Descrição do Produto
O Sabonete em Barra Lever 2000 Original é a escolha perfeita para quem busca uma limpeza refrescante e eficaz. Com 4 oz em cada barra e um total de 8 barras, este sabonete proporciona uma experiência de banho única, eliminando efetivamente bactérias e sujeira do corpo e do rosto. Sua fórmula suave é ideal para todos os tipos de pele, garantindo que você se sinta limpo e revigorado após cada uso.
Com uma fragrância clássica que perdura, o Lever 2000 não apenas limpa, mas também deixa uma sensação de frescor que acompanha você ao longo do dia. A sua versatilidade permite que seja utilizado tanto como sabonete corporal quanto como limpador facial, tornando-o um item indispensável na rotina de cuidados pessoais. A facilidade de enxágue e a textura cremosa garantem uma aplicação agradável, tornando o banho um momento de prazer e cuidado.
- Limpeza Profunda: Remove sujeira e bactérias de forma eficaz, promovendo uma pele saudável.
- Fragrância Refrescante: Aroma duradouro que proporciona uma sensação de frescor ao longo do dia.
- Uso Versátil: Ideal para o corpo e rosto, atendendo a diversas necessidades de limpeza.
- Qualidade Acessível: Produto de alta qualidade a um preço que cabe no seu bolso, perfeito para toda a família.
- Experiência Revigorante: Deixa a pele revitalizada e com uma sensação de frescor após o uso.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o Sabonete em Barra Lever 2000 diretamente sobre a pele úmida. Massageie suavemente até formar uma espuma rica e cremosa. Enxágue completamente com água morna. Este sabonete pode ser utilizado diariamente durante o banho ou para a lavagem das mãos e do rosto. Evite o contato com os olhos. Em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um médico.
Eli P. Novakovich –
good value
I have used Lever 2000 every day for over 5 years and would not use another cleansing product for my skin. This brand was first recommended to me by my midwife while I was pregnant with my second child and kept getting bladder infections. Maybe TMI for some, but the midwife explained to me that using the “new” liquid body washes as opposed to the old-fashioned bar soaps was not the best for cleaning your skin. The bar soap with tallow (yes, rendered animal fat – definitely a yuck factor for a vegetarian) really does the best job of removing harmful bacteria, especially “down there” where body washes fail to kill bacteria that may be the cause of recurrent bladder infections. Lever 2000 is strong enough to clean but doesn’t sting and I can also use it for shavig. It rinses well even in our soft country water. Also acts as a great deodorant soap to keep smell away, I have been able to get rid of aluminum based deodorants. So even though at the time I was generally opposed to using animal products, the health of my body while pregnant came first, and I am glad I switched to Lever 2000. Scent is also not overpowering and I am VERY sensitive to artificial fragrance. I have recommended this product to friends who have also had bladder infection issues and all have reported less problems or no problems at all any more. As for myself, I haven’t had a problem since switching to Lever 2000, a miracle for someone who would get an infection at least twice a year even with drinking lots of water and doing the whole cranberry blueberry thing too. I wish my regular doctor would have told me about this years ago!
Carol Buchanan –
I’ve used Lever 2000 for a couple of decades, and have always found it easy on my skin, and long-lasting. I won’t use anything else in the shower.
Jihae Snyder –
I used to love and only use Irish Spring bar soap. I am guilty of using bar soap to wash my face instead of face wash and used to use bar soap to lather my loofah as body wash while showering as well. I felt very clean with the Irish soap and I did not put any thought into the quality of the soap or that it could damage your skin. Imagine me then, shocked, when I couldn’t understand why my skin kept getting so sensitive/tearing/dry when I was cleaning myself every day as I always had without a problem. My SO was working alongside a doctor who always recommended to his patients to use Lever soap when they had sensitive skin. When my SO told me this I kind of laughed because soap is soap, but decided to give it a try anyway. Lo-and-behold, all of my skin sensitivity resolved within days after switching soaps. I still feel clean, it smells nice, it’s pretty cheap and it is doesn’t damage my skin with daily use.
Dawn Maynor –
I’m not too picky when it comes to soap. I’ll admit that I’ll use almost any brand. But my family does use a lot of soap and I needed an affordable bulk buy. This 24 count package was just what I was looking for. It comes neatly packaged in two different sets of 12. They are wrapped in plastic and then each individual soap also has it’s own cardboard box. I like this because they’re easy to stack, store, and are the perfect size for in a bathroom mirror or cupboard.
The soap is quality stuff. Unlike other soaps that get soft and easily ‘erode away’ in the shower, this stuff holds up really well. You can scrub just a few times on a washcloth and get enough suds to last you through your entire bathing experience. The smell is very light and not overpowering. That’s why I’d recommend this to people who are sensitive to smells- especially pregnant women and children. And this stuff definitely gets you clean. I feel squeaky clean the second I step out of the shower. It cuts threw grease and dirt like a pro and leaves you feeling totally refreshed.
One bar typically lasts my family about a month. So this pack will last us TWO years! For only $16.00, I’d say that’s a really great deal! It’s great for kids because it isn’t overpowering. The smell is very subtle (almost non-existant) and the suds aren’t too harsh (in case of those bubbles accidently getting in the eye).
It also lathers nicely, for women who use soap to shave instead of shaving cream. I use this soap and it works nicely. It hydrates my legs and keeps me from getting knicked by my razor. Not all soaps offer that sort of protection, so I really like it.
All in all, high quality soap. And it comes in bulk! Win win!
Amazon Customer –
I used to buy these at my local Target, but they discontinued them. Can’t find them at other local stores either. I feel the price is right for the product and quantity since I’m unable to get them otherwise.
Emine Arikan –
There’s no better soap! It works great for everything—whether I’m washing my hands, body, or even using it for linens and laundry. It lathers well, has a fresh scent, and leaves everything feeling clean without being harsh on the skin. It’s a fantastic all-purpose soap that I keep coming back to.
Hard to find retail!
yves Hébert –
Livraison avant-temps excellent service de livraison, car conditions difficile.
WayneChicago –
I wash behind my ears with this soap. It does not have a smell, so I don’t smell like I fell into a rose bush. I use it in my hair and it doesn’t leave me greasy like a pig or dry as a twig. In my groin, the bar fits beautifully. It’s ergonomic, if that makes sense.
One negative is…well, I forget what it is but I remembered something I wasn’t too fond of about this bar of soap while I was driving to work and now I forget what that was. Shoot, and I wanted to tell you about it, too. Maybe I’ll strip down and hop in the shower right now so that it might come back to me so that I can help you. I’ll take the star off the review now, and get back to you about why. If I don’t edit this review to tell you why then that means something happened to me. That’s how loyal I am.