SABONETE LÍQUIDO AFRICANO DE CARVÃO PRETO – O nosso sabonete líquido africano de carvão preto é uma verdadeira joia da natureza, feito à mão em Gana, utilizando uma receita tradicional que atravessa gerações. Com 120 ml de pura essência natural, este sabonete é ideal para todos os tipos de pele, oferecendo um tratamento eficaz para acne e auxiliando no combate ao eczema.
INGREDIENTES 100%% NATURAIS – Formulado com uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes naturais, o sabonete contém óleo de coco extra virgem, cascas de cacau cruas, óleo de semente de palma não refinado, cinzas de casca de banana, manteiga de karité não refinada, vitamina E natural e água. Cada um desses componentes foi escolhido por suas propriedades benéficas para a pele.
REJUVENESCIMENTO DA PELE – Este sabonete é uma solução versátil que pode ser utilizado em todos os tipos de pele, incluindo as mais sensíveis. Ele atua combatendo irritações e cicatrizes causadas pela acne, além de ser extremamente benéfico para reduzir os desconfortos associados à psoríase e eczema. Com propriedades anti-envelhecimento, o sabonete negro africano esfolia a pele, deixando-a macia e suave, enquanto o uso regular ajuda a minimizar as linhas faciais e os primeiros sinais de envelhecimento.
CABELO E COURO CABELUDO – Além de seus benefícios para a pele, o sabonete negro africano também é um excelente aliado para o cabelo e couro cabeludo. Ele limpa e cura o couro cabeludo, promovendo um crescimento saudável dos fios. Sua ação esfoliante remove a caspa e outros detritos, enquanto a alta concentração de vitaminas A e E reduz a quantidade de células mortas da pele, que podem prejudicar os folículos capilares.
MODO DE USO: Para uma aplicação eficaz, não aplique o sabonete diretamente na pele. Em vez disso, faça espuma com uma esponja, bucha vegetal ou pano de lavagem e, em seguida, aplique na área desejada. Isso garantirá que os ingredientes ativos penetrem adequadamente na pele.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Sabonete natural e artesanal, com ingredientes 100%% naturais.
- Pode ser usado em todos os tipos de pele, incluindo peles sensíveis.
- Ajuda a combater acne, eczema e outras irritações da pele.
- Promove o crescimento saudável dos cabelos e couro cabeludo.
- Contém propriedades anti-envelhecimento que deixam a pele macia e suave.
- Tratamento eficaz para acne e eczema, proporcionando alívio e melhorando a aparência da pele.
- Ingredientes 100%% naturais que garantem segurança e eficácia, sem aditivos químicos prejudiciais.
- Propriedades esfoliantes que ajudam a remover células mortas, promovendo uma pele mais radiante.
- Fortalece o cabelo e couro cabeludo, contribuindo para um crescimento saudável e livre de caspa.
- Propriedades anti-envelhecimento que ajudam a manter a pele jovem e saudável.
Morgan –
I’d always wanted to use black soap but didn’t want it in block form so I was happy when I saw this. First time using it there was a tingling and I thought I was just getting use to it. Second and third times my face was on fire!😱 What was left I used in shower on my body, and it’s very drying too. I made an expensive mistake with this black soap.
xavier –
I’ve been using African Black Soap Liquid for several months now, and I’m very pleased with it. It’s a gentle and effective cleanser that leaves my skin feeling refreshed and clean. The liquid consistency is very light, so it’s easy to apply and spread. The lack of added fragrance makes it a great option for people with sensitive skin.
Overall, I’m very happy with African Black Soap Liquid and would recommend it to anyone looking for a natural and effective cleanser.
Ayzriellove –
I’m happy I went for this liquid because it is gentle yet still very cleansing, and I think the paste and bar would be too harsh. I add essential oil into this for scent as the natural scent isn’t as lovely.. but I love that this is truly natural and my skin that is dry here in Arizona desert didn’t even need moisturizer after I got out of the shower… Not that I like to skip but I wanted to see how my skin would be dry or what. And for once is felt nice. I also read African black soap is good for hair and my curly 2c hair is fine and breaks when wet easily and this was able to be spread into my long hair easily and washed out easily. The hair feels a little stiff but more like strong because there wasn’t any breakage.. don’t be rough on the hair this simply rinses right out with some water unlike most shampoos that leave residue that seems to not come out after 5 mins of rinsing.
logan –
Too soon to tell. Just used it on my garden plants via recommendation from my daughter. She has used it and states it works wonders. She lives in France and it is very popular there for insect control in french gardens.
Jack Fitzgerald –
This is a great soap. I’m not a fan of bar soap so I was glad the liquid was an option. It has minimal but important ingredients which you can quite literally smell. I will say, it leave you smelling clean in the way that dirt, and nature smells? It’s not fragranced but I recommend adding a fragrance oil if thats your thing. I currently use this as face wash, and add it with my regular body wash and I absolutely love it. It’s also a good value considering how much it lathers up.
Tai –
I love me some black soap but the bars get so messy. I saw this and decided to try it out. Very impressed with how it cleared up my skin. I even use it as a face cleanser. People compliment me on my complexion on the time. I say it’s that black soap and shea butter honey 😅. You definitely need to moisturize afterward.
D-Bar –
Awesome soap with simple ingredients. This soap does separate, so keep that in mind when storing in containers. Works great for hand soap or shower soap. Very viscous/watery/runny, but works very well. The scent is mild. The soap is drying, so expect to moisturize after use, as you should be doing anyway!
Sara –
I love this soap so much it’s smells amazing, leaves my skin feeling clean but not dry or tight, it’s definitely worth the price. The package is good I’ve had no issues with durability or leakage.
nancy –
Esta presentación líquida me parece extraordinaria y la prefiero a la sólida, excelente producto.
PK –
The consistency is kind of watery, so I was surprised to find that it has plenty of cleaning power. I transferred mine to a separate pump bottle. When I tried using it straight from the original bottle, I waste too much of it trying to pour the right amount. Only takes a small amount. Like other soaps, I don’t find it to be optimal for shampoo; doesn’t leave my hair feeling quite right, and then I started losing some of my hair. But probably no worse for hair than other soaps. Ultimately, I’m going back to my normal brand – Alaffia “Everyday” body wash and shampoo (2 separate products) – because I prefer the embedded moisturizers. But this brand of African black soap is respectable.