Sabonete de Aveia Coloidal Calmante – Eczema, Psoríase 120g Natural – Sem Fragrância – Oats Garden
O Sabonete em Barra de Aveia Coloidal Calmante é uma solução natural e eficaz para quem sofre com problemas de pele como eczema e psoríase. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, este sabonete combina a suavidade da aveia coloidal com ingredientes 100% naturais, proporcionando um alívio significativo para a pele irritada. A ausência de fragrâncias e produtos químicos agressivos torna este sabonete ideal para peles sensíveis, garantindo uma experiência de limpeza que respeita a integridade da pele.
A aveia coloidal é conhecida por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e hidratantes, que ajudam a acalmar a coceira e a vermelhidão associadas a condições como eczema e psoríase. Ao utilizar este sabonete, você não apenas limpa a pele, mas também a nutre, promovendo um ambiente propício para a recuperação e manutenção da saúde cutânea.
Além disso, a textura cremosa do sabonete proporciona uma sensação de conforto durante o uso, transformando o momento do banho em um ritual de autocuidado. Com 120g de puro cuidado, o Sabonete em Barra de Aveia Coloidal Calmante é a escolha perfeita para quem busca um produto que une eficácia e naturalidade.
- Alívio eficaz para eczema e psoríase, reduzindo a irritação e a coceira.
- Fórmula 100% natural, livre de fragrâncias e produtos químicos nocivos.
- Limpeza suave que não agride a pele sensível, ideal para uso diário.
- Aveia coloidal que proporciona hidratação e acalma a pele irritada.
- Produto versátil que pode ser utilizado em diversas áreas do corpo afetadas por irritações cutâneas.
Para maximizar os benefícios do Sabonete em Barra de Aveia Coloidal Calmante, recomenda-se utilizá-lo durante o banho. Aplique o sabonete sobre a pele úmida, massageando suavemente até formar uma espuma cremosa. Enxágue abundantemente com água morna e seque a pele delicadamente com uma toalha, evitando esfregar. Para melhores resultados, utilize diariamente ou sempre que necessário, especialmente em áreas afetadas por eczema ou psoríase, para manter a pele limpa, hidratada e livre de irritações.
Chey Chey –
Oatmeal! I couldn’t believe that oatmeal could make my skin feel so calm. Once out of the bath I felt new. I stopped itching. Such a strange remedy, but I’m hooked. I’ve been using it now for about a year and it helps so much. I would heartily reccommend it.
Kristi –
It’s soap with oatmeal that helps you not itch as much. Lives up to the hype.
L.Berry Paolic –
The herbal soap I was using started irritating my skin in delicate areas.
Switched to this oatmeal soap and it is SO soothing.
Lathers up nicely too.
I keep purchasing … 4 bars so far.
Charlotte –
Love the fragrance first. This soap is exfoliating, feels great on your skin. The clean rich sheen to my skin is worth every penny! It does not melt away in one shower. The quality is, excuse me, SPOT ON! You’ll love this SOAP!
Imani Green –
I have extremely sensitive skin and eczema. This soap doesn’t have any fragrances. It keeps my skin pretty clear. It goes on a moisturizing but once rinsed off your skin is pretty dry so lather up really good afterwards. I wish i could buy this soap in bundles. It’s only the soap that has ever worked for my skin my entire life.
Elise brooks –
Worked great for my pityriasis rosea. I was covered from head to toe in this rash and it only got worse. Then I got this soap. I’m actually amazed. Before I started using the soap, the rash was very itchy and my skin was flaking dramatically. The rash was noticeably raised and was red and inflamed. The rash started reducing within a day of using this soap. I use it after I use Bronner’s so that my skin is clean enough to absorb the benefits of this soap. I personally think this soap bar lathers quite a bit, maybe a 7/10 on the foam scale. The scent is not noticeable to me. Smells vaguely like oats but is basically unscented. It’s added back a good deal of moisture to my skin after being extremely crusty the couple weeks preceding my experience with this soap.
I’ve only used it 3 times so it’s hard to say if it’s going to get rid of the rash entirely, but it’s certainly expediting its departure, if nothing else.
It is a more expensive soap bar, but it’s also not your average soap bar. I wouldn’t use this to clean yourself if you’re trying to conserve though. Like I said I bathe with Bronner’s before using it because I only use this soap where my rash is located. It will probably end up lasting me about 8 weeks at my current rate. For me that’s definitely worth it.
Still has not arrived –
Second time buying loved the 1st the second bar doesn’t seem the same
Samantha –
I bought this for my Boyfriend, he is incredibly itchy ALL THE TIME, sincehe was young, doctors have tried to help him with suggestion, creams, soaps, lotions, medications, allergies, eventually he accepted being itchy all the, until recently. We’ve tried multple things, including sensitive skin soaps, and multiple lotions. I decided maybe the soap he uses irritates his skin, scent, drying…could be anything. To try something for eczema, natural… i foung this during my searches, ordered it. He’s been using everday since we bought it on Oct 28, received the 30th. And he does NOT ITCH anymore! I never mentioned anything about it i waited weeks to observe him going from itching, to not at all! This has if course been in combination with lotioning his body everyday after a shower. He’s been usuing a shea butter lotion before this soap. And i have to say, this soap has been amazing for him! I am ordering his second bar today Dec 9. This lasts him a long time! Great things come in small packages!