O Sabonete de Óleo de Emu para Pele Sensível é um suave limpador desenvolvido especialmente para atender às necessidades de quem sofre com pele seca e irritada, resultante de condições como eczema, psoríase, dermatite, líquen escleroso e síndrome da pele vermelha. Com uma fórmula rica em ingredientes naturais, este sabonete combina óleo de emu, óleo de oliva, óleo de coco e óleo de calêndula, proporcionando uma hidratação intensa e alívio dos sintomas. Sua ação suave é ideal para reduzir a coceira, a inflamação e a vermelhidão, promovendo uma pele mais saudável e confortável.
Este sabonete é livre de sulfatos, parabenos, fragrâncias e corantes, garantindo que apenas ingredientes saudáveis e naturais sejam utilizados. Isso o torna seguro para toda a família, incluindo bebês. A fragrância suave e herbal é adequada tanto para homens quanto para mulheres, enquanto a espuma cremosa se enxágua facilmente, deixando a pele macia e fresca. Além disso, por ser não-comedogênico, o sabonete não obstrui os poros, podendo ser utilizado como um limpador facial eficaz.
Produzido à mão em pequenos lotes nos Estados Unidos, utilizando o método de processo a frio, este sabonete é uma excelente alternativa ao sabonete de emu da marca Noble Formula, que foi descontinuado. Seu tamanho grande e durabilidade garantem um uso prolongado, tornando-o um investimento valioso para o cuidado diário da pele.
- Hidratação intensa para pele seca e irritada
- Livre de sulfatos, parabenos, fragrâncias e corantes
- Fragrância suave e herbal adequada para homens e mulheres
- Não obstrui os poros, podendo ser usado como limpador facial
- Feito à mão em pequenos lotes nos Estados Unidos
Para obter os melhores resultados, utilize este sabonete diariamente durante o banho. Aplique-o na pele úmida, massageando suavemente até formar espuma. Em seguida, enxágue bem. Evite o contato com os olhos. Caso ocorra irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um médico.
Chick –
I just got my order today- soap and body cream. The soap is as large as a regular bar of Dove (contrary to some reviews). It doesn’t smell at all. The body cream is smooth and does have a light scent. I’m looking forward to skin improvement based on other positive reviews for these products!
Lazygirl Approved –
If you have lichen sclerosus, purchase this now! I have suffered with it for over 20 years. Nothing I did ever made it truly go away. I tried prescribed creams, over the counter creams, wipes, changing my diet, everything, nothing ever truly made it go away or even came close to it. I would go through periods where it was “quiet”/manageable” but it would always flare up again at some point and drive me insane. It was also so embarassing! I waited to write this review until I had used it for a while. It has been 5 months of using it every time I shower. I have auto-immune disorders so I don’t shower every day, probably 3-5 times a week. I use this emu soap, only in the area of the lichen sclerosus, and I ONLY use that soap there. I could see a difference after one use, and it just kept getting better and better until finally it was completely gone after just a couple weeks and it has stayed gone. No more itching, no more embarassment, hello to giving me a small piece of sanity back. I would pay hundreds of dollars for this kind of relief, and have wasted that much trying to find relief, so I highly recommend it!
Scott Hanback –
I liked the clean smell of this soap. It also made my skin feel like it had been well cleaned and moisturized at the same time. I’m glad that I purchased this oatmeal soap. I’ll definitely buy it again.
Amazon Customer –
The first time I used Emu soap I was in shock on how smooth the soap is when using it. A beautiful texture and cleans your body like no other. If you have sensitive skin then this is the product for you. It’s unscented but has a taint of flowers in the making of it. I recommend this to everyonen on the plantet.
Orland, Fl.
Chick –
Good for sensitive skin. Satisfied.
I bought this after dealing with a chemical burn on my legs from an auto accident in August 2022. I was on a series of topicals, antibiotics and steroids for it and nothing helped. My skin was dry, peeling, hurt to touch, and just would never heal 100%. I have used this for a total of 3 days now and it has done more for me than any prescription. I would say I am 95% healed and was hovering around 75% before this!!!!!
Kelly M. –
My daughter has sensitive skin and I found this soap to try out and it works really well. Make sure you keep it out of the water so it stays in good condition to use it and not waste it. It’s so soft and silky. Works for her sensitive skin and I’m really happy with it.
Meg –
Well I’ll say the good first it didn’t irritate my lichens sclerosis or my skin anywhere else it suds good it rinse is good BUT I have a hard time believing it has all these natural oils in it because it did not moisturize my skin at all so I guess some of the other reviews were correct unfortunately I will not buy it again on to the next to see what truly works