O Sabonete em Barra de Caqui Natural da EKIVAO é uma solução inovadora e eficaz para o controle do odor corporal, especialmente desenvolvido para atender às necessidades de pessoas idosas. Com um conjunto de três unidades, este sabonete orgânico não apenas combate o odor nãoenal, conhecido como “Cheiro de Velho”, mas também proporciona uma experiência de banho refrescante e revigorante. A fórmula é rica em ingredientes naturais e orgânicos, garantindo que a pele fique limpa e hidratada, sem o uso de produtos químicos agressivos que possam causar irritações.
Este sabonete é unissex e pode ser utilizado por toda a família, desde crianças até adultos mais velhos. Sua ação antibacteriana é eficaz na eliminação de odores indesejados, enquanto mantém a integridade da pele, evitando o ressecamento. O extrato de caqui presente na fórmula promove uma limpeza profunda, removendo impurezas, excesso de óleo e células mortas, resultando em uma pele suave e rejuvenescida. Além disso, o sabonete é prático para viagens, pois cada unidade é embalada individualmente e acompanha uma rede de espuma, facilitando o uso e evitando vazamentos.
1. Controle eficaz do odor corporal: Elimina o cheiro desagradável causado pelo nonenal, proporcionando frescor duradouro.
2. Sabonete natural e orgânico: Feito com ingredientes seguros e saudáveis, ideal para toda a família.
3. Limpeza profunda da pele: Remove sujeira, excesso de óleo e células mortas, deixando a pele fresca e suave.
4. Adequado para todos os tipos de pele: Fórmula suave que não resseca a pele e é segura para peles sensíveis.
5. Prático para viagens: Embalagem individual e rede de espuma facilitam o uso em qualquer lugar, evitando vazamentos.
Para utilizar o Sabonete em Barra de Caqui Natural da EKIVAO, siga os passos abaixo: coloque o sabonete na rede de espuma e umedeça com água morna. Amasse a rede no sentido horário até formar uma espuma rica e fina. Aplique a espuma na pele limpa, massageando suavemente para garantir uma limpeza eficaz. Enxágue com água morna, e desfrute de uma pele limpa, macia e hidratada. Este método não só maximiza a eficácia do sabonete, mas também proporciona uma experiência de banho relaxante e revigorante.
Brad –
I think this turmeric soap sounded good at first, but I have to say it breaks up very easily. I do wish though there was a bit more here in this soap to moisturize my skin.
CustomerS535 –
3Pack Natural Persimmon Soap Bar (EKIVAO): What caught my attention in the listing is that this can help with the bad smell of old people or “stinky teenagers.” I didn’t tell the teen what this was supposed to help; I also tried it myself as an older but not old adult. I really like the scent; it was mild and didn’t linger once it dried. It didn’t lather immediately on first use but once it got wet it started lathering even without the soap bag (though the bag helps). The teen seems to approve as well, or at least that’s how I interpret the grunt. This is a fair price for three bars ($9 at the time of this review).
Brad –
My wife is a stickler for safe ingredients in beauty and bath products, and this ingredient list is safe. The soaps are bright orange, and come with a net bag to use with them. The bag has a nice long handle for hanging on a shower hook if you have one. The soap has a quite strong fruity/floral scent. My wife doesn’t love the scent as it is strong, but once she’s done showering, she smells clean with just a hint of the floral scent which is quite pleasant. We aren’t old enough yet to worry about old person smell, but I bet this soap is a good, cost effective option to help with that. Recommend.
Never had a soap that bears the scent of persimmon, as a persimmon lover, can not pass out on the chance of to try what a combination like this in a soap brings to hygiene routine. We are excited to try this, it comes in a nicely packaged 3 plastic wrapped in a box. The color matches a ripen persimmon, bright orange, love it. If we did not know better, we had to suppress the temptation of unpacking it and put it in the mouth, but of course, this is a soap, it is for cleaning. It lathers a lot, and leaves skin smooth and shinning. Everything has lived up to its hype. Love it.
Michael Kerner –
Such a refreshing, citrusy scent is what I appreciate the most about this soap bar. The scent alone gives me a refreshing vibe. It contains wonderful components and is free of paraben and mineral oil, which I also enjoy. When placed in a mesh net, it produces a good lather; otherwise, it does not. Although it is recommended for both the face and the body, I believe I will use it exclusively for facial cleansing. I didn’t get any negative reactions. A mesh net to hold the bar soap and three bars, each weighing 3.53 ounces, were included in the package. All in all, I’m happy with this order and I can suggest for anyone to try. Thank you
Taylor –
I really really like the scent of these persimmon soaps. It’s strong enough that the smells is present but not overpowering and it’s quite pleasant. The soap lathers good and makes me feels clean. The one downside is that you get that soap scum feeling, however I think it makes the scent last longer in this case
Julia –
I’ve become a huge fan of these natural style soaps. I’ve tried quite a few different ones and haven’t been disappointed yet because they always smell amazing and never dry my skin out like standard soap bars. I think this turmeric one is the best smelling yet and the only one I’ve used on my face. My face skin is very sensitive so I’m always careful with the products I use. I was excited for this one though because turmeric is known to have anti-inflammatory effects so I’m hopeful it will calm some of my redness after regular use. So far I definitely feel like it’s helping and while I can’t say it’s really moisturizing, it doesn’t make my skin any more dry. I think it’s a good value so definitely worth a try if you have sensitive skin or if you just like really good smelling soaps.
Gee –
This soap smells so good. So far it is not irritating and lathers fine. I think I will like the bag when the bar gets smaller and I can add the small pieces of the spent bars and still use them. Otherwise I just use the bar itself. I do use a soap holder that has knobs that hold the bar up so the bar dries in between. Maybe the bag would help dry the soap in between if you hung it up, then the bar won’t dissolve too fast.