As bolsas de congelamento Amazon Basics, anteriormente conhecidas como Solimo, são a solução ideal para quem busca praticidade e eficiência na conservação de alimentos. Com um total de 90 bolsas, cada uma com capacidade para 1 galão, você terá à disposição um recurso versátil para armazenar uma variedade de itens, desde carnes e vegetais até sopas e molhos. O design inovador com base Stand and Fill permite que você encha as bolsas com facilidade, evitando derramamentos e garantindo que cada porção fique bem armazenada.
Cada bolsa possui um fechamento duplo com zíper, que proporciona uma vedação segura, mantendo os alimentos frescos por mais tempo e evitando queimaduras de congelamento. Com dimensões individuais de 10 9/16 polegadas de comprimento, 3 polegadas de largura e 9 1/4 polegadas de altura, essas bolsas são ideais para organizar seu freezer de maneira eficiente. Além disso, são livres de BPA, garantindo que você armazene seus alimentos de forma segura e saudável. Se você já é fã das bolsas de congelamento Ziploc, as bolsas Amazon Basics são uma excelente alternativa que vale a pena experimentar.
Para sua conveniência, se você estiver ficando sem bolsas, pode facilmente reordenar usando seu dispositivo Echo ou o aplicativo da Amazon. Basta dizer: “Alexa, reordene as bolsas de congelamento Amazon Basics de 1 galão.”
– Capacidade Generosa: Cada bolsa comporta até 1 galão, ideal para porções grandes e armazenamento eficiente.
– Fechamento Seguro: O zíper duplo garante que os alimentos fiquem bem vedados, evitando vazamentos e mantendo a frescura.
– Praticidade no Uso: O design Stand and Fill facilita o enchimento das bolsas, tornando o processo mais rápido e menos bagunçado.
– Segurança Alimentar: Com material livre de BPA, você pode armazenar seus alimentos sem preocupações com substâncias nocivas.
– Facilidade de Reposição: A opção de reordenação por voz através da Alexa torna o reabastecimento simples e rápido.
Para utilizar as bolsas de congelamento Amazon Basics, comece garantindo que suas mãos estejam limpas e secas. Abra a bolsa e posicione-a em uma superfície plana, utilizando a base Stand and Fill para mantê-la em pé. Adicione os alimentos desejados, evitando sobrecarregar a bolsa para garantir um fechamento adequado. Após o preenchimento, retire o excesso de ar antes de fechar a bolsa, utilizando o zíper duplo para garantir uma vedação hermética. Armazene as bolsas no freezer, organizando-as de forma que você possa acessar facilmente os itens quando necessário. Para descongelar, basta transferir a bolsa para a geladeira ou usar o micro-ondas, conforme a necessidade.
Jackie –
These are definitely a must in my freezer. I have a histamine intolerance to food so I have to freeze a majority of my food. I can’t have any left overs sit in the fridge too long. So I’m always batch cooking and keeping things in bags. Or storing things like left over coconut milk. The smaller bags are great for things like coconut milk so I’m not wasting a big gallon bag. and the big gallon bags are good for freeze batch cooking of boiled chicken and such. I used to think the slider bags would be easier on my hands since I’m getting older and arthritis is setting in. But most of those slider top bags just fall apart and don’t lock right. I find these are actually better for my hands and stay sealed much better and open much easier.
Selina –
I usually buy Hefty or Glad Freezer Bags because of the quality, but when I saw that I was able to get such a large quantity for a good price, I decided to go for it. These freezer bags are the same quality as the top brands! They do not leak and they stay sealed. I highly recommend these freezer bags!
Carrie –
I usually purchase name brand freezer bags. When I need bags for food storage I don’t mind using generic or store brand bags. With freezer bags however the quality of the bags is more important. Unfortunately not all baggies are of equal quality.
I’ve found that often times the cheaper bags leak. Many are harder to reseal once they’ve been opened and I’ve had bones push holes through the bags because they were too thin.
After moving things around and taking things out I’ve unknowingly caused the lesser quality bags to be punctured. I recently had to throw out a package of chicken drum sticks that were freezer burnt. The bones had punctured the thin bag they were in. By moving things around in my freezer and not being careful enough, the bone had poked all the way through the thin bag without my noticing the puncture hole. That caused the chicken to be ruined. It had freezer burn and I had to throw a large pack of chicken in the garbage.
In the long run, it is much better to just get the higher quality bags and not have to worry.
