Sabonete em Barra de Curcuma e Ácido Kójico – Rosto | Marca: Turmeric
Descubra o poder transformador do Sabonete em Barra de Curcuma e Ácido Kójico da marca Turmeric, especialmente formulado para o cuidado do rosto. Este sabonete combina a eficácia do ácido kójico e as propriedades benéficas da cúrcuma, criando uma solução poderosa para quem busca clarear manchas escuras e uniformizar o tom da pele. A cúrcuma, conhecida por suas propriedades antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias, atua na redução da acne e na melhora da aparência geral da pele, enquanto o ácido kójico é amplamente reconhecido por sua capacidade de clarear a hiperpigmentação, proporcionando um brilho saudável e radiante.
Os sabonetes Turmeric Kojic Acid são ideais para todos os tipos de pele e podem ser utilizados em diversas áreas do corpo, incluindo rosto, mãos, pescoço, área do biquíni, coxas internas e axilas. Sua fórmula especial não apenas clareia, mas também corrige manchas escuras, promovendo um tom de pele mais uniforme e revitalizado. Com o uso regular, você notará uma redução visível em queimaduras solares, linhas finas e rugas, além de uma pele mais limpa e saudável.
1. Clareamento de Manchas Escuras: Eficaz na redução da hiperpigmentação, proporcionando um tom de pele mais claro e uniforme.
2. Remoção de Manchas: Ajuda a corrigir manchas escuras, promovendo um brilho saudável e revitalizando a pele.
3. Uso Versátil: Pode ser utilizado tanto no rosto quanto no corpo, tornando-se um produto multifuncional.
4. Fácil Aplicação: Simples de usar, com resultados visíveis em pouco tempo.
5. Conjunto Completo de Cuidados: Inclui sabonetes, saboneteira e esfoliante facial, oferecendo uma rotina completa de cuidados com a pele.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Sabonete em Barra de Curcuma e Ácido Kójico, siga estas instruções: comece molhando a pele com água morna para abrir os poros. Aplique o sabonete uniformemente na área desejada e massageie suavemente por 20 a 30 segundos, permitindo que os ingredientes ativos penetrem na pele. Enxágue bem com água. Para resultados ideais, recomenda-se o uso do sabonete 1 a 2 vezes ao dia, respeitando o período de uso recomendado. Aproveite os benefícios do clareamento da pele e do equilíbrio da umidade proporcionados por este produto de alta qualidade.
Eugenio Garcia –
This is a really nice soap bar. It feels great, leaves your face feeling nice and clean and oil free. It also has a great smell that is very much like citronella. It does seem a little pricey per bar though.
Eugenio Garcia –
I really didn’t expect to get much foam from my NEW Kojic Acid soap bar by YOSEGOOTER. After all, the primary ingredient, besides the Kojic Acid, is Turmeric, and I usually don’t think of Turmeric as “foam-inducing”. But, indeed, I did get foam after a few minutes, especially with the soap bar inside of the included foaming net. And the sensation on my face and neck was gentle, felt exfoliating, and moisturizing.
I don’t think it’s the foaming net that generated EXTRA foam, because I also washed in the shower with just the bar, and created plenty of foam (almost as much as my shave soap!). But the foaming net also doubles as a hanging pouch, especially in a shower or hotel – it has a long cord for hanging just where you need it to hang to dry.
The “magic” of Kojic Acid and Turmeric is the wonders it performs on dark spotted or acne-prone skin, and though I have neither, I got the other benefit of the two main ingredients – deep moisturizing, and a gentle exfoliation (no red marks after a generous cleansing).
The back of the soap bar box mentions the following uses, for:
Oily skin, yellowing of the skin, hyperpigmentation, uneven skin color. And the instructions suggest the soap is “safe for sensitive skin”.
Other ingredients include glycerin, retinol, hyaluronic acid, and Shea butter.
Dor –
Pleasant scent to it. I was thinking the tumeric smell would be overwhelming but it wasn’t it had a light tumeric/lemongrass scent. If you are someone who don’t like those two scent then this soap is not for you. The scent doesn’t linger long. After showering I barely smell it on myself. I don’t think this brighten the skin tone.
Brad C. –
The soap has a lovely, rich lather that feels gentle on the skin while effectively cleansing. I’ve noticed a significant improvement in the appearance of dark spots and uneven skin tone after just a few uses
Just a Consumer –
This YOSEGOOTER Turmeric Kojic Acid Soap Bars – Face&Body Dark Spots Remover, Natural and Organic Ingredients Skin Care Body Wash Pads, Gentle & Moisturizing, 1pack is a gentle, effective soap. It’s an orange bar with a moderately strong herbal (likely turmeric) scent that cleanses without drying out skin. It foams up nicely, is easy to apply, and washes off cleanly without leaving a residue or scent. Skin feels clean without being stripped so should be gentle enough to use on your face. The ingredient list is impressively short and pronounceable. I can’t speak to the long-term effects of spot removal which is their main claim yet but the ingredients of this bar are known to be able to help with reducing the appearance of dark spots, so will update if significant changes occur. Made in China.
B –
i use this soap for my daily face wash and i’ve noticed a difference in my complexion since using it
mamahope –
This Turmeric Kojic Acid soap bar is very nice. It lathers up great with lots of suds. It also doesn’t strip the skin or make the skin feel dry or tight after use. The skin is left feeling soft and clean. My favorite aspect about this soap though was the scent. It has a citronella-type scent to it which is unique but lovely. I don’t know why the scent comes across as citronella to me since it says the scent is ginger but anyway. The soap does come with a plastic net bag that you can keep the soap in while using and it aids in lathering up the soap. Nice product.
Fashionbloggerp –
easy to use cleans well affordable i like it good for sensitive skin