’s a good quality green drop for the money; very dark and easy to dispense in a cup of water. Taste gentle with no aftertaste or bitterness.
jcoolio –
With the beauty water drops, I did not detect any flavor, nor did I experience any noticeable effects from adding them to my water on a regular basis. The lack of flavor is a definite plus, but given the cost of this product, one would hope to notice some kind of positive impact, even a small one. I did not.
With the chlorophyll drops, if added to a large amount of cold water, there was little to no taste. For me, that was approx. 1/2 dropper per 16oz. of water (less then the recommended amount.) A higher ratio of drops:water resulted in an unpleasant seaweed taste, but YMMV. Additionally, once the water began to warm, the taste emerged. Even with just 1/2 dropper full, once the water reached room temp, the seaweed taste was back, and fairly strong. I found it rather off-putting. Taste aside, I did not notice any negative effects from these drops. I also didn’t notice any positive effects.
I used both of these drops for @ month and will not repurchase. These just aren’t for me. That said, I think they are a quality product, the seem to be well made, and are from a trustworthy brand. So, if you are looking for this type of product, or are want to try it, I don’t think you can go wrong with these.
Final thoughts: The packaging was well done, but, the nutritional information label text was incredibly tiny and difficulty to read, both on the box and the bottles. I did not have any issues with the glass droppers breaking, but do be aware the chlorophyll drips as you are taking the dropper in and out of the vial.
Heidi E. Holzkamper –
If you need more than water, this is rhe perfect solution. No real taste, it’s a daily must for me!
Arie –
Ok so I like the aesthetic of this as well as that there’s no minty taste into the chlorophyll because I hate it. I am very picky so I worry about the taste, and these drops are perfect for me. The only thing i dislike is the consistency of the chlorophyll which is maybe that’s how it’s, so I only use three drops per cup and it works great!
Lynnaya –
Personally did not like. Did not repurchase.
Marissa Pina –
I chose this brand because of the clean ingredients. To me, the drops don’t have any taste. Im really sensitive to artificial tastes, especially sweeteners, so I was hesitant when I saw the reviews about the drops tasting bad. Only some people’s tastebuds are sensitive to the taste of chlorophyll, and luckily im not one of those people.
CH –
I love these drops, actually I’m addicted to them. Makes my water taste so good. I easily drink 2 liters of water a day now since using them. I don’t know if it’s the minerals or just drinking a lot of water, but my skin is clearer and my skin issues (eczema & keratosis pilaris) are better. I’ve also lost weight since now I drink water all day instead of other drinks. I’m on like my tenth bottle. They seem pricey but because you’re only using a dropper full, it lasts awhile. I’ve been a Sakara fan for years now, so happy I can order on Amazon now instead of their website. The detox tea is my other daily love.
Erin –
I love these drops and I truly feel a difference when using them! The mineral drops don’t have a great taste on their own in water, but are hidden well in any other drink without changing the taste. The detox drops taste very earthy/grassy. I don’t mind it, but it may not be for everyone. Beware, they do stain! I love them and will continue to order. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but my postpartum hairloss slowed down significantly when I started using the mineral drops!