O Sabonete Hidratante de Fragrância de Pinheiro Siberiano da San Francisco Soap Company é a escolha ideal para homens que buscam um cuidado pessoal de qualidade, sem abrir mão da saúde da pele. Com uma formulação livre de produtos químicos nocivos, este sabonete é adequado para todos os tipos de pele, proporcionando uma experiência de limpeza e hidratação que respeita a natureza e o corpo. A fragrância envolvente de abeto siberiano traz um toque refrescante e masculino, enquanto o coração floral aquático é equilibrado por notas de madeiras suaves, criando uma sensação de frescor e bem-estar a cada uso.
MAN BAR SOAP WHERE LATHER MEETS LUXURY – Nosso Man Bar é o sabonete perfeito para qualquer tipo de homem. Misturamos os melhores ingredientes em uma variedade de fragrâncias masculinas para fornecer produtos de cuidados pessoais de alta qualidade. Use este sabonete na pia ou no chuveiro para deixar sua pele limpa e refrescante.
SEM INGREDIENTES NOCIVOS – Nossos produtos são de origem natural e nunca usamos produtos químicos agressivos ou sintéticos como parabenos, sulfatos, ftalatos ou silicones.
HIDRATANTE – Mostre seu amor pela natureza com nosso sabonete Siberian Fir, o coração floral aquático é realçado por uma brisa fresca e equilibrado por madeiras suaves. É a fragrância perfeita para qualquer lugar que você esteja.
ÓTIMO PRESENTE – Dê o presente de uma rotina aprimorada para que todos possam cheirar como campeões! A embalagem líder do setor do Man Bar garante que cada barra seja visualmente atraente e resistente o suficiente para qualquer aventura para qualquer homem.
FABRICADO NOS EUA E LIVRE DE CRUELDADE, SEM TESTES EM ANIMAIS – Nossa fábrica de sabonetes e produtos de higiene de última geração está localizada no sudeste de Massachusetts. Temos orgulho de nossas formulações exclusivas que misturam apenas os melhores ingredientes; sem produtos químicos prejudiciais à sua pele. Nosso sabonete de alta qualidade limpa suavemente e deixa sua pele macia e nutrida, em vez de ressecada.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Fragrância masculina única e refrescante
- Ingredientes naturais e livres de produtos químicos nocivos
- Hidratação intensa para todos os tipos de pele
- Embalagem atraente e resistente, perfeita para presentear
- Produto fabricado nos EUA, garantindo qualidade e segurança
- Proporciona uma limpeza eficaz sem ressecar a pele, ideal para o uso diário.
- A fragrância de pinheiro siberiano oferece uma experiência sensorial revigorante, perfeita para começar o dia.
- Hidratação profunda que ajuda a manter a pele saudável e macia, combatendo a aspereza.
- Embalagem prática e elegante, tornando-o um presente perfeito para qualquer ocasião.
- Produzido com ingredientes naturais, garantindo segurança e eficácia sem comprometer a saúde da pele.
Para obter os melhores resultados, utilize o Sabonete Hidratante de Fragrância de Pinheiro Siberiano durante o banho ou para lavar as mãos. Aplique o sabonete diretamente na pele úmida, massageando suavemente até formar uma espuma rica e cremosa. Enxágue bem com água morna. Evite o contato com os olhos. Para uma rotina de cuidados eficaz, recomenda-se o uso diário, garantindo que sua pele permaneça limpa, hidratada e com uma fragrância irresistível.
Kidd –
I literally gave this to every guy at Christmas and everyone of them says they’re Mr. sexy pants now because of it
Amazon Customer –
Great quality soap bar and love the sent. Be warned it’s a very large bar but last a long time.
Anthony Prano –
I love this stuff. smells really clean and just a hint of mellow wood. Its a huge bar of soap as well. ill buy more
Jennifer Wemple –
Great soap lasts a long time with lots of lather!! Will buy again
Junior –
I use a loofah with my bar of soap. And this soap is everything a man’s soap should be. Best things about it, is that it will last a long time. Definitely worth it.
