Nossa Barra de Sabão de Cúrcuma é enriquecida com Pó de Cúrcuma Orgânica 100% Natural para nutrir a pele, proporcionando hidratação e suavidade. Adequado para todos os tipos de pele, inclusive pele sensível. Também perfeito para homens, mulheres e crianças.
A Cúrcuma é aclamada por suas propriedades transformadoras da pele, suavizando-a enquanto limpa. O sabão de cúrcuma para o rosto e corpo, com Vitamina C e Vitamina E, estimula a produção de elastina, conferindo estrutura e vitalidade. Diga adeus à pele áspera e ressecada.
A barra de sabão de cúrcuma artesanal pode limpar os poros e impurezas, remover o excesso de óleo e células mortas da pele, além de reduzir a vermelhidão e acalmar a pele. Também é considerado o melhor sabão de cúrcuma de ação dupla para o rosto e corpo, podendo ser usado durante o banho e o chuveiro.
Nossa fórmula é vegana e à base de plantas, composta por extratos vegetais para criar fórmulas de cuidados com a pele de baixa irritação e não comedogênicas, livres de álcool. Evitamos qualquer ingrediente de origem animal para garantir que também possamos atender aos usuários veganos.
Com a rede de espuma inclusa, feita de polietileno, é possível produzir espuma mais rapidamente. Após o uso, coloque o sabão na rede de espuma e pendure-a na parede para que o sabão seque rapidamente e fique limpo.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Ingredientes Naturais: Nossa barra de sabão de cúrcuma é feita com ingredientes naturais e orgânicos, proporcionando nutrição e hidratação à pele.
- 2. Propriedades Transformadoras: A cúrcuma é conhecida por suas propriedades transformadoras da pele, suavizando-a e melhorando sua estrutura e vitalidade.
- 3. Limpeza Profunda: O sabão de cúrcuma artesanal limpa profundamente os poros, removendo impurezas e reduzindo a vermelhidão da pele.
- 4. Vegano e à Base de Plantas: Nossa fórmula é livre de ingredientes de origem animal e à base de plantas, adequada para usuários veganos.
- 5. Rede de Espuma Inclusa: Acompanha uma rede de espuma para produzir espuma mais rapidamente e manter o sabão seco e limpo.
– Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter melhores resultados, umedeça o rosto ou corpo, ensaboe a barra de sabão de cúrcuma e aplique a espuma na pele massageando suavemente. Enxágue com água morna. Use diariamente para uma pele nutrida, suave e revitalizada.
Para obter melhores resultados, umedeça o rosto ou corpo, ensaboe a barra de sabão de cúrcuma e aplique a espuma na pele massageando suavemente. Enxágue com água morna. Use diariamente para uma pele nutrida, suave e revitalizada.
woodworker –
This soap has a lovely orange color and a citrusy scent. It is especially effective in cleansing away body odor after hard workouts or a day laboring in hot weather. It is excellent for getting odors out of smelly feet. It is natural and organic. I use it everyday. It is also gentle enough for your face and other delicate areas of your body.
Super shopper –
These Persimmon Soap Bar smells really nice and lathers well. It cleans well and does not dry out my skin. This persimmon extract soap is made with clinically tested persimmon extract that leaves your skin squeaky clean, and freshly hydrated. It is good for mature, oily, combination, dry, and sensitive skin types. Gentle and non-irritating, suitable for people of all ages.
TakTak –
I can’t really tell if this soap takes away my old lady smell. It has a lovely strong persimmon scent, and although it doesn’t lather up too well, it leaves me feeling clean after my shower. If it has a deodorizing effect, it doesn’t last very long. I tried skipping deodorant on one of my work from home days, and I had to take another shower by noon.
Alicia F. –
I’d never heard of persimmon soap before but I knew that I wanted to try it. Each bag is boxed separately with a soap bag. I like the way my skin felt after I used the soap. When I smelled the soap before using, I didn’t notice a scent. However, when I wet it to wash my hands, the scent was far stronger than I like. It’s one of those scent that just tends to give me a headache. I will probably pass these along to a friend that doesn’t have an issue with scent.
Outdoor Enthusiast –
This is great soap! This is a 3 pack of bars, individually wrapped in their own seals boxes. I incorrectly assumed this soap would have a strong smell. The scent is a nice, light, citrus like smell, which is very pleasing. The texture and consistency is good quality. I like using it on my entire body and face, it doesn’t dry me out at all. The bar lasts a long time and comes with a nice, mesh bag per bag for easy transport and drying it out. I definitely recommend this.
X –
These are very nice bars of soap with a pleasant scent that isn’t overpowering. The bars are perfectly formed with no bubbles, and come individually boxed, and each with a scrubbing bag so you can easily use them in the shower without a washcloth. Would be a nice set to break up for gifts. I also like the size of the bars which are slightly smaller than a standard size large bar. Going to probably be putting these by my sink for hand soap as they have a nice smell that most people would like and look great.
JW –
I ordered this 3-pack of persimmons soaps because it’s a delightful scent that I rarely see. I love it! It’s citrusy and fresh.
Each soap was individually boxed (so potentially giftable) and I had a pleasant surprise upon finding a soap saver bag included. It’s made of the same mesh as a shower poof and works equally well for scrubbing your skin, and when you’re finished, you can rinse it in the bag and leave it hanging up to dry.
This soap comes as a plain block. It feels grippier than a Dove or Irish Spring bar, as in it feels slightly tacky, which might make it easier to keep hold of (I just used the mesh bag). It lathered super well, in fact, I had quite a bit more lather than I needed!
My sense of smell isn’t the best, but this soap does smell strong, especially while I was using it. Because of that I didn’t try to use it on really sensitive areas. After my shower, my daughter told me I smelled great, even though I couldn’t really tell, so I’d imagine that the scent stays on your skin for a while.
The price is great for 3 bars, each with its own soap saver, and would make a great gift for persimmon lovers. Recommended!
Super shopper –
If you like the smell of persimmon or otherwise citrus flavors, this one is a winner. I loved the scent and it didn’t linger for long, which I prefer. It does a fine job lathering and cleaning in the shower. It would be OK as a hand soap too. The three pack is a decent value and I enjoyed using this soap.