Sabonete de Lama do Mar Morto Jericho Cosmetics
O Sabonete de Lama do Mar Morto Jericho Cosmetics é um tratamento facial hidratante que combina a riqueza dos minerais e sais do Mar Morto, proporcionando uma experiência de limpeza profunda e revitalizante. Este produto é formulado para atender a todos os tipos de pele, sendo ideal para quem busca um cuidado eficaz e natural. Com sua composição vegana, o sabonete não contém ingredientes de origem animal, tornando-se uma escolha consciente para os consumidores que se preocupam com a ética e a sustentabilidade.
Experimente uma experiência luxuosa de limpeza com o nosso sabonete de lama do Mar Morto, que remove impurezas, desobstrui os poros e absorve o excesso de óleo. A combinação única de sais e minerais do Mar Morto trabalha para desintoxicar a pele, deixando-a renovada e revitalizada. A glicerina, um poderoso umectante, é infundida na fórmula, atraindo a umidade para a pele e prevenindo o ressecamento, resultando em uma textura visivelmente mais suave e macia.
O toque suave de hamamélis, conhecido por suas propriedades calmantes e adstringentes, complementa a ação do sabonete, limpando efetivamente sem remover a barreira de umidade natural da pele. Isso garante que a pele fique acalmada, equilibrada e refrescada após o uso. Os minerais do Mar Morto, ricos em magnésio, cálcio e potássio, ajudam a equilibrar a produção de óleo, acalmar a irritação e restaurar o pH natural da pele, promovendo um aspecto saudável e radiante.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Limpeza Profunda: Remova impurezas, desobstrua os poros e absorva o excesso de óleo com o nosso sabonete de lama do Mar Morto.
- Hidratação Intensa: Através da glicerina, nosso sabonete atrai a umidade para a pele, prevenindo o ressecamento e restaurando a maciez.
- Cuidado Calmante: A hamamélis presente em nossa fórmula limpa efetivamente sem remover a umidade natural da pele, deixando-a acalmada e equilibrada.
- Riqueza Mineral: Os minerais do Mar Morto presentes em nosso sabonete ajudam a equilibrar a produção de óleo, acalmar a irritação e restaurar o pH natural da pele.
- Produto Vegano: Nosso sabonete é livre de ingredientes de origem animal, sendo uma opção consciente para quem busca produtos veganos.
O Sabonete de Lama do Mar Morto Jericho Cosmetics oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Primeiramente, sua limpeza profunda remove impurezas e desobstrui os poros, prevenindo acne e outras imperfeições. Em segundo lugar, a hidratação intensa proporcionada pela glicerina garante que a pele permaneça macia e saudável, mesmo em climas secos. Além disso, as propriedades calmantes da hamamélis ajudam a reduzir a vermelhidão e a irritação, tornando-o ideal para peles sensíveis. A riqueza mineral do produto não só equilibra a produção de óleo, mas também restaura o pH natural da pele, promovendo um aspecto radiante. Por último, por ser vegano, o sabonete é uma escolha ética que respeita os direitos dos animais e o meio ambiente.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Sabonete de Lama do Mar Morto Jericho Cosmetics, utilize-o diariamente durante o banho ou na limpeza facial. Aplique o sabonete na pele úmida, massageando suavemente em movimentos circulares para ativar suas propriedades. Enxágue bem com água morna, garantindo que todos os resíduos sejam removidos. Para potencializar os efeitos, recomenda-se o uso em conjunto com outros produtos da linha Jericho Cosmetics, criando uma rotina de cuidados completa e eficaz.
I ordered this soap about a month ago because of the reviews I found here on and the soap hasn’t disappointed me yet. It has really changed the look and feel of my skin for the better. My skin was awful before and i was using a soap that was organic and had pure ingredients…however it wasnt doing much for my skin, it was almost like it wasn’t cleaning it well enough, but after using Jericho’s Dead Sea Mud Soap, the tone of my skin has become more even, my pores have shrunk significantly, and i dont breakout anymore. This soap is truly a miracle. Love it! And will continue to buy it. The scent isn’t that great, but it works like magic!!!! =)
Cindy C –
I’m not impressed. It does not moisturize any better than Ivory soap, and it makes an unsightly mess in the shower. Granted, I don’t have any major skin conditions; it is relieves itching for those who do it’s probably worth it. If you’re looking for a luxury soap for normal skin, this is probably not for you.
Tiffany Garrard –
I have been plagued with itchy, rashy skin for about 4 years now. It started all of a sudden, drs said I just became allergic to things. Well I went to perfume, dye free everything (almost). But still would claw myself to death after showers. I don’t know if it was the soap I was using (dove) or if it was the water. Well I got this soap for me and my daughter (she has eczema) and I have fell in love with it! Not only has my itchy rashy skin stopped after the first use, but it makes my skin very soft. It doesn’t leave a waxy feeling like most soaps do, and makes my legs feel amazing when I use it to shave. I had tried every lotion, soap, and cream out there. The rashes and itching would get so bad I would have to get a steroid shot. This soap has saved my sanity!
Mama P –
I bought this to help with a few small eczema spots that have appeared during my pregnancy. Normally, these spots appear randomly during periods of stress and I spend 5-10 total minutes in a tanning bed to kick them. However, being pregnant, that’s not an option. This soap was intended to help with the eczema and has not at all.
Having said that, it’s a lovely soap with a very foamy, smooth lather. I like the soap and I like the lather. I just wouldn’t buy it again because I’m sure there are lots of smooth lathering soaps at Walmart.
Agam Singal –
Nice product…
travis foreman –
it’s great for rosacea. i don’t use it all the time because it seems like it does some clogging of pores, but you wash then rinse then rub your skin where there is rough skin and it will smooth it out. also seems like it keeps it much more clear and manageable so that you don’t get repeat sensitive breakouts
Samantha –
After doing a lot of research I felt that trying some type of Dead Sea product might be best for my type III rosacea face. This bar last forever I am only halfway through and I’ve had it for couple of months. I keep it out of the shower to help make it last longer. There is no fragrance really to it. It has done wonders for my face it helps control my rosacea it has made my skin look great.
Ankia –
I did notice a difference in my skin the first time i used it. My skin was squeeky clean after i was done taking a shower and once i dried off then my skin was very smooth, i followed up by using johnson and johnson’s original baby lotion. Man I was so smooth i thought my clothes was gonna slide right off me. The scent of the soap is not what we’re used to with the brand of soaps at the stores, it does smell like mud, but very subtle so i don’t mind it. It seems like it will last a while because it is a pretty dense soap. Also, i noticed that it lifts the dead skin off your body rather quickly. After i first used it and dried off, i was rubbing the lotion on my body and felt skin rolling off my body, so gross but at least it’s coming off. I’m sure that in no time, my skin will be where it’s needs to be. I recommend that everyone try it at least once.
– Ok so i have been using the soap for nearly a week now and i don’t feel my skin rubbing off anymore, it seems like it got all the dead skin off and my skin is starting to glow. The dark skin under my armpits are getting lighter. I’m very happy about that, because i’ve tried the dove cleartone deoderant and it did nothing for my armpits.
Jess Hurst –
The first time I used this soap, I was blown away. I had never felt so clean before, so soft! There was no mud smell, which I had been afraid of, and no salty residue, despite the grittiness of the soap. It completely erases any and all budding zits. It’s made my pores almost invisible.
It does leave your skin feeling very tight, which is initially a rather uncomfortable feeling, but if you apply moisturizing lotion apres-shower, that issue is resolved. All in all, I’m very glad that I decided to pay $8 for soap.