O Sabonete Negro Africano Cru da Nossos Segredos da Terra, 454g, é um produto que possui como principais características e benefícios a sua origem natural e a capacidade de limpar profundamente a pele, removendo impurezas e promovendo uma aparência saudável. Este é o nosso sabonete preto africano cru, 100% natural e premium. Com origem em Gana, este sabonete é feito com ingredientes de alta qualidade, como óleo de palma, óleo de coco, cinza de vagem de cacau, manteiga de karité não refinada, vitamina E natural, sódio natural e água. Cada embalagem contém 1 libra (454 gramas) deste sabonete africano preto cru e premium.
O sabonete preto africano é conhecido por suas propriedades benéficas para a pele. Ele é rico em nutrientes e antioxidantes naturais que ajudam a limpar, hidratar e nutrir a pele. Além disso, este sabonete é suave e não contém produtos químicos agressivos, tornando-o adequado para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo peles sensíveis. Com o uso regular deste sabonete, você pode esperar uma pele mais macia, hidratada e radiante. Ele ajuda a reduzir a aparência de manchas escuras, acne, eczema e outras condições de pele. Além disso, o sabonete preto africano também pode ser usado no cabelo para promover um couro cabeludo saudável e cabelos brilhantes.
Experimente o nosso sabonete preto africano cru e descubra os benefícios para a sua pele. Este produto é perfeito para quem busca uma opção natural e eficaz para cuidar da pele e do cabelo.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. 100% natural e premium
- 2. Feito com ingredientes de alta qualidade
- 3. Propriedades benéficas para a pele
- 4. Adequado para todos os tipos de pele
- 5. Pode ser usado no cabelo para promover um couro cabeludo saudável e cabelos brilhantes
- Limpeza profunda da pele, removendo impurezas e toxinas.
- Hidratação intensa, proporcionando maciez e suavidade.
- Redução de manchas escuras e acne, promovendo uma pele uniforme.
- Propriedades anti-inflamatórias que ajudam a acalmar a pele irritada.
- Versatilidade de uso, podendo ser aplicado tanto na pele quanto no cabelo.
Para usar o sabonete preto africano, molhe o rosto ou o corpo com água morna. Em seguida, aplique o sabonete na pele, massageando suavemente em movimentos circulares. Deixe agir por alguns minutos para que os ingredientes ativos penetrem na pele e enxágue bem. Para melhores resultados, utilize diariamente, tanto no rosto quanto no corpo, e aproveite os benefícios de uma pele limpa e saudável.
KeyAmirra –
Cleaned my skin well. No breaks out to it, natural ingredients and it lasted long. Easy to use and made a nice lather but the soap left by skin feeling dry.
Sharrie K. –
The best African black soap ! Authentic , rich later and perfect for skincare. We use this to create our Black mint face wash !
Kimii –
Happy ❤️
Sharrie K. –
It has a really wonderful smell to me, I also felt like it really dried out my face and hair a lot when I washed with it, so I’d recommend you moisturize right after. Regardless, it is a really good cleanser.
The size is also quite large, lasts for months. I would repurchase.
Soli –
Reading these reviews Where people are stating that there are human hair in the soap… Do you even do research on a product before you purchase it? The ingredients in the soap are RAW !! Plantain bark and Cocoa pod husks have hair like strands. It also clearly states DO NOT RUB on face . Why? Because there are RAW rough bits and pieces . For those who are saying it’s scratched their face or there’s a “rock” in the bar, etc
Use Commen sense . Lather it , use every other day if you’re new to this type of soap, listen to your skin , it takes time to get used to a product until you have a routine down that only your skin is used to. Everyone’s skin is different . Diet , hydration, hereditary conditions , lifestyle, etc all play a role
Before any product completely starts working , you need to be consistent. Also, your skin will purge in the beginning because
1. New product to your regime
2. This is a completely natural soap without chemicals
3. It’s an exfoliating product assisting in bringing forth all the embedded guck on your face and bringing dead skin to the surface
4. Antibacterial
Raw African soap is an excellent product , totally underated . That’s why there are a lot of companies pushing their own genetic brands , which will neverCompare because the ingredients are NOT authentic . This products is .
Give it time and create your own routine instead of reading tons of reviews from people looking for a magic bar with progress after one wash and using it incorrectly , then hopping on here with negative reviews.
This works for me . After 30 days of being consistent , my perioral dermatitis is gone , acne scars lightened , skin texture has never been better . It took a few days in thebeginning to figure out how many times to use it , and how best to use it , that worked for my own skin
At first I over washed , over exfoliated , over did it wanting to rush the process . I went through the stage where it felt like it was stinging my face , and drying it . But after trial and error , time and patience, research and “listening” to my skin, & getting a routine in place , my face looks great !!
Marsha –
It’s not too harsh on the skin. It’s very soapy and leaves skin clear from dark spots.
Mary Kinya –
Bars are ugly slime on a soap dish. This is so good, I don’t care bout ugly. Its imperfection in my “perfect” bathroom. Like a Navajo rug’s hole to acknowledge only God is perfect. No scents or dyes to give me rash or hives. Bought for Ash Wednesday interactive self-guided service w stations on Death & Shame represented by dirt, chalk, charcoal, & ash. We had dirty hands when we got to the Purity station to use ASH soap. Guilt (dirty) shows me I need to Repent (wash) but Shame tells me I am dirt! Jesus BECAME SIN (dirt, Death, Shame) so I’m Righteous! Ash Soap shows Transformation; Purification & Redemption from dust & ashes of death! I’m glad we found this on Amazon & got same day. I’ll keep using w honor, & recommend it. Huge size & low price = buy again.
Quisha D. –
Love this soap gives me clear skin
Joy St John –
Great product. Very natural and works well. However please please please moisturize after you use this soap. It will dry the skin out if you over use it, or don’t apply a good moisturizer after. Also you have to use a good ratio of water bc it can irritate the skin if you use it by itself
Kimii –
I use it to wash my body and it does the job good