O Sabonete Líquido Corporal Fresh Beauty Market – 118 ml é uma escolha excepcional para quem busca uma experiência de limpeza que vai além do convencional. Com uma fórmula inovadora, este sabonete líquido combina a eficácia do sabão preto africano com ingredientes naturais que promovem uma limpeza profunda e revigorante. Ideal para todos os tipos de pele, ele remove impurezas e células mortas, deixando a pele macia e suave ao toque.
O sabão preto africano, conhecido por suas propriedades purificantes, atua desobstruindo os poros e auxiliando na cicatrização de pequenas irritações. Sua composição rica em nutrientes e antioxidantes não só limpa, mas também nutre e protege a pele, garantindo uma aparência saudável e radiante. Com uma embalagem prática de 118 ml, o sabonete é perfeito para o uso diário e se adapta facilmente à rotina de cuidados pessoais, sendo ideal para levar em viagens.
Com o Sabonete Líquido Corporal Fresh Beauty Market, você pode desfrutar de uma limpeza eficaz sem o risco de ressecamento, pois sua fórmula hidratante mantém a umidade natural da pele. A suavidade e a frescura proporcionadas por este produto transformam o momento do banho em um ritual de autocuidado.
- Limpeza Profunda: Remove impurezas e toxinas, promovendo uma pele limpa e saudável.
- Hidratação Duradoura: Mantém a pele hidratada, evitando o ressecamento.
- Desobstrução dos Poros: Previne o surgimento de cravos e espinhas, mantendo a pele livre de obstruções.
- Cicatrização: Auxilia na recuperação de pequenas lesões e irritações, promovendo uma pele mais uniforme.
- Ingredientes Naturais: Com uma fórmula livre de substâncias químicas agressivas, é seguro para todos os tipos de pele, inclusive as mais sensíveis.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o Sabonete Líquido Corporal Fresh Beauty Market na pele úmida. Massageie suavemente até formar uma espuma rica e cremosa. Enxágue abundantemente com água morna. Recomenda-se o uso diário durante o banho ou sempre que necessário. Evite o contato com os olhos e, em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um médico. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
Skyler –
I have tried all kinds of facewashes including clinique & I LOVE THIS STUFF! It is affordable & shrinks my pores. Paired with the Aztec clay mask it is SO GOOD!
One thing though is the bottle itself.. the spout gets clogged and once I was trying to unclog it, struggling with my glasses off & face wet I accidentally squirted this stuff straight into my eye and MY OH MY WAS IT PAINFUL!
Anyways, lol, I recommend to all of my friends who use my similar skin products ♡
Jennifer M.Messina –
i have only been using this product for a couple weeks, but it seems to be working. i have not had any additional breakouts, and it is slowly clearing up the previous ones on my back and chest. i plan on continuing to use this product and am hopeful that the results will continue to improve.
Kindle Customer –
Wow. I honestly wasn’t expecting much when it came to this product. I am using only on my chest and back, so I can’t speak for how it works on my face. I’ve always had pimples and clogged pores on my body. There was a point in time when I was clear, and that was after using panoxyl, which has a strong concentration of benzoyl peroxide in it. That eventually stopped working, and I thought that I would have to find something with very strong chemicals in it to clear me up. One of the side effects of panoxyl was extremely dry skin, and I thought that any product that works work would have similar side effects. I was wrong. This product is clearing up my chest and my back with no side effects!! My skin isn’t completely clear, but the big pimples that formed where my bra touches my skin are gone. I can now wear tank tops and not feel self conscious. The only downfall to this product is the amount versus price ratio. Because it is so thin, I do have to use a considerable amount each time I shower. I’ve been using it for and two and a half weeks, and I’ve already had to place another order.
Ainsight –
The product arrived as promised both times I ordered it. I am a 40+ year old w/caramel color skin-tone who has occasional acne breakouts and blackheads. I wash my face with this product twice a day and it makes my skin feel clean and smooth. It has a unique earthy smell but not overpowering. To my delight, I have not had any breakouts since using this product for the last 3 months. I also use it on my body and it stills performs beautifully. I loved this so much, that I ordered a 2nd bottle for me and my teenage daughter to share. A little goes a long way, but I wish the bottle came in a larger size. I will continue to purchase this product.
Ebs –
Didn’t work for my son
Moon –
I have been using this face wash for years. About 15 or so years ago I started getting Adult cystic acne, after going to the dermatologist everything stop working. I tried over the counter everything till I found this in my local grocery store. It cleared my face up in a matter of weeks!! I have recommended it family members with acne issues and now we all use it faithfully!! I am very grateful for the recent 2 bottle deal because the price is a bit high, When I first found this it was $12.00 a bottle, so the the 2 bottle deal is great. I also like that it is a somewhat of a local business as I live in New York
Please don’t ever stop making this and a bigger bottle would be nice
Sarah Rosenzweig –
I finally found it again after a year of not being able to get it! This is a great deal! 2 bottles for the price of one! It’s a bit harsh for my skin so I mix with liquid black soap. It leaves my skin tight, oil-free, and clears up my adult acne so quickly! I use a dab as a spot treatment too. No cons. I love this stuff!
Anthony J. Ali –
Did not like it. Got a refund from Amazon.