Conheça o Sabonete de Ácido Kójico, 2Pack Sabonete de Cúrcuma para Manchas Escuras com Vitamina C, Vitamina E, Retinol, Colágeno, Cúrcuma – Original, Óleo de Oliva, Ácido Hialurônico para Reduzir Manchas Escuras.
O Sabonete de Ácido Kójico, 2Pack Sabonete de Cúrcuma para Manchas Escuras é uma poderosa solução para cuidados com a pele que oferece uma limpeza profunda e eficaz. Com sua fórmula exclusiva, este sabonete é projetado para limpar os poros e remover impurezas, óleo excessivo, células mortas e sujeira da pele. Além disso, ele acalma a pele propensa a acne, deixando-a suave e radiante.
Um dos principais benefícios deste sabonete é a sua capacidade de corrigir manchas escuras. A cúrcuma presente na fórmula ajuda a promover um tom de pele mais equilibrado e uniforme. Você pode usar este sabonete no rosto, mãos, pescoço, área do biquíni, coxas internas e axilas para obter uma textura de pele mais suave e saudável.
Além disso, este sabonete é vegano e à base de plantas. Sabemos o quão sensível pode ser a pele danificada pelo sol, por isso nossa fórmula consiste em extratos de plantas para criar fórmulas de cuidados com a pele de baixa irritação e não comedogênicas que são 100% livres de álcool. Nossos sabonetes contêm glicerina, óleo de tea tree, óleo de coco e outros ingredientes naturais para limpar suavemente a pele.
A utilização deste sabonete é simples. Basta molhar a pele com água morna, aplicar o sabonete de cúrcuma uniformemente na pele e massagear por 20-30 segundos. Em seguida, enxágue com água. A espuma rica permite que o sabonete penetre mais profundamente nos poros, melhorando o efeito de limpeza e oferecendo cuidados abrangentes para deixar sua pele radiante e saudável em todos os cantos.
Este sabonete é adequado para todos os tipos de pele, tanto para homens quanto para mulheres, inclusive para peles sensíveis. Se você tiver alguma insatisfação com nossos produtos, entre em contato conosco e resolveremos os problemas para você.
Para obter os melhores resultados, siga estas instruções de uso:
- Molhe a pele com água morna.
- Aplique o sabonete de cúrcuma uniformemente na pele.
- Massageie suavemente por 20-30 segundos.
- Enxágue com água.
- Use diariamente para obter melhores resultados.
Experimente o Sabonete de Ácido Kójico, 2Pack Sabonete de Cúrcuma para Manchas Escuras e descubra uma pele mais limpa, mais suave e com uma tonalidade mais uniforme. Adquira o seu agora mesmo!
- Limpeza Profunda: Remove impurezas e óleo excessivo, promovendo uma pele limpa e saudável.
- Corretor de Manchas Escuras: A cúrcuma ajuda a uniformizar o tom da pele, reduzindo manchas escuras.
- Vegano e à Base de Plantas: Fórmula livre de álcool, ideal para peles sensíveis.
- Fácil de Usar: Aplicação simples que se encaixa na rotina diária de cuidados com a pele.
- Adequado para Todos os Tipos de Pele: Proporciona cuidados abrangentes para homens e mulheres.
Para maximizar os benefícios do Sabonete de Ácido Kójico, siga estas etapas: inicie molhando a pele com água morna para abrir os poros. Aplique uma quantidade adequada do sabonete na palma da mão e espalhe uniformemente sobre a área desejada. Massageie suavemente por 20 a 30 segundos, permitindo que os ingredientes ativos penetrem na pele. Enxágue abundantemente com água, removendo todos os resíduos. Para resultados ideais, utilize diariamente, integrando-o à sua rotina de cuidados com a pele.
FlyboyTR –
I have a love and hate for this soap.
LOVE: I love the lather of this soap. The lather is very rich and almost creamy. It is not just a sudsy bubble. I also like the very clean almost citrus and other flavors smell to the soap. It is a refreshing scent but not over powering at the same time. I like the way it made my body skin feel (see HATE for my face wash issues). It was excellent at making my skin feel new and refreshed. I have mine in a mesh bag that also helps exfoliate my skin and this soap just felt like it added to the feeling good of a shower.
