O Sabonete de Lama do Mar Morto e Neem para o Rosto – Barra de Sabão Natural com Ingredientes Poderosos da Marca XYZ é uma verdadeira joia para quem busca uma rotina de cuidados com a pele eficaz e natural. Este sabonete combina a riqueza mineral da lama do Mar Morto com as propriedades benéficas do neem, resultando em um produto que não apenas limpa, mas também revitaliza e protege a pele. A lama do Mar Morto é conhecida por suas propriedades purificadoras e desintoxicantes, enquanto o neem possui ação antibacteriana e antifúngica, tornando este sabonete ideal para quem luta contra a acne e a oleosidade excessiva.
Produzido de forma artesanal, utilizando o método de processo a frio, cada barra de sabão é feita em pequenos lotes, garantindo a preservação das propriedades dos ingredientes. A fórmula é enriquecida com manteiga de karité, azeite de oliva, óleo de palma sustentável, óleo de rícino e óleo de girassol, todos certificados organicamente. O resultado é um sabonete luxuoso que não só limpa, mas também nutre a pele, deixando-a macia e radiante. Com um leve perfume de óleos essenciais 100% puros, o uso deste sabonete transforma a rotina de cuidados em um momento de prazer e bem-estar.
Este produto é versátil e pode ser utilizado como sabonete facial, corporal ou até mesmo como sabonete de barbear, atendendo às necessidades de toda a família, incluindo homens, mulheres e adolescentes. A Marca XYZ oferece uma garantia de satisfação, assegurando que, caso o cliente não esteja satisfeito, poderá devolver o produto e receber um reembolso total.
1. Limpeza Profunda: Remove impurezas e resíduos, proporcionando uma pele limpa e fresca.
2. Ação Antibacteriana e Antifúngica: Combate bactérias e fungos, ajudando a prevenir acne e outras irritações.
3. Hidratação e Nutrição: Enriquecido com ingredientes que hidratam e nutrem a pele, promovendo suavidade e elasticidade.
4. Versatilidade: Pode ser usado no rosto, corpo e como sabonete de barbear, ideal para toda a família.
5. Produzido de Forma Sustentável: Feito com ingredientes orgânicos certificados, respeitando o meio ambiente e a saúde do consumidor.
Para utilizar o Sabonete de Lama do Mar Morto e Neem, inicie molhando o rosto ou o corpo com água morna. Em seguida, ensaboe a barra de sabão entre as mãos ou diretamente na pele, massageando suavemente em movimentos circulares. Isso ajudará a ativar os ingredientes e a promover uma limpeza eficaz. Após a aplicação, enxágue bem com água corrente, removendo todos os resíduos do sabonete. Para melhores resultados, recomenda-se o uso diário, integrando-o à sua rotina de cuidados com a pele.
Dahlin –
This is a really good soap although it takes a while to lather it’s really good but doesn’t leave your skin feeling like there’s residue. It’s oil based I believe.
Amazonian ¥ –
I absolutely loved this bar of soap. Admittedly, I’m somewhat of a soap whore, as I’ll try multiple types and switch them around regularly. I actually have a container of various bar soaps in my bathroom. You do need to keep it dry — but you should do that with any bar soap so it lasts longer. I love the smell of this, and the mild exfoliation is a nice addition. It did make my skin softer, and the mild irritations I have cleared up some.
My only negative? The price. If it were more affordable, I’d buy it again. But I can get soaps that work just as well for a lesser cost. Bummer.
Kevin R.Harvey –
I love this soap! This is the third scent I’ve bought from this company. I believe they live up to the big name they’ve given their products. I only choose naturally occurring and organic ingredients for me and my son’s skin care and I would definitely recommend Aspenkay.
1) It lasts a long time because I keep it dry and out of the water AND I followed another customer’s advice of cutting the bar in half.
2) I have dry skin and eczema and it doesn’t dry me out or irritate me further; I’ve even used it on my face.
3) I like the scent. It smells fresh but also gives me nostalgia…. It smells like some flavor of chewing gum from when I was a child.
Overall I recommend Aspenkay!
Rosalia –
I like the way it blends with water.
Shopping with a Purpose –
Packaging easy to recycle
Great value
Cons: I will be spending more money because I will buying this to give as gifts 🙂
Until this purchase I never heard of Aspen Kay Naturals, but they will be part of my body care regimen. The soap measures at 3 1/2 inches in length. I can’t tell you how many bars of soap that I have bought and they were so small enough to fit in miniature doll house. According to the box it is made of organic ingredients such as;
Organic Neem leaf which is soothing for my skin, organic extra virgin olive oil, which is moisturizing and many other great organic ingredients.
It lathers well and rinses off quickly which when you need to wash off quickly that is important. It has a slight hint of Neem but you mainly smell mint and orange. I would suggest that when bathing that you don’t put your soap under water. Wet your cloth and then rub it on the soap. It will go a long way. I plan to take it with me on my trip since there are restrictions on liquid. I will try and update upon my return.
Fajar –
This combo didn’t really help my eczema as well as other natural soap I buy
Shopping with a Purpose –
Lathers wonderfully and leaves my skin feeling super clean! Cant ask for more.
Matty C –
This soap is amazing; the smell, lather, and cleansing that this little bar of soap provides is unbelievable! I have tried almost everything on the market; nothing has left my skin so clean and soft.
I am actually seeing results with from the damage done from threading my eyebrows. Eye-brow threading; the thread seems to hit most of your face (my nose, lips, cheeks, hairline are/were all damaged), the thread causes lines where the hair has been removed/lifted, and to make it worse, the hair gets covered by skin trying to repair where ever the threading was done. It has taken over 10-years to get my face back to normal! Threading is not good at all, if you don’t want unnecessary lines/wrinkles and lots of pain, stop threading ANYTHING. Thank you for your soap, I wish I found it years ago to save myself the time and pain from this horrific experience.