Nubian Heritage African Black Soap
O Nubian Heritage African Black Soap é um sabonete de 5 onças (embalagem com 4 unidades) que possui características e benefícios únicos. Feito com ingredientes naturais, como carvão ativado, manteiga de karité e óleo de semente de palma, este sabonete é conhecido por suas propriedades de limpeza profunda e hidratação intensa. Ele ajuda a remover impurezas, equilibrar a oleosidade da pele e promover uma aparência saudável e radiante. Além disso, o sabonete é livre de produtos químicos agressivos, sendo adequado para todos os tipos de pele.
Originário dos Estados Unidos, este sabonete é feito com ingredientes naturais cuidadosamente selecionados para proporcionar benefícios incríveis para a pele. Sua fórmula exclusiva contém ingredientes como carvão ativado, manteiga de karité, óleo de coco e óleo de palma, que ajudam a limpar profundamente os poros, remover impurezas e hidratar a pele.
Comprar o Nubian Heritage African Black Soap é uma excelente escolha por diversos motivos. Aqui estão 5 motivos recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para adquirir este produto:
1. Limpeza Profunda
Este sabonete é especialmente formulado para proporcionar uma limpeza profunda da pele. O carvão ativado presente na fórmula ajuda a remover as impurezas e toxinas, deixando a pele limpa e revitalizada.
2. Hidratação Intensa
A manteiga de karité e o óleo de coco presentes neste sabonete são conhecidos por suas propriedades hidratantes. Eles ajudam a nutrir a pele, deixando-a macia, suave e hidratada durante todo o dia.
3. Ingredientes Naturais
O Nubian Heritage African Black Soap é feito com ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade. Livre de produtos químicos agressivos, este sabonete é seguro para todos os tipos de pele e não causa irritações.
4. Fragrância Exótica
Além dos benefícios para a pele, este sabonete possui uma fragrância exótica e envolvente. Sua aroma única proporciona uma experiência sensorial agradável durante o banho.
5. Resultados Visíveis
Com o uso regular deste sabonete, você poderá notar uma melhora significativa na aparência da sua pele. Ela ficará mais limpa, suave e radiante, proporcionando uma sensação de bem-estar e confiança.
- Limpeza eficaz de impurezas e toxinas da pele.
- Hidratação profunda que combate o ressecamento.
- Fórmula livre de produtos químicos agressivos, ideal para peles sensíveis.
- Fragrância agradável que transforma o banho em um momento relaxante.
- Resultados visíveis que melhoram a saúde e a aparência da pele.
Para obter os melhores resultados, utilize o Nubian Heritage African Black Soap diariamente durante o banho. Aplique o sabonete na pele úmida, massageando suavemente até formar espuma. Em seguida, enxágue abundantemente com água morna. Evite o contato com os olhos. Para prolongar a vida útil do produto, mantenha-o em local seco e fresco após o uso.
Frank A. Swint Jr –
It’s rare for me to write a product review, but for Nubian Heritage, I will.
I’ve been using Nubian Heritage soaps for almost 15 years off and on. Compared to mass-produced soaps like Ivory, Dial, Coast, etc., I find that these soaps (the various Nubian Heritage soaps) provide a deeper cleansing. I feel more refreshed. It does not dry out the skin, and it certainly does not leave a soapy residue like all these body-wash gels that are glutting the market (I’ve tried those too). So after comparing with other soaps, I always come back to these products. They may be a bit more expensive then the mass-produced soaps, but it is worth it.
I’m glad Amazon sells Nubian Heritage products. Personally, as a Harlem, New York City native I was introduced to these soaps back in the mid-90’s when Nubian Heritage was starting up and selling via street vendors in Harlem and other Black neighborhoods throughout NYC; before Amazon (and most of the internet-as-we-know-it) even existed. In Black communities in NYC (and I’m assuming throughout the country-hopefully), these soaps are still often found either being sold in beauty supply stores, or by stand-alone street/mall vendors.
For a short time I when I was living in North Carolina, I was wondering if I could find Nubian Heritage anywhere else (before Amazon came around), and just used regular soaps. I say this so that anyone who is interested African Black Soap and cannot find a local store/vendor who sells it, or any other soaps Nubian Heritage offers knows where they can easily get them.
Also (I should’ve added this earlier), you can use this soap knowing that all the ingredients are natural. No undue chemicals, unnecessary perfumes, colognes, etc. added. The scent is soothing, without it smelling like your showering in aftershave.
I recommend this to anyone regardless of color, creed, race, persuasion, etc., etc., who just wants a great quality NATURAL bar soap.
Mackenzie Higgins –
Kay, so I had a problem with occasional pimples and things sprouting at the top of my back between my shoulder blades, sometimes up towards my neck. It wasn’t too back. But it was enough to make me uncomfortable with it. I also run into this problem on my chest, though more rarely (it’s more embarrassing than the back thing). And I went through TONS of reviews for soaps (not sure I remember why; I think I had seen something about African Black soap). Anyway, I had recently taken a course in Sustainability Problems (something I may regret until the end of time), which scared my sh*tless for a while about chemical-ridden, non-organic, non-natural products. So, I looked into this soap, especially since I was recently pleased with this brand’s lotion, and I was pleasantly surprised that this soap is VERY good at cleaning my skin without leaving it dry and disgusting. Also, it doesn’t taste that bad–if you have some on your hands in the shower and accidentally wipe your face near your mouth or whatever, it honestly tastes a bit sweet, but I don’t think you’ll find it necessary to gag or spit or anything. Please don’t think I mean for you to eat this product.
Anyway, using this soap, I have had almost no acne issues on my back/shoulders or my chest. Again, my acne was not SEVERE, so I do not know how well it will do for those of you who DO suffer from severe acne. But I have fine skin, so any and ALL of my blemishes leave scars and were exceedingly embarrassing. I am relieved that this product has cleaned my skin thoroughly enough to virtually eliminate the problem. Plus, I clean my face with it, too, since it’s gentle enough.
I don’t have too much redness from previous blemishes left on my skin anymore; however, I can’t prove that was necessarily the soap or something else. I just thought I’d mention it because I’m happy about that, too. I HIGHLY recommend this product.
shilise –
Keeps you feeling soft and smelling good
Kindle Customer –
Wonderful Soap! Great feel, great cent! Recommend to all.
Kerie –
I am a black woman with a chocolate complexion. I have oily, slightly sensitive skin. I’ve been plagued by acne ever since I was a teen and I’m now in my 30’s. Throughout this time, I’ve tried over the counter remedies, proactive, and various other prescription topical creams from the dermotologist (which would only work for a certain length of time). What I’ve come to realize as an adult woman, is that these chemical “alternatives” do not agree with me. Herbs, natural oils, and so forth are grouped under the banner of “alternative remedies” but I think this is actually a very backward thinking. After deciding to stop the assault of chemicals on my body and researching and experimenting with various natural remedies, I now see that they are very powerful, effective, and work in harmony with my body chemistry. This item (African Black Soap) from Nubian Heritage combines the clarifying astringent properties of palm ash with the moisturizing, calming, and soothing properties of shea butter and oats. I love it! I still need to moisturize my skin after using it but I expected that. Over time, I’ve noticed my complexion become more even toned and clear. The smell is delightful and not overpowering at all. I know this may sound a bit loopy but when I use it, I feel connected to ancestors before me. I feel like I’m using something that’s not only beautifying my skin but making my skin healthier from the inside out. I would just ask the company to keep the product the way it is and not betray the integrity of the product. If so, I will remain a loyal and recurrent customer.