My experience with the Amazon brand freezer bags is that they are every bit as high in quality as the big name brands. There able to hold up to whatever I’ve thrown their way. So far they haven’t leaked, they have been easy to reseal and they are heavy duty enough that I can wash them and reuse them which saves me money in the long run and it makes less waste. I have ordered the Amazon brand freezer bags before and the quality has been consistent. Foolishly however, I continued to purchase them from the grocery store on a regular basis. From now on I’m going to stick with the Amazon freezer bags.
I appreciate the convenience of being able to order them online and get free shipping with Amazon prime. I’m on an extremely limited budget and I have mobility issues. I have to use a walker to get around. I can’t keep my balance without it. Even if I went to the store to shop in person I would have had issues due to not being able to carry things and hold on to the walker or shopping cart. There are other difficulties I face with shopping as well. The convenience of being able to order them online and get free shipping with Amazon prime is something I appreciate. I’m on an extremely limited budget and I have mobility issues., I usually order my groceries directly from the grocery store and have them delivered or use a delivery service. Those fees really add up. Recently I placed a large grocery store order because I try to get as much as I can at one time. Less deliveries mean less in fee’s.
Recently, I forgot to order the Ziploc bags and I was completely out of them. I try to get as many groceries as I possibly can at one time because less deliveries means less in fees. If I had went back to the grocery store app and ordered just freezer bags or used a delivery service app and ordered just freezer bags the cost as far as fees go would’ve been higher than if I had ordered them with my bigger order. Most places have a minimum that you have to order to get free delivery. This is true even when you pay a monthly fee to be able to use these delivery services. If I had ordered just the freezer bags instead of coming to Amazon to get them, I would’ve ended up paying all maze twice as much. When I take all those things into consideration, it just doesn’t make sense for me to get them anywhere else and from now on, I don’t think I will
I appreciate the quality of the Amazon bags and the fact that I can get a higher quantity at a lower price than I can elsewhere and they arrive in a day or two so I don’t have to wait long to get them. With the ability to get free shipping as a prime member, this is quite a savings over ordering from anywhere else in my experience.
ndez –
I got my first box of these in 2022. I wasn’t sure about the gusseted, stand-up bottom, but came to appreciate it. Regular flat style bags worked better for half my uses, and this standup bottom style for the rest. Great price, decent quality… and the zip closure worked perfectly.
That was back in 2022. BUT for the entire the box I got in Feb 2024, the zip closures SUCK! The QC guy must have fallen asleep on the job. The short side is one rib “too low” for correct easy alignment that you’d expect. Yes, you can manually adjust it to get it to close, but the reason it’s too low is because L & R edges were welded in the wrong place… registration is off by one rib. Hence, you can NEVER get a perfect, air-tight seal. Both edges will always leak, even if the rest of the closure is sealed tight. I checked and found EVERY one of the bags in the box have the same exact defect — hard to close and leak at each edge when closed.
If I’d checked sooner, I would have returned the entire box. These are “okay” for general organization use where an airtight seal is not important and if I don’t mind manually aligning the two sides of the seal to get it to close. But I bought another brand for when I need “airtight” non-leak use.
Joe –
Great freezer bags, cheap enough to use for camping and school lunches for the kids.
Double zippers, one insure and another above it to create a great seal. Thick enough that if you such the damaging oxygen out, you won’t get freezer burn. Freezer burn is caused by oxygenation. Thin bags allow oxygen permeation, so even if the air is sucked out, you’ll still get it. These are as thick as name brands, so i get no freezer burn.
Quality, double sealing, inexpensive, come in bulk up to 120 bags. Can’t go wrong.
Tonya G. –
I absolutely love these bags easy to use for anything affordable keeps your food fresh and safe nice size I wish I could have gotten a extra box I use these often reusable of course save you money love the design of the bag
Jason W. Bishop –
I recently purchased the Amazon Basics Freezer Gallon Bags, and I couldn’t be happier with my decision! These bags are a game-changer for anyone who loves to keep their food organized and fresh.
The stand & fill base design is brilliant—no more struggling to hold the bag open while trying to pour in liquids or add bulky items. They stay upright, making filling a breeze. I’ve used them for everything from marinating meats to freezing leftovers, and they keep everything sealed tightly without leaks.
The quality is excellent; the bags are thick and durable, ensuring that nothing has ever burst or torn, even when packed to the brim. Plus, the 90-count pack is a fantastic value.
Whether you’re meal prepping, storing snacks, or keeping things tidy in the freezer, these bags are a must-have. I highly recommend them to anyone looking for reliable and easy-to-use freezer bags! Five stars all the way!