O sabonete artesanal de lama do Mar Morto da Aspen Kay Naturals é uma verdadeira joia para a sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Com 100g de pura natureza, este sabonete é feito à mão e combina a riqueza da lama do Mar Morto com ingredientes orgânicos que promovem uma limpeza profunda e eficaz. A lama do Mar Morto é conhecida por suas propriedades purificadoras, ajudando a remover impurezas e a equilibrar a oleosidade da pele, tornando-o ideal para todos os tipos de pele, especialmente para aqueles que enfrentam desafios como acne, eczema e psoríase.
A fórmula do sabonete é enriquecida com manteiga de karité orgânica não refinada, azeite extra virgem orgânico, óleo de girassol orgânico, óleo de palma sustentável orgânico e óleo de rícino orgânico. Esses ingredientes não apenas limpam, mas também hidratam e nutrem a pele, proporcionando uma sensação de suavidade e frescor. A versatilidade do produto permite que ele seja utilizado no rosto, corpo ou até mesmo como sabonete de barbear, atendendo às necessidades de homens, mulheres e adolescentes.
Além de suas propriedades funcionais, o sabonete é naturalmente perfumado com óleos essenciais terapêuticos de capim-limão, hortelã-pimenta e eucalipto. Essa combinação não só proporciona um aroma revigorante, mas também contribui para o bem-estar da pele, oferecendo uma experiência sensorial única durante o uso. A Aspen Kay Naturals se compromete com a ética e a sustentabilidade, garantindo que o sabonete seja cruelty-free e vegano, sem testes em animais e sem ingredientes de origem animal.
Estamos tão confiantes na qualidade do nosso sabonete que oferecemos uma garantia de satisfação. Se você não estiver completamente satisfeito, basta devolver o produto e receberá um reembolso total. Sua satisfação é nossa prioridade.
- Ingredientes orgânicos: Com óleos que amam a pele, proporciona uma limpeza suave e hidratante.
- Versatilidade: Ideal para uso no rosto, corpo ou como sabonete de barbear, atendendo a diversas necessidades.
- Tratamento para problemas de pele: Eficaz no combate à acne, eczema e psoríase, promovendo alívio e melhora na aparência da pele.
- Fragrância natural: Aroma agradável e terapêutico, que transforma o momento do banho em uma experiência relaxante.
- Cruelty-free e vegano: Uma escolha ética e sustentável, respeitando o bem-estar animal e o meio ambiente.
Para utilizar o sabonete de lama do Mar Morto da Aspen Kay Naturals, comece molhando o rosto ou corpo com água morna. Aplique o sabonete diretamente na pele, realizando movimentos circulares suaves para garantir uma limpeza eficaz. Enxágue bem com água morna e seque delicadamente. Para melhores resultados, recomenda-se o uso diário, permitindo que os óleos orgânicos e os óleos essenciais terapêuticos atuem na sua pele, promovendo uma aparência limpa, hidratada e saudável.
Neil –
I started using this soap (along with apricot scrub every other day and Mederma/Vitamin E oil mixed in with 3 drops of calamine lotion as follow up daily moisturizer) as part of my cystic acne problem that I recently developed. In the first 2 weeks or so, I developed the zit-alike pimples which pops up every night/day but they disappear in the morning or by end of the day. It was irritating and discouraging at first but as the package warns it is expected. But after 2 weeks, it helped my acne. I LOVE this soap, it smells great, it doesn’t leave any residual soap film and makes my skin very smooth! It does make you feel little dried out but I follow up with rose water spray which I let it dry and then use the above mentioned oil-based moisturizer. I don’t know if this is the product or the other products in my acne regimen, but my pores also shrunk dramatically. I stopped using all expensive acne products and replaced it with the soap, and my skin has gotten better, and is EXTREMELY CLEAR and has a nice supple glow!!
Those of you who are suffering from severe cystic/hormonal acne, I know you would want to see the result ASAP, but patience is the key… I saw a “DRAMATIC” improvement in my skin within a month. It’s been a 2 months now, and people are amazed by how amazing my skin has turned into. I ordered their turmeric soap that i am going to use next, to get rid of remaining of tough scars.
It is an expensive soap but I cut it in to 6 small pieces and use 1 at a time to avoid wasting it or develop any bacteria around it. I used 1 piece in a month, so I am anticipating this soap to last for at least 5 months! I just ordered “Soap Sample Set” from their actual website which has all different types of soap that they sell. I would highly recommend using this soap for those of you who are in desperate need to rid the acne.
Thank you Aspen Kay! Keep up the good work that you do for people, Don’t change your formulas EVER! 🙂
ke-ke –
This is one of my favorite body soaps. Just the right amount of suds and the scent is not overwhelming.
Very soft. It lasts anywhere between 3 weeks and a month. Worth the cost.
Amazon Customer –
I have spent hundred and hundreds of dollars on skincare products for the face. I used Ivory soap for awhile and that was okay, I have combination skin, so it never got very bad but those annoying blackheads would always be on my nose, no matter what I did. Now, I don’t have a history of acne or breakouts, so when I saw the first week of having a few pimples where I had never gotten them before, I was alarmed, but I started strong. I knew that this was a detoxifying bar and was ridding my skin of impurities. I worked in a warehouse in 2010, I had a very bad mishap where Drano (lye) was spilled onto my skin, and I swear since that day my body has not been the same. It got everywhere, on my face, chest, legs, and arms. I am very happy to report that this is the best I have felt in a long time. This soap is fantastic, the best I have ever used, hands-down. I’m trying to tell as many people as I can about it because it is phenomenal. It gives you a wonderful boost of confidence. I know it was lacking for years, as the anxiety of the blackheads on my nose would also make me nervous around people and I didn’t want to get too close so they would see them. It was rough, but I powered through. I want you to buy a couple bars, use one on your face and one on your body, they seem to last a while, sometimes two showers a day is my regimen and the bar for my face has lasted more than a few months and he one for my body will last maybe a month and a half. You don’t need many moisturizers afte using this soap, I use a little jojoba oil afterwards, but you do not need much.
I really appreciate you taking the time to read my review of this life-changing soap. It is a product of most excellent quality, made with care, their customer service is impeccable and their great sense of consideration and concern captures the essence of what a great product should be. A product that presents great value, you know you are spending good money on it but it is so worth it because it helps you, and actually saves you money from trying so many products to finally find one that’s right for you. It has been a pleasure, and may this soap be with us for a long time. Thank you, Aspen Naturals.
CheetoFrito –
I recently tried the Aspen Kay Naturals Handmade Dead Sea Mud Soap Bar and overall I was pleased with the product. The soap bar had a nice, earthy scent and left my skin feeling clean and refreshed. It also had a nice, creamy lather which I enjoyed. The dead sea mud in the soap is said to be good for the skin and I did notice that my skin felt more hydrated after using it. However, it is a bit pricey, and for the price, I would have liked to see the bar last a bit longer. Overall, it’s a good soap bar, but not worth the premium price.