Descrição do Produto:
O Sabonete em Barra Nubian Heritage, Africano Negro, 141g, é um produto excepcional para o cuidado da pele, desenvolvido com uma fórmula única que combina carvão ativado e manteiga de karité. Este sabonete é ideal para quem busca uma limpeza profunda e eficaz, removendo impurezas e excessos de oleosidade, enquanto proporciona uma hidratação intensa. Com ingredientes naturais e orgânicos, ele transforma o momento do banho em uma experiência luxuosa e revigorante. Além de sua ação purificadora, o sabonete é conhecido por tratar uma variedade de problemas de pele, como eczema, manchas, pele oleosa e psoríase. Sua ação esfoliante ajuda a revelar uma pele radiante, fresca e uniforme, enquanto suas propriedades anti-manchas e desintoxicantes promovem uma aparência rejuvenescida e saudável.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Trata uma variedade de problemas de pele, incluindo eczema, manchas, pele oleosa, psoríase e outras condições cutâneas.
- Ação esfoliante que revela uma pele radiante, fresca, uniforme e saudável.
- Possui propriedades anti-manchas, desintoxicantes e curativas.
- Feito com ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade, garantindo eficácia e segurança.
- Deixa a pele mais limpa, clara e rejuvenescida, promovendo uma aparência saudável e revitalizada.
O Sabonete em Barra Nubian Heritage, Africano Negro, oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Sua fórmula rica em carvão ativado e manteiga de karité não apenas limpa profundamente, mas também ajuda a equilibrar a oleosidade da pele, tornando-o ideal para quem sofre com acne ou pele oleosa. Além disso, suas propriedades esfoliantes promovem a renovação celular, resultando em uma pele mais uniforme e radiante. O uso regular do sabonete pode ajudar a minimizar a aparência de manchas e cicatrizes, proporcionando uma pele mais clara e rejuvenescida. Por fim, a combinação de ingredientes naturais garante que você esteja cuidando da sua pele de forma segura e eficaz, sem adição de substâncias químicas agressivas.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Sabonete em Barra Nubian Heritage, Africano Negro, recomenda-se utilizá-lo diariamente durante o banho. Aplique o sabonete na pele úmida, massageando suavemente até formar uma espuma rica e cremosa. Enxágue abundantemente com água morna, garantindo que todos os resíduos sejam removidos. Evite o contato com os olhos. Para um cuidado completo e eficaz da pele, é aconselhável usar o sabonete em conjunto com outros produtos da linha Nubian Heritage, potencializando os resultados e promovendo uma pele ainda mais saudável e revitalizada.
Sakia Austin –
I use this soap all the time works well on my skin doesn’t break me out make my skin smooth seems as tho if I have a cut it aids in healing but this is how it works on my skin I can’t speak as to how it will work on other peoples skin
Amazon Customer –
Our families favorite soap! Nice light scent but so great for the skin!
Light soft scent that is pleasing and gender neutral. Exfoliating bumps of natural ingredients which adds a great scrub without scratching. All natural and does not dry out my skin but doesn’t make it oily either. A new favorite! I would use it on my face with conviction.
Jassim –
It’s cleaned from heart and nose smell
Ok –
The product is ok.
Joann Sampson –
So glad I purchased this. Exactly what I wanted
Amazon Customer –
I’ve been using Nubian Heritage-African Black Soap for almost 6 months straight.I have acne-prone skin. When I first started using it, it did make my skin feel dry but soon afterwards, my skin got used to it and it no longer feels dry after I use this soap.
This gives a great deep clean to your skin. This works particularly great with an electric cleanser brush. I use a cotton ball with toner right afterwards and there is literally no dirt on it when I use it with the face brush. It has a nice pleasant smell. It’s good to use in the shower and it suds up very well. This has helped fade my acne scars and my skin is also less oily. The breakouts that I do have (thanks to those stupid pms hormones [>:(]are smaller and go away pretty quickly.
I would definitely recommend this to individuals of all races that want a quality organic face cleanser without the crazy price tag.
UPDATE: 11/1/13
The frequency with which I use this product has decreased because my skin started to get too oily. it started to strip my skin so I’ve started using the tea tree oil face wash by the body shop which I really enjoy. I have also started to moisturize my skin with grapeseed oil and my skin isn’t oily anymore. I still like to use this soap about once a week instead of everyday to have that deep clean.this is usually on days that i’m about to use a face mask or if i only washed my face once the day before due to falling asleep before i could wash my face at night. I also like to use it as a body wash to help prevent body breakouts.
Kate –
Growing up, my best friend was African-American, and I recall always seeing “African” soap in her bathroom. The soap was always black, and I recall thinking that was interesting, and perhaps it was something specific for her skin type. I wish I had asked her about it at the time — I would have saved thousands of dollars and many years of fighting skin break outs had I discovered this before.
I purchased this product because I received a free sample of a similar product – – from a sample website. I was slightly hesitant to try it, but did and LOVED it. My skin had never looked better. Unfortunately, that particular product is close to $9 a bar on Amazon — so I went looking for an alternative and found this soap, which is even better than the Shea Moisture bar that I received for free.
My skin is smooth, moisturized, and, most importantly, it is completely clear for the first time in years. I have used nothing else on my face since I’ve used this soap — not even moisturizer — and it’s never looked better.
A few notes:
-It does have a slight scent to it. I am very sensitive to smells, but this does not bother me at all.
-This bar is LARGE! I would actually recommend keeping it outside the shower OR cutting the bar into thirds and just keeping one third in the shower at a time. That way it will last longer.
Fefi –
Lo mejor para combatir el acne del rostro y cuerpo.
JP –
For the face or body..
I have used this brand for a few years..
Does take a few uses to get most makeup off..