O sabonete em barra Yardley London Aloe Nutritivo – 100g é a escolha perfeita para quem busca uma experiência de banho que une limpeza eficaz e cuidados com a pele. Enriquecido com extratos de aloe vera e abacate, este sabonete proporciona uma limpeza suave e hidratante, ideal para manter a pele macia e saudável. Sua fórmula nutritiva não apenas remove impurezas, mas também revitaliza a pele, deixando-a com uma sensação de frescor e bem-estar. O aroma refrescante do aloe vera revigora os sentidos, tornando cada banho um momento de relaxamento e renovação.
Este sabonete é especialmente formulado para energizar suas manhãs. Com um aroma herbal e cítrico, ele transforma a rotina diária em um ritual prazeroso. A combinação de ingredientes naturais, como o óleo de abacate e azeite de oliva, garante uma hidratação intensa, enquanto a textura cremosa do sabonete proporciona uma espuma rica e envolvente. Produzido nos Estados Unidos, o sabonete Yardley London é sinônimo de qualidade e confiança, ideal para quem valoriza produtos que cuidam da pele de forma eficaz.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Hidratação intensa: Com extratos de aloe vera e abacate, este sabonete proporciona uma hidratação profunda, deixando sua pele macia e nutrida.
- Aroma revigorante: O aroma herbal e cítrico deste sabonete irá energizar suas manhãs, deixando você pronto para enfrentar o dia.
- Ingredientes naturais: Este sabonete é feito com ingredientes naturais, como aloe vera e abacate, que são conhecidos por seus benefícios para a pele.
- Origem confiável: Produzido nos Estados Unidos, este sabonete é garantia de qualidade e procedência.
- Tamanho prático: Com 4,25 oz / 120 g, este sabonete é perfeito para levar em viagens ou para uso diário.
- Proporciona uma limpeza suave e eficaz, ideal para todos os tipos de pele.
- Ajuda a manter a pele hidratada e nutrida, prevenindo o ressecamento.
- O aroma refrescante melhora o humor e proporciona uma sensação de bem-estar.
- Feito com ingredientes naturais, minimiza o risco de irritações e alergias.
- Prático para uso diário ou em viagens, garantindo cuidados com a pele em qualquer lugar.
Para obter melhores resultados, aplique o sabonete diretamente na pele úmida, massageando suavemente até formar uma espuma rica. Enxágue abundantemente com água morna. Utilize diariamente durante o banho ou sempre que desejar uma limpeza refrescante e hidratante. Para potencializar os efeitos hidratantes, recomenda-se o uso após a esfoliação da pele, garantindo que os nutrientes penetrem de forma mais eficaz.
Joni –
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I ordered a couple of these bars, originally I was just going to use these in the bathroom beside my liquid soap but I liked the scent so much and the softness it brought to my hands that I decided to use it also in my shower. I am the type of person who does have sensitive skin, not severely but enough that leads me to be vary mindful and careful about my soaps. In the sense that it has a vary light scent and naturally has a moisturizing effect this is a really great bar of soap in my opinion but if you have severe allergies you might want to consider something that has no scent at all. For me this soap is working wonders on my hands and my whole body I really enjoy using it. I really like the scent it’s totally there but yet it is a vary light scented vary clean but moisturized feeling that this soap leaves my whole body with. I am able to use this on my face with out problems which was a big worry of mine as it is with every soap purchase that I even consider making but for me this works and it’s one of vary few soaps that don’t harm my face skin. it doesn’t dry it out but it also does not make my skin feel like oily either it’s just right for me. The video is the bar of soap after about 4 showers so it is holding up really good which was another one of my concerns when I shop for bar soap is that it is able to last a while. the quality in my opinion is really nice. works for me. oh, also it lightly lathers it’s just enough lather some soaps over lather and some other soaps tend to not lather enough but this one….it’s just right which is another thing i like about it. vary likely that Ill be buying this again.
Mark H. Anbinder –
Not much to say. Cheap. Bar soap. Smells good and works well.
Nellie– a blind shopper –
I thought I would love this, but the scent is too strong and I didn’t care for it. I love the idea of aloe and avocado, but not with the perfume scent.
jayel –
My grandmother used this and it brought back such memories .
Smells wonderful and gentle on your skin
Mark H. Anbinder –
I just used this bar of soap in the shower. It is a very different feeling bar of soap. It is the smoothest, most silky bar of soap I have ever felt! It is not a slimy feeling, just very soft and silky! It makes your body nice and soapy while washing, and then when you rinse off you can literally feel it rinse off your body leaving you squeaky clean!! I love it! I just happened to run across this while I was looking at something else and thought I would give it a try. It is a large bar of soap for .98, and will last a very long time! I love the smell, but only wish it was stronger!! It is not a girly smell, so would be appropriate for men to use as well. It is a very nice neutral smell. I will be buying more for our extra bathroom and some more for me! Not letting my hubby use it, he can stick to his cheap stuff!! 🙂 I usually use Dove, and this bar is seriously way softer than Dove. I really like Dove too, nice smell and works super, but this was sure nice for a change! Highly recommend! 🙂
Update: I have now been using this soap for months and I still love it! It started at .98, and is now 1.39, still worth it! It is so silky soft, does not dry out my skin at all, very moisterizing! Have bought about 8 bars now for my home made spa gift baskets for Christmas. Just gave 3 away today for mother’s day gift baskets. Love, love love!
Jody Harris –
I decided to try this as an alternative to the Ivory aloe bath bars I’ve been buying. It’s an adequate substitute and comparably priced, but I wouldn’t say it’s an obvious winner. It lathers and washes just fine, smells OK, and my skin feels more or less moisturized in the process. On the downside, it seems goopy after sitting in the soap dish from the day before, and it seems to crack after a few days rather than staying solid. It still works, but probably isn’t lasting as long as it should if it’s goopy (more of the soap is washing away than just what I’m using) and cracking.
Ash –
These soaps are amazing. Moisturizing, and leaving my skin soft. Good size for my hands to hold onto. Lasting as well, even as it becomes small it’s still pretty durable.
Really enjoy the variety of scents, they all smell so good. Not overly pungent, subtle yes nice enough to know what you have. I have tried many as the different ones and have not found one I don’t like.
One of the best things you can’t beat? The price. Inexpensive for quality.
Gin –
it’s okay, not as expected
Sherry L. Fieser –
Lovely soap bar.
Joni –
Update review (04/05/2023):
Well… I tried to love this soap, but, in the end it is not going to work out for me. It does not seem to mesh well with my Ph (if you know what I mean). I don’t know if it’s more to do with the fact I’m nearing menopause or if the soap is totally to blame. I am bummed, because I like the scent and it’s a “milky” smooth bar/lather. I may still use it on arms/legs, but can’t commit. If my Ph adjusts to this bar by the time it is gone, that will be the deciding factor….
Original review:
I’m very picky when it comes to scented products, but I do like this one. The scent doesn’t stay on your skin after ronsing/drying. Just a calming fragrance while using it.
The soap lathered really fast and felt extremely silky.
I have hard water, and it rinsed away nicely; without leaving a gooey, sticky residue. So many products leave that sticky feeling till the skin has dried fully, so I like this soap doesn’t do that.
However, even despite being a silky soap, I don’t feel like it moisturized very well. On the same note, it didn’t dry out my skin either. I would take this over too drying or too moisturizing any day; so, over all, I am a satisfied customer.