Sabonete de Azeite de Oliva Palestino Barra Cisjordânia Terra Santa Orgânico Natural Tradicional ~ Nablus (Contém 6)
O Sabonete de Azeite de Oliva Palestino, produzido na Cisjordânia, é um produto orgânico, natural e tradicional. Feito com azeite de oliva de alta qualidade, esse sabonete possui seis barras e é conhecido por suas propriedades hidratantes e suavizantes para a pele. Além disso, é produzido na cidade de Nablus, uma região sagrada na Terra Santa, onde a tradição de fabricação de sabonetes de azeite remonta a séculos. Este sabonete não apenas limpa, mas também nutre a pele, proporcionando uma experiência sensorial única que remete às paisagens exuberantes da Palestina.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Qualidade Superior
O Sabonete de Azeite de Oliva Palestino West Bank Holy Land Organic Natural Traditional é produzido com azeite de oliva de alta qualidade, cultivado nas terras sagradas da Palestina. Sua fórmula tradicional e natural garante uma limpeza suave e eficaz, deixando a pele macia, hidratada e com um aroma delicado.
2. Origem Autêntica
Este sabonete é fabricado na cidade de Nablus, localizada na Cisjordânia, região histórica e culturalmente rica. A tradição na produção de sabonetes de azeite de oliva em Nablus remonta a séculos, sendo reconhecida internacionalmente pela sua qualidade e autenticidade.
3. Ingredientes Naturais
O Sabonete de Azeite de Oliva Palestino West Bank Holy Land Organic Natural Traditional é feito apenas com ingredientes naturais, livres de produtos químicos agressivos. Sua fórmula suave e delicada é ideal para todos os tipos de pele, inclusive as mais sensíveis.
4. Sustentabilidade
Ao adquirir este sabonete, você está contribuindo para a sustentabilidade da região da Palestina. A produção de azeite de oliva é uma importante fonte de renda para os agricultores locais, ajudando a preservar a cultura e o meio ambiente da região.
5. Experiência Sensorial
O Sabonete de Azeite de Oliva Palestino West Bank Holy Land Organic Natural Traditional proporciona uma experiência sensorial única. Sua textura cremosa e seu aroma suave transportam você para as paisagens exuberantes da Palestina, proporcionando momentos de relaxamento e bem-estar.
Para utilizar o Sabonete de Azeite de Oliva Palestino West Bank Holy Land Organic Natural Traditional, basta molhar o corpo, ensaboar o sabonete e massagear suavemente a pele. Em seguida, enxágue abundantemente com água morna. Recomenda-se o uso diário para obter melhores resultados.
- Hidratação profunda: O azeite de oliva proporciona uma nutrição intensa, ideal para peles secas e desidratadas.
- Suavidade e conforto: A fórmula natural garante uma limpeza sem agredir a pele, evitando irritações.
- Versatilidade: Adequado para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo as mais sensíveis, tornando-o uma escolha universal.
- Contribuição social: Ao comprar, você apoia a economia local e a preservação das tradições palestinas.
- Experiência aromática: O sabonete oferece um aroma suave que transforma o banho em um momento relaxante e revigorante.
Para maximizar os benefícios do Sabonete de Azeite de Oliva Palestino, inicie molhando a pele com água morna. Em seguida, esfregue a barra de sabonete entre as mãos ou diretamente sobre a pele, criando uma espuma rica. Massageie suavemente em movimentos circulares, permitindo que os ingredientes naturais penetrem na pele. Após a aplicação, enxágue abundantemente com água morna para remover qualquer resíduo. Para resultados ideais, recomenda-se o uso diário, especialmente após atividades físicas ou exposição ao sol.
Terry Dact El –
I have never been much of a soap bar fan but seeing some of the videos on the traditional way this kind of soap is made in the Middle East made me curious. This brand was the first one I tried, I got a bar of it on eBay. I ended up loving it so much that I hunted the seller down here on Amazon and have now purchased another six bars on Subscribe and Save. I never want to run out of it.
I first tried it on my body and was amazed. I don’t like artificial or heavy fragrances, at first I thought this had none at all but by the second time I used it, I detected a slight, lovely, natural fragrance from the olive to which I am now addicted. I often pick up the dry bar when I go into the bathroom just to hold it to my nose, the aroma is so comforting. You have to get that close to smell it, there is no scent wafting around the bathroom or left after rinsing it off.
No soap has ever made my skin feel very good until this one, if they claimed to be moisturizing, they left a coating on my skin. This doesn’t do that at all, it leaves my skin squeaky clean but not dried out.
After seeing so many reviews where people raved about it for their hair, I got the courage to try that. Years ago I tried regular soap such as Ivory on my hair, it made it frizzy and all puffed up. Detergent-based shampoos, liquid or bars, even the non-sulfate ones, left my hair limp and dry and irritated my scalp. I tried several soap-based shampoo bars, some were not bad for my hair but eventually irritated my scalp. So I had no expectations that this would be any better.
