Sabonete em Barra Defense Acne Care 120g | com 2% de Ácido Salicílico, Tea Tree
O Sabonete em Barra Defense Acne Care de 120g é uma solução eficaz e inovadora para o cuidado da acne, formulado com 2% de ácido salicílico e extrato de tea tree. Este sabonete é ideal para quem busca uma limpeza profunda e a redução da oleosidade da pele, prevenindo novas erupções e melhorando a aparência geral. O ácido salicílico é um ingrediente ativo amplamente reconhecido por sua capacidade de penetrar nos poros, eliminando células mortas e acelerando a cicatrização das espinhas. A adição de tea tree, conhecido por suas propriedades antibacterianas, potencializa a ação do sabonete, proporcionando uma sensação de frescor e limpeza.
A fórmula do Defense Acne Care também inclui aveia natural, que não apenas absorve o excesso de sebo, mas também oferece propriedades calmantes, ajudando a reduzir a vermelhidão e a irritação associadas à acne. Os óleos essenciais, como o de eucalipto puro, garantem uma limpeza refrescante, eliminando germes e irritantes da pele sem causar ressecamento ou irritação. Diferente de muitos produtos para acne, este sabonete é livre de fragrâncias e corantes químicos, tornando-o uma opção segura e suave para todos os tipos de pele.
Fabricado nos Estados Unidos, o Sabonete em Barra Defense Acne Care é sinônimo de qualidade e eficácia, apoiando a produção local e garantindo que cada barra atenda aos mais altos padrões de fabricação.
- Poderoso Medicamento: Contém 2% de ácido salicílico, que ajuda a eliminar células mortas e acelera a cicatrização das espinhas.
- Aveia Calmante: A aveia natural absorve o excesso de óleo e possui antioxidantes que fortalecem a pele.
- Óleos Essenciais Naturais: Os óleos de eucalipto e tea tree proporcionam uma limpeza refrescante e eliminam germes.
- Fórmula Não Irritante: Livre de fragrâncias e corantes químicos, minimizando o risco de irritação.
- Fabricado nos EUA: Garantia de qualidade e apoio à produção local.
Para melhores resultados, utilize o Sabonete em Barra Defense Acne Care diariamente. Comece molhando o rosto com água morna para abrir os poros. Em seguida, ensaboe o sabonete nas mãos até formar uma espuma rica e aplique suavemente na pele, realizando movimentos circulares. Enxágue bem com água morna e seque o rosto delicadamente com uma toalha limpa. Evite o contato com os olhos. Caso ocorra irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um médico.
Raenne –
This is the perfect bar of soap (save for the fact that it’s wrapped in plastic, which is what I was aiming to avoid by purchasing a bar in a box). Please make that change and it would be the ideal zero waste acne bar. The formula is gentle enough that it doesn’t dry my face out or cause flakes (like traditional bottled pink-grapefruit salicylic acid scrubs), but it definitely takes care of my acne. I had one of those terrible under the skin bumps starting to come up, and one scrub was enough to have it gone the next day. This bar really works.
Shiane L. –
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I was excited for this product because I am trying to recover from fungal, cystic acne and this company is locally established (at least it is for me since I am from and live in OH.) However, I am disappointed that upon receiving this item it expires within 3 months. I only planned to use this on my face so I’m sure it won’t be gone by that 3 month period. Typically skincare products I purchase last at least 6 months even for the all natural items which for my sake and my money’s sake is worth it. The packaging doesn’t state when this was manufactured so I can’t take that into account while deciding if the price point along with the maximum 3 months of use is indeed worth it. With all that being said I would be highly disappointed if I still had product left by that 3 month mark because that would mean I wasted money.
Within this short time period it seems that I am going to have to exhaust this soaps other uses. Right now it sounds somewhat stressful to have to continuously remember I must treat this soap as I would a timed test to finish it all and stop use before expiring (an expired product would worsen my acne.) This may not seem like much of a deal to others, but who wants to repeatedly purchase an item every 3 months when you can have another item that can last 6 months or a year and so forth for the same price point. If I had known beforehand that its time of use was so limited I honestly wouldn’t have carried out with the transaction. If you have dealt with acne all your life especially severe acne as I do, 3 months is only the tip of the iceberg compared to the long journey to treating your acne and a money consuming one with this soap. Regardless, I am going to test out the stated benefits of this soap and come back with an updated review within 3 months time.
Heather Haylett –
I purchased this in hopes to help fight acne against my sick that is behind a mask all day. My face and neck would always break out. Some days I still am fighting it but I have definitely noticed a difference. It does dry the skin if you use it every single day. But doing it twice a week was just enough for me to help fight the bacteria faster.
I also purchase the traveling wipes that did wonders too and made your face feel so refreshed.
lorraine brandenburg –
This product cleared up my daughter’s face! We tried Everything and this worked and was reasonably priced!!!
Rick –
Love it.
olivia –
I need more
Yuriy Sokolov –
James Seckington –
I train Jiu-Jitsu 5 or more days a week. Even though I was using Defense wipes after I still had an issue a few times. I started using this and boom issues gone plus my acne is way better then it ever has been. It smells good but not over powering. I cannot say enough good things about this product.