O Sabonete Marroquino Preto (Beldi Olive Soap) Original e sem fragrância da Zakia’s Morocco é um esfoliante corporal 100% natural e puro, que traz a tradição marroquina para o seu banho diário. Com uma composição rica em azeite de oliva, este sabonete é conhecido por suas propriedades hidratantes e esfoliantes, proporcionando uma experiência única de cuidado com a pele. A ausência de fragrância torna-o ideal para aqueles que preferem produtos neutros, sem adição de perfumes artificiais.
A textura luxuosamente macia do Moroccan Black Soap transforma o ato de se lavar em um ritual de beleza, deixando a pele sedosa e suave ao toque. Sua fórmula é completamente livre de agentes químicos, como parabenos, triclosan, e corantes sintéticos, garantindo um produto que respeita a saúde da sua pele. A aplicação é simples e prática, com uma abertura larga que facilita o uso. Este sabonete não só limpa, mas também atua como um excelente creme de barbear, oferecendo uma alternativa natural e eficaz para o cuidado masculino.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Hidratação intensa: O Moroccan Black Soap é formulado com oliva, proporcionando uma hidratação profunda para a pele.
- 2. Pele sedosa e suave: Sua textura luxuosamente macia deixa a pele sedosa e suave ao toque.
- 3. Livre de produtos químicos: Esqueça os agentes químicos prejudiciais. O Moroccan Black Soap é 100% puro e natural.
- 4. Versatilidade: Além de ser um sabonete, ele também pode ser usado como creme de barbear, tornando-o um produto multifuncional.
- 5. Experiência de banho incrível: Use diariamente e desfrute de uma experiência de banho maravilhosa, deixando sua pele limpa e revitalizada.
- 1. Remoção suave das células mortas da pele, promovendo uma renovação celular eficaz.
- 2. Hidratação profunda que combate o ressecamento, ideal para todos os tipos de pele.
- 3. Melhora da textura da pele, deixando-a mais uniforme e saudável.
- 4. Produto versátil que pode ser utilizado tanto no banho quanto como creme de barbear.
- 5. Composição 100% natural, livre de químicos nocivos, ideal para quem busca um estilo de vida mais saudável.
Para utilizar o Moroccan Black Soap, aplique uma quantidade adequada na pele úmida e massageie suavemente, permitindo que o produto penetre nas camadas da pele. Deixe agir por alguns minutos para potencializar os efeitos esfoliantes e hidratantes. Em seguida, enxágue bem com água morna. Para melhores resultados, recomenda-se o uso diário, integrando este sabonete à sua rotina de cuidados pessoais e desfrutando de uma pele renovada e revitalizada a cada banho.
Devin T. –
This was my first time trying this kind of soap. I visited a Hammam and was inspired to purchase some products to use at home. I am surprised how little of the soap I needed – it goes a long way, more than a regular bar of soap. So the jar will probably last a few months which is great. It has an interesting texture- kind of creamy and solid at the same time. I have dry skin and I find this is very moisturizing, much better than the moisturizing effect I get from using lotion. This soap doesn’t leave any kind of greasy residue, which is a bonus. I especially like that the ingredients are natural and not a long list of unpronounceable chemicals.
I use it together with Kessa Hammam Exfoliating Glove, which works well and has a good texture.
The soap does not smell very strongly like orange blossom, which is something I would like more of. I will purchase this brand again but will choose a different scent. Overall I’m happy with the product, I’d recommend trying it out if you haven’t.choose a different scent. Overall I’m happy with the product, I’d recommend trying it out if you haven’t.
cesqua –
I first discovered black soap at hamam in Morocco. I have been trying to recreate that unbelievably soft skin result ever since. I live in an arid climate and it’s a thing. If you live in an arid climate as well, GET THIS!!!!! I have a shower and do all my washing, turn off the water and get out to lounge on a bath towel I’ve lain out. Spread Zakia’s all over. Give it a beat and work the skin with an exfoliating thing. Be sure to give it time because it’s enzymatic. Let the product do it’s work! Let it sit another few minutes (set a timer! I have perfected the art of relaxation. Most folks have not.) get back in the shower and rinse well. This is a BEAUTY product. Give yourself time to fully pamper if you want the FULL benefit of this product. If you do, you will LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Zakia’s black soap! The amber and the plain scents remind me of watching goats in Argan trees and then women hand grinding these nuts till it becomes this. My skin feels amazing and the only drawback is that my friends can’t stop touching me!!
Amazon Customer –
It is true that you only use a pinch at a time. You do not want to scoop this. I do a pinch, smear it on the exfoliator glove, and lightly scrub back and forth (do not do a circular motion-too harsh on skin). It absolutely exfoliates the dead skin cells. I was absolutely surprised! I gave one to my daughter and, she too, was shocked at the skin that was exfoliated. If you have not exfoliated before, you are in for a shock! This and the glove absolutely do what it says.
Reader –
It takes some getting used to – it’s texture is like taffy, LOL – so dig a piece out & slather it like peanut butter on your loofah and work it over your skin. I bought the original – smell is not bad at all & doesn’t stay on the skin afterwards so it won’t clash with any lotions or perfumes you use. Takes a bit of work to get it to lather up/work into your loofah but it works awesome with the exfoliating glove.
Karmen Gavran –
Amazing soap! I am allergic to many fragrances and this one is very natural. Smells like olive purée. Even as you rinse it off in a shower your skin is almost water repellent. Bought an exfoliating glove with it. Love it! No reactions of any kind. One day I have used my regular body wash and regretted it. My skin was itchy instantly. Will buy again this wonderful soap. Thank you!
O –
I used Zakia’s black soap several times before writing this review, this product is really, really good it’s authentic and you see results instantly it leaves your skin so so so clean, soft, moisturized and healthy fresh looking I’m in LOVE with it.
Since 2 years and I’m suffering from a combination of dry/dead skin on different parts on my face and I don’t know why I must have used a wrong cream or something, however, anything I tried just didn’t help, I tried different kind of pealing methods didn’t work I tried a high percentage of glycolic acid it works for a few days and then the condition is back again .. so yesterday while I was in the shower I was so so happy looking at all my ingrown hair coming out with Zakia’s soap and I don’t know what made me just take some and put it on my face haha .. not thinking it might do anything with my condition I just was so happy I wanted to try it everywhere .. and guess what .. my face is back! all dead skin was removed I have like beautiful new glowing skin I can’t express how happy I am, I keep running to the mirror to look at my face I can’t believe it helped me with my condition I almost lost hope.
The jar has good quantity really good and the directions say a little goes a long way which is true .. and the lather and smell is WOW! Don’t forget to get the Loofah it works well with the Loofah takes all dead skin and dirt out, I got “The original Kessa Hammam Loofah” 1 piece for 10$ and then realized they actually sell several pieces with the same amount !! So don’t make this mistake and buy the single one look for several Loofahs for the same amount make sure it’s the one called “Kessa”. Rub all your body with the loofah, your under arms, feet etc .. and get someone to do your back.
No soap on earth beats or can clean you like the Moroccan soap .. and my favorite is Zakia’s this is going to be my soap it helped me with my face when no Rx product could, I only continue using high quality products and this one joined my collection.
So this time I ordered the original .. when it’s about to finish I’ll order the lavender one! .. can’t wait !
Update: I’ve used half this big jar of Zakia’s Moroccan black soap and stil very, very happy!
Let me know if my review is helpful by clicking helpful. Thank you for reading!
Amazon Customer –
Excellent product
Exceeds expectations
Will buy again