Sabonete Ilha – Natural, Perfumado e Hidratante | 100g
O Sabonete Ilha é um produto que oferece uma experiência de banho luxuosa e revigorante. Feito com ingredientes naturais, como óleos essenciais e extratos de plantas, este sabonete proporciona uma limpeza suave e hidratação profunda para a pele. Com fragrâncias exóticas e refrescantes, o Sabonete Ilha deixa a pele macia, suave e com um aroma delicioso. É perfeito para relaxar e desfrutar de um momento de cuidado pessoal, transformando o ato de tomar banho em um ritual de bem-estar.
Além de sua função primária de limpeza, o Sabonete Ilha é enriquecido com propriedades que ajudam a manter a pele saudável e hidratada. Sua fórmula é cuidadosamente elaborada para garantir que cada uso não apenas limpe, mas também nutra a pele, proporcionando uma sensação de frescor e renovação. Ideal para todos os tipos de pele, este sabonete é uma escolha perfeita para quem busca um produto que una eficácia e prazer sensorial.
– Proporciona uma limpeza suave e eficaz, ideal para todos os tipos de pele.
– Hidrata profundamente, prevenindo o ressecamento e a descamação.
– Fragrâncias exóticas que promovem uma experiência sensorial única durante o banho.
– Feito com ingredientes naturais, garantindo uma escolha saudável e sustentável.
– Perfeito para momentos de autocuidado, ajudando a relaxar e revitalizar o corpo e a mente.
Para obter os melhores resultados, umedeça a pele e aplique o Sabonete Ilha diretamente, criando uma espuma suave. Massageie delicadamente em movimentos circulares, permitindo que os ingredientes naturais penetrem na pele. Enxágue bem com água morna. Para uma experiência ainda mais revigorante, utilize o sabonete durante o banho matinal ou antes de dormir. Este produto é seguro para uso diário e pode ser aplicado em qualquer parte do corpo. Evite o contato com os olhos e, em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um médico. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe do alcance de crianças.
yu-na –
Amazon Customer –
This stuff is amazing. Helps to calm sunburn, heal scrapes and so much more
Nomadic Addict –
Found this product while on vacation in Kauai and got a wicked bad sunburn. I tried the ointment in the shop and it instantly relieved the pain. I have always made sure to have some and have ordered for gifts for family that live in Florida. I have used it for sunburn, rashes, chapped lips, bug bites, and dried cracked feet. It works great for razor burn as well. It smells amazing too. Great product!
Kinsley –
It’s amazing for sunburns but expensive and it smells good
Lisa M. –
Love this product. Smells great! Cute packaging.
Monica –
This product works really well for dry skin- instantly moisturizes. Also used on bug bites and relieved the itching right away. Would recommend.
Sumi Von Dassow –
We rely on this salve to heal cracked or burned skin. It is the best salve we’ve found anywhere.
Rex M –
This formulation isn’t as nicely fragrant as the tin version that I bought in Hawaii. The tin version is also thicker and more solid in consistency. This tube version is more like an ointment. You can still smell the lavender, but with the tin version it’s more noticeable, probably because it’s more solid in texture. However, the tube version here is much less pricier than the tin one on Amazon. I can’t believe how expensive the tin one is on Amazon. Almost triple the price compared to buying it in stores in Hawaii.
Shone S. –
I’ve been using Surfer Salve as a facial lotion for over 10 years. Honestly, I don’t know why this company doesn’t market it as more things – like facial, lip, scalp care, etc.
I use it as my one and only facial moisturizer, and it’s the only one I’ve ever used that doesn’t cause breakouts eventually. I’ve also read that the types of oils used in this product have a natural SPF 5. I like how my makeup sits and wears on top of it (as long as you let it soak into your skin for a few minutes first, and make sure to rinse your face first and put it on when your skin is still moist – it will absorb better that way.) I also use it on sunburns to heal them immediately, and I use it in place of neosporin if I don’t have any (I like to think the tea tree oil provides a bit of antimicrobial help for wounds). I even put it on my dog’s paws when he has an allergic reaction to certain types of grass! It’s non-toxic, chemical-free, and the odor/astringent taste of it keeps him from licking his paws! It seems to soothe his skin – he likes when I put it on him… we have a little spa session, haha. The smell of the essential oils in the product seems to also work as a natural insect repellent. I put it on my legs to keep mosquitoes away.
Anyway, I can’t say enough good things about surfer salve, and I wanted to write this review years ago! My husband and I both use this product every day and we go through a tin every 2-3 months. We couldn’t function without it! And being from Hawai’i, it makes me happy to use a locally made product.
Neal Patel –
One hell of a product! So many uses and better than any chapstick on the market.