J. S. Adam –
Gives a nice lather. Nice scent although it doesn’t linger with you after using it. Still all in all I like it and will buy again
Junior –
My son and I love it smells very well feels fresh definitely a sent for the winter… BUT
Sodium palmate is generally considered safe for most skin types, but people with very dry or acne-prone skin may want to avoid it. If you experience discomfort or other indications that the product may not be appropriate for your skin, you should discontinue use.
Pentasodium pentetate is a chelating agent that’s commonly used in cosmetics and personal care products. Side effects of pentasodium pentetate may include:
Chest pain
Difficulty swallowing
Fast heartbeat
Puffiness or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes, face, lips, or tongue
Tetrasodium etidronate, also known as EDTA, can have a number of side effects, including:
Skin irritation: People with sensitive skin may experience irritation, rashes, or inflammation.
Eye irritation: EDTA can cause serious eye damage.
Organ damage: Prolonged or repeated exposure to EDTA can damage organs.
Kidney damage: EDTA can cause kidney damage and kidney failure.
Low calcium levels: EDTA can decrease serum calcium levels, which can lead to hypocalcemia.
Low potassium levels: EDTA can bind with potassium and increase the amount of potassium that is flushed out in the urine, which can lead to hypokalemia.
Heart rhythm problems: EDTA might make heart rhythm problems worse.
Angie Dearing –
I stumbled across this soap at a local grocery store about a year ago and bought it as a stocking stuffer for my boyfriend because it smelled AMAZING! He fell in love with it saying it was the best bar soap he’d ever used because it left his skin feeling clean and moisturizered without a sticky soapy residue feeling that most bar soaps leave plus the scent stays on his skin for a long time. The bar lasted longer than any others hes used (several months of daily use) even ones he paid almost double for. Unfortunately we threw the box away and couldn’t find it in any stores or remember the company name but after several failed attempts to find a comparable product I finally found it here and have its on automatically delivery!!! The quality is hands down better than any others plus you get twice the amount for the same if not less price!
Stewart –
I didn’t have high hopes for this one, but I was pleasantly surprised.
– The bar is larger, which is good because it doesn’t have great longevity, but it certainly doesn’t melt entirely after only a week or two like some of the competition. That was a surprising plus.
– The scent was okay, nothing great in my opinion but I did get some compliments. I guess it just didn’t feel like it had a unique scent to it and was a bit chemical-ly. But others liked it so… different strokes, I suppose. Also, the scent does stick to the body well and the fragrance is present throughout the bar, not just sprayed on the outside and that’s it.
– This being a moisturizing soap, I did feel my skin was getting a nice refresh. Not the best I’ve had, but certainly better than plenty of others. I don’t have particularly dry skin, so those who do have that skin issue may have different opinions, but for me it was adequate.
I guess there are 2 negatives, though neither has to do with the soap itself…
– I do hate the name. “man bar”. Wish the company would just do something like, “SF SoCo”. Man bar just sounds really silly. I wouldn’t get this as a gift for someone on that basis alone because it’s that silly of a name to me. It’s trying to market how some competitors do and it comes off tacky. “No, it’s not a loaf of bread, this is for manly men, so we’ll call it a man loaf!”…get it? Just unnecessary.
– The packaging. While it’s nice, don’t get me wrong, (it has a magnetically closing box which is pretty cool…although made in china) it’s really unnecessary. Let me put it this way… when you open a package of soap and use it, do you keep the packaging for any reason? I sure don’t and I’ve never seen anyone else do that. I certainly don’t put the soap back into the packaging after I’ve used it, yet that seems like the point of the box being so elaborate, and yet it’s not… it’s just for packaging. I don’t get it. I only bring this up because I do feel if they simplified the packaging, they could reduce their price even more to be more competitive and the product wouldn’t suffer at all.
Overall- Not ‘the best’ soap I’ve used, but for the price, it’s not too bad and was pleasantly surprising in a couple aspects.