I was shocked when I applied this soap to feel my hair turn into silk. I didn’t even use conditioner and after I towel-dried my hair, it combed out easily with no tangles. It dried super shiny, full of body, with no frizz. By the third time I shampooed with it I knew I wanted to horde it for life.
I forced myself to wait a couple of months, though, to be sure it wouldn’t irritate my scalp before I ordered the six bars here. It didn’t, my scalp feels better than it ever has with any kind of shampoo. Just like my skin, it gets squeaky clean but not dried out at all, no coating.
I’m still using that first bar, it has lasted for a couple of months and there is more than half of it left. I keep it on a soap holder that lets it drain, it stays hard and doesn’t get slimy or mushy. It doesn’t even leave soap scum in the shower. I can’t believe I’m down to one product now, just this cute little bar and no plastic bottles cluttering up the shower.
Besides how great this soap is, the shape of it, the paper it’s wrapped in, and the scent are so charming. You can tell it is all done by hand, there is nothing mass-produced about it. We are so lucky there are still people dedicated to a traditional craft that has been used for thousands of years. I am very happy to support them and find this miracle soap to be well worth the price.
Rob Wingrove –
Was a little skeptical about this arriving, it took forever! But i love this soap. The first use is a bit scratchy, but once the edges get softer its awesome! I love the smell, nice and simple. And both my wife and i have noticed are skin is a lot less dry when we use this soap compared to others. I will be restocking. This is probably the only soap brand ill ever use again.
David L. –
I watched a video on the process manufacturing soap by hand. Such a time treasured craft. There’s so much history and passion that goes into this incredible craft. This soap and manufacturer deserves recognition for the value these craftsmen bring. The soap is very kind on my skin; normally dry but soft and feels great during a shower. I personally recommend trying 1st. There won’t be any disappointment .
B.Olive –
I love this soap so much! The wrapper it comes in is beautiful, and it looks so pretty. The soap is luxurious, even though it’s unscented. The lather is creamy and soft, and it rinses clean, leaving my skin feeling refreshed, moisturized, and pampered. I love that it is made the old way- if you get a chance to look up how it’s made- please do, it’s very interesting. I kept some bars for myself, and gave some as gifts to people I love. I’m happy to support these beautiful people, and their ages-old soapmaking craft .
Tzaddi-neter –
This is a good bar soap. No perfume, dye, or junk! Clean rinsing. The lather is decent and I use it on my entire body. Long lasting and fair sized bar. I do have to moisturize after using it. But, this soap seems to be good for my skin. It is somewhat pricey, but it is worth it.
khalid –
مناسب لكافة أنواع البشرات كونه طبيعي ومتعادل
Brian –
This is in my opinion the best soap in the world (literally). I first discovered this soap whilst travelling in the West Bank (Palestine) a few years ago. The age old and intricate process by which it is produced intrigued me. I have it a try while on vacation and immediately fell in love. It has no scent, and is made of simple ingredients but it gets the job done. It leaves my skin feeling moisturized, but not oily or gross and does a great job washing away and eliminating any sweaty scents without replacing it with an artificial smelling musk. This is the only soap I use and am so happy to have found it.
Sam –
this soap is amazing. after years of struggling with hygeine due to mental health i was looking for good soap that lathers easily, and i saw a video of the factory these were made in and it sold me. the soap arrived and i tried it, immediately bought 6 more.
it has a very mild smell, very moisturizing, and it’s a decent sized block of soap as well for a very good price. it lathers a lot, very easily (the first lather takes a bit more water and scrubbing but that kind of “breaks it in” for any future use!) and makes me feel so much cleaner than any bar soap or bodywash i’ve used before, as well as not getting soft and mushy so it works well in my soap scrubber!
Omar A. –
Excellent soap, it looks, smell and feels natural as described.
Nadia –
My daughter and I have sensitive skin and this stuff is amazing! My great grandmother used the same soap for everything! It removes makeup, dirt, marker, paint, grease, chlorine and body odor smells and isn’t harsh on the skin. No crummy ingredients, no funky smells. We also use it for camping one bar of soap literally does everything from your hair to your toes. I normally do a double wash with it because I’m outside a lot, so it’s not really necessary to double wash unless you get dirty. It’s not moisturizing like a dove soap (which doesn’t clean) so you definitely still need lotion if you live in a dry climate.
I’m getting everyone a bar of this soap as a Christmas gift, A small piece of culture and memories! I hope this soap factory isn’t affected by this war going on. I’m definitely stocking up.
There is an odd residue when the bar is first started but it doesn’t seem to cause any issues. It also doesn’t dissolve wet in a ziplock bag forgotten in a hot car like many other soap bars would have. So it’s perfect to just keep in the bottom of a purse, gym bag, or swim bag. One bar lasted a month, in a wet ziplock, in a swim bag, in a hot car, being used daily by one kid.