Sabonete Natural de Enxofre Jericho Cosmetics – Minerais do Mar Morto – Vegano
Revitalize sua pele com o Sabonete de Enxofre Natural da Jericho Cosmetics. Este sabonete em barra é enriquecido com minerais do Mar Morto e é vegano, proporcionando uma experiência de limpeza única e eficaz. Com uma combinação de ingredientes naturais, este sabonete oferece uma série de benefícios para a pele, deixando-a mais limpa, suave e hidratada.
Revitalização da Pele
Desperte o poder transformador do enxofre ativado do Mar Morto. Conhecido por suas propriedades de limpeza profunda e purificação, este ingrediente único ajuda a desobstruir os poros, reduzir imperfeições e promover uma tez mais clara e uniforme.
Esfoliação Suave
Com propriedades esfoliantes naturais, este sabonete em barra ajuda a remover as células mortas da pele, revelando uma pele mais suave e macia. Desfrute da sensação refrescante de uma limpeza profunda sem produtos químicos agressivos.
Hidratação Intensiva
Enriquecido com manteiga de karité, óleo de oliva e vitamina E, este sabonete em barra proporciona hidratação essencial, deixando sua pele macia e flexível. Ideal para peles secas ou sensíveis.
Rico em Minerais
Imersa na poderosa ação rejuvenescedora dos minerais do Mar Morto. Rico em magnésio, cálcio, potássio e outros elementos essenciais, este sabonete em barra ajuda a equilibrar a produção de óleo, acalmar irritações e restaurar o pH natural da sua pele.
Produto Vegano
O Sabonete de Enxofre Natural da Jericho Cosmetics é 100% vegano, livre de ingredientes de origem animal e não testado em animais. Faça parte do movimento de cuidados com a pele consciente e sustentável.
- Limpeza profunda e purificação dos poros
- Remoção suave das células mortas da pele
- Hidratação intensiva e nutrição da pele
- Equilíbrio da produção de óleo e redução de irritações
- Produto vegano e livre de crueldade animal
Use o Sabonete de Enxofre Natural da Jericho Cosmetics diariamente durante o banho ou a limpeza facial. Aplique o sabonete na pele úmida, massageando suavemente em movimentos circulares. Enxágue abundantemente com água morna. Para melhores resultados, utilize em conjunto com outros produtos da linha Jericho Cosmetics.
Amber –
I have Psoriasis, and have been struggling to find a natural remedy. Finally I ordered a few different bars of soap to try them and see if any helped my sensitive skin. The first bar I tried was the Jericho dead sea sulfur soap. I felt a difference after just one time. I now have been using it for a few weeks and I am loving it. My psoriasis is flattening ( the first step of the healing process) I am loving it. A matter of fact I am ordering some more right now. It says right on the packaging that it help with acne, psoriasis and excema. My psoriasis is getting better everyday, my face is free of pimples and my skin is soft all over. I feel like I have baby skin again. Soooo if you are struggling with psoriasis I suggest trying the dead sea sulfur soap!!!!
Ruby L. –
It’s nice to use (but only a little) when my face is really oily, since it gets rid of all the oil… but then it leaves my face really really dry. Since I use so little of it, I cut the soap into smaller pieces so it doesn’t dissolve as much. I like to use it in the afternoon just for a quick wash, and my skin does feel a lot cleaner, but also just very dry.
Peter C –
Received exactly what I asked for directly fro Israel by mail in good time. Use product for facial redness and it is very helpful and easy to apply.
B P F –
I’ve been ordering this for a few years and stand by the quality. I love the healing benefits for my skin.
Leslie –
I have Rosacea and my Doctor recommended using a sulfur type soap. I tried a couple of them but this is my favorite. It helps clear the skin and does not have an offensive odor to it. I recommend it for anyone that needs help with Rosacea.
Laura Groome –
I bought this product for my daughter who has been having issues with acne due to stress. She can only use it once a day or it burns her face. BUT, it seems to be clearing up the pimples. She said she really likes it.
VickiG92 –
My daily cleanser is Purity by Philosophy.
But one day I was breaking out really really bad and I was thinking that I need a soap to do a little more than what a soap does. Purity is great for my sensitive and acne prone skin by not irritating it but that’s all it does. It doesn’t create more breakouts but at the same time doesn’t prevent my breakouts or help my breakouts when I actually get them.
This sulfur soap is a great cleanser – MY FACE SQUEAKS! One, it cleans my face effortlessly so I don’t have a trace of eyeliner or mascara around my eyes. Two, it seems to dry out my acne over a span of a couple of days. I have very resistant acne so whatever I have tried in the past, it takes weeks or months to see results or nothing at all. So this sulfur soap definitely does something at least. The great thing is, it has not caused any breakouts for my face.
I wouldn’t say this soap has gotten rid of all my acne since I have pretty moderate to severe acne for about 8 years. It’s not life changing but I have gone through so many products which have only harmed my face more. This product seems to not do that and make my pores feel tight and small!
Aaron Dennis –
Some people are worried that you’ll smell like farts from using this. I’ve never experienced that. I also don’t wash my body with it. It’s great for acne. I have used it, by lathering up my hands, and rubbing the lather onto a skin rash, and it helped to clear up the rash. You could let it sit in a full bath tub for a few minutes to saturate the water. So long as you rinse off before getting out of the tub, there should be no “egg” smell.
Deb W. –
This is the bar of soap I have been looking for all of my life. I was looking at sulphur products, as I’ve had good success with a sulphur mud facial. At my age I am concerned with drying and moisturizing. Dead Sea Sulphur Soap leaves my pores clean and tight and my skin moisturized, feeling clean, no itching. A lifetime of trying skin care products on my pale, sensitive, allergic skin (one soap put me in the emergency room), Finally, no skin reaction at all to Dead Sea Sulphur Soap, no itch, no sweat, no odor, no hives, nothing. Dead Sea Sulphur Soap has also improved my mild adult acne and roseacea. I use it occasionally on my scalp as shampoo with no effect on my hair but clean, no itch. I also purchased and like the Dead Sea Black Mud Soap, good for light exfoliating and breakouts. When my skin breaks out for whatever reason I soap the Black Mud on and leave it for a moment before rinsing, the mud draws the poisons out and has a drying and soothing effect. Great products. Dead Sea Sulphur Soap and Black Mud Soap has improved my skin from head to toe and cured the heebie jeebies. What more can I ask for. Thank you.
Happy GF –
I was hopeful this soap would help my son’s acne. Perhaps his skin was too bad for this product, but it wasn’t any different than using any old soap. Smells terrible, but it’s sulphur soap.