HATE: When I used this on my face everything was terrible. My face felt dry and 100% stripped of everything and then actually broke out. For my face, this was way too harsh of a soap to use and I felt like it took days to undo what one use did. 🙁
Overall, as a body soap I liked it! As a face soap, I would caution users about over drying your skin. But, if you have super oily skin this might just be the soap for you to clear away the day’s oily mess! I didn’t notice much change to “dark spots” but all mine might be freckles and birthmarks verse dark spots that can actually be lightened.
Taylor –
I am loving products containing turmeric and this soap is no exception! After using this soap, my face feels refreshed, soft and moist and my complexion is much brighter and healthier looking too! The combination of turmeric and other natural ingredients seems to work together to provide a deep cleansing that leaves my skin feeling soft and smooth. I finally found a product that makes my face feel soft and full or moisture and I am very happy with this soap and would recommend this soap to anyone looking for a natural skin care solution. Did I mention that you get 2 bars in the pack and the price is nice too! This is a keeper!
WhiskeyNJ1 –
I have been using this bar soap for a few weeks now, unfortunately, I have not noticed any difference in my skin since using it daily. I do like the fact that it cleans your face very nice. I have not had any negative side effects since using it, even though, my skin usually tends to be sensitive, but this has not affected me negatively. The smell is a very neutral smell, kind of just like a normal bar of soap, not highly scented. I find it to be good quality. And good value since you get two bars of soap. I like that it is very natural. Will continue to use, but don’t think I would repurchase for lighting my skin.
Shy_Lady21 –
I was excited to try the Kojic-Acid and Turmeric Soap set, but I found it a bit underwhelming. After showering, my skin didn’t feel as smooth or moisturized as I hoped; I usually prefer the silkiness of body washes. While the soap’s ingredients like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Hyaluronic Acid are promising for reducing dark spots, I didn’t notice a significant difference in my skin texture or tone. The concept is great, but I might look for a different product that gives me that extra touch of smoothness.
This logic avid with turmeric bar of soap comes in a 2 pack it has a nice faint fragrance and is packed with a lot of ingredients that are good for all skin types but work best on oily or combination skin. The hydronic acid olive oil hydrate and vitamin e hydrate while the turmeric and vitamin c brightens the skin keep in mind when product have retinol in them that you should wear SPF when going outside in the sun as you could get sunburn with the sensitivity that it causes. I love the way this bar of soap lathers its rich and foams nice. I wish the size of the bar would be a little bigger but since this is a 2 pack you get more value. I prefer to use this on my body but it also is good for your face too! It helps keep breakouts at bay helps fade dark spots away overtime with usage.
WhiskeyNJ1 –
The Ficod Kojic Acid soaps do lather nicely, cleanse the skin, and rinse clean with warm water. I like the soap no better and no worse than other Kojic Acid soaps that I have used. I do feel deceived since there is an American flag on the box, and I thought that I was ordering a product made in the USA. These soaps are made in China. Also, there is no weight listed on the box and these soap bars are quite thin. They are not normal size soap bars. The soap is also advertised as “natural” and with “natural ingredients”. This soap contains fragrance and FD&C Yellow and Red coloring. Finally, I believe that the price of just under eighteen dollars is not supported by the two thin soap bars that I received. Do Not Recommend
GardenGal –
I’ve been using this soap bar for cleaning my face everyday. I do feel like it cleans my face deeply and well, I haven’t noticed any significant changes in the quality of my skin but I do feel very clean after using it.
FlyboyTR –
Reviewing any type of supplement or personal use/care item is always very subjective. Many times it can take weeks or months for any benefit or side effects to be noticed. This review is directly related to my wife’s experience using the product.
This Kojic-Acid Soap leaves my skin squeaky clean. However, it leaves my face too dry afterwards so I moisturize right away. I know it will take some time to notice if it lightens any dark spots but that is to be expected. I like the ingredients so I know there will be benefit in continued use.
I am an approved Amazon Vine Member. We are provided the opportunity to order (free of charge) many items that are new to the market, or where a seller just wants some additional exposure for their product. We are NOT required to review every item in exchange for using it. I personally only order products that are important to me (and/or my wife), items I can use or items that I have the ability to properly test (I have lots of test equipment). So from that use/testing I can provide an honest evaluation & review (and not always a 4 or 5 star) based upon my use and testing of the product. Thanks…and feel comfortable with any information I provide in a review.