O sabonete em barra Plantlife Rosemary Tea Tree 3-Pack é uma verdadeira joia da natureza, feito à mão na ensolarada Califórnia. Com 113g de puro cuidado, este sabonete combina a essência revigorante do alecrim com as propriedades purificantes do tea tree, resultando em um produto que não apenas limpa, mas também hidrata e acalma a pele. Cada barra é elaborada com ingredientes à base de plantas, garantindo que você esteja utilizando um produto natural e livre de químicos nocivos. Através do método de “processamento a frio”, a Plantlife preserva as propriedades benéficas dos ingredientes, proporcionando uma experiência de banho que é tanto terapêutica quanto revitalizante.
- Rosemary Tea Tree 3-Pack: Este sabonete é suave para a sua pele e possui um aroma fresco de alecrim.
- Nossos Sabonetes em Barra: Nossos sabonetes são feitos à mão usando ingredientes à base de plantas e incluem óleos essenciais puros e botânicos orgânicos. Utilizamos o método de “processamento a frio” e não adicionamos calor ou produtos químicos às panelas de sabão.
- Nossos Produtos: Todos os produtos Plantlife são feitos a partir de ervas orgânicas frescas, óleos essenciais 100% puros, óleos vegetais crus e outros ingredientes naturais. Desde 1994, utilizamos fórmulas “antigas” combinadas com as ciências atemporais da herbologia e aromaterapia, para criar a combinação perfeita de ciência e natureza!
- Sobre Nós: A missão da Plantlife é criar produtos o mais puros possível. Todos os nossos produtos são derivados das propriedades vitalizantes das plantas, daí o nome Plantlife. Embora seja mais barato, evitamos produtos químicos e sintéticos prejudiciais, pois eles não possuem vida. É mais importante para nós criar produtos que sejam bons para você do que ir contra o que acreditamos ser verdadeiro.
- Entre em Contato: Como uma empresa de aromaterapia e consumidores, entendemos como a informação auxilia na sua decisão de compra. Também sabemos o quão frustrante é não poder entrar em contato com uma empresa. Se você tiver alguma dúvida, não hesite em nos contatar e teremos prazer em ajudar!
1. Ingredientes Naturais: O sabonete Plantlife Rosemary Tea Tree é feito com ingredientes à base de plantas, óleos essenciais puros e botânicos orgânicos, garantindo um produto livre de químicos prejudiciais.
2. Aroma Revigorante: A combinação do frescor do alecrim com a fragrância do tea tree proporciona uma experiência aromática única, revitalizando os sentidos durante o banho.
3. Hidratação e Suavidade: Formulado para hidratar e suavizar a pele, este sabonete ajuda a reter a umidade natural, deixando a pele macia e nutrida.
4. Método de Processamento a Frio: A preservação das propriedades benéficas dos ingredientes naturais é garantida pelo método de “processamento a frio”, sem adição de calor ou produtos químicos.
5. Compromisso com a Qualidade: A Plantlife se dedica a oferecer produtos de alta qualidade, cuidadosamente fabricados e testados para garantir eficácia e segurança.
Para utilizar o sabonete Plantlife Rosemary Tea Tree, comece molhando o corpo e a barra de sabão. Em seguida, esfregue suavemente a barra diretamente na pele, criando uma espuma cremosa. Massageie delicadamente o corpo, permitindo que os ingredientes naturais penetrem na pele. Enxágue completamente para remover qualquer resíduo. Para melhores resultados, recomenda-se o uso diário, aproveitando os benefícios hidratantes e suavizantes deste sabonete natural em sua rotina de cuidados pessoais.
