O Sabonete de Enxofre 10% em Barra para Limpeza Facial da marca Cleansing é um produto inovador que se destaca pela sua eficácia no tratamento de problemas de pele, especialmente acne e oleosidade. Com uma fórmula que contém 10% de enxofre, este sabonete é ideal para quem busca uma limpeza profunda e um controle eficaz da oleosidade. O enxofre, conhecido por suas propriedades antibacterianas e anti-inflamatórias, atua diretamente nas espinhas e cravos, promovendo uma pele mais saudável e equilibrada.
Este sabonete não é apenas um produto de limpeza; ele é uma solução completa para quem sofre com a acne e a pele oleosa. Sua ação desintoxicante ajuda a desobstruir os poros, enquanto a esfoliação suave remove as impurezas e o excesso de sebo. Além disso, o sabonete é gentil com a pele, tornando-se uma alternativa mais suave em comparação com tratamentos agressivos. A versatilidade do produto permite que ele seja utilizado tanto no rosto quanto no corpo, sendo eficaz na limpeza de áreas como peito, costas e até mesmo no couro cabeludo.
Produzido artesanalmente nos Estados Unidos, o Sabonete de Enxofre 10% é feito com ingredientes de alta qualidade e embalado com cuidado, refletindo o compromisso da marca com a natureza e a saúde da pele. Este sabonete é uma escolha consciente para quem busca um tratamento natural e eficaz.
- Tratamento natural para acne, psoríase e outras condições de pele.
- Reduz a oleosidade e previne o surgimento de acne.
- Desintoxica e rejuvenesce os poros entupidos.
- Versatilidade para uso no rosto, peito, costas e couro cabeludo.
- Produto artesanal de alta qualidade, feito nos Estados Unidos.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Sabonete em Barra de Enxofre 10% Puro e Natural, utilize-o diariamente durante o banho ou na rotina de limpeza facial. Comece molhando o rosto ou a área a ser limpa, em seguida, ensaboe o sabonete e massageie suavemente a pele com movimentos circulares. É importante enxaguar abundantemente com água morna, evitando o contato com os olhos. Para potencializar os efeitos do sabonete, recomenda-se o uso em conjunto com outros produtos de cuidados naturais da Herblov.
O.N. –
For such a high percentage sulfur cleanser, this incredibly gentle. It will leave you squeaky clean, but won’t leave you overly dry (it’s a sulfur soap which will happen no matter). I didn’t feel like I had to immediately cover myself in lotion. It’s great for both body and face. It lathers very nicely. And the scent is very nice and mild. There’s still that sulfuric smell but it’s not overwhelming.
OregonMitch –
Yes I would purchase this product again and again and probably will.
I like that you can actually smell the sulfur-
does the job nicely and it does not dry out my skin.
T –
Smells like lemon! No harsh smells
Cheap material with very poor fit. When I tried to return I was told I’d have to pay $15 for postage. Do not order from this person! –
I just washed my face and my skin immediately looks brighter. It gives a nice matte finish. Does feel a tad bit drying but a little moisturizer helps with that. I immediately noticed how good it smells. Must be the lemongrass. I did notice a slight sulfur smell once I put it on my face but nothing overwhelming. I love the limited and clean ingredients. I am really keeping my fingers crossed for this product that it helps clear my acne. I will give it more time and report back.
Update: I have been using this for 5 weeks now. It’s helped to clear my skin especially on my back. I still get breakouts but not as much as before. I also think it’s helping fade my dark spots. I’ve been using daily and sometimes twice a day and 1 bar has lasted me over a month. Good value for money.
Wisdom –
Bought to relief self diagnosed scabies. Lather is soft and silky. Makes skin smooth. Even toned and silky looking. Ingredients are clean and I trust truthful. Will not last more than a week if used daily. Initially seems not to smell too strong but after repeated use, the smell starts to set in.
Amazon Customer –
I just started using this and I like the smell and that it leaves my skin feeling smooth. My face is very oily so I am using this for a morning face wash. I’m hesitant to put the bar in the shower because I don’t want it to dissolve fast. Using it as a face cleansing routine at my sink seems like it could help the bar last a long time. I have seborrheic dermatitis near my right ear. One review claimed it helped with that condition. I washed the infected area and it did not cause it to burn, so that’s a plus. The soap contains sulfur, which I read can help with problematic skin conditions like mine. Time will tell.
Auntie Steph –
This bar is the perfect thing for my skin. I remember using a benzoyl peroxide product growing up & my moms pillow cases were stained so bad. I didn’t want to do that again.
This on the other hand I don’t know if I could convince a teenager to use. The sulfa smell is there but not too bad. I just have to think it’s like natural hot springs smell. The other oils in it work all together to make a great product.
My skin feels a bit dry when I get out of the shower but, it’s better than oily.
I would say my skin is sensitive. I had mask-acne & work in health care, so our masks are not going away any time soon. I will update in a month or so hopefully with outstanding results still!
DrBombay –
Lasted only 2 showers as it dissolves quickly. Doesn’t smell as bad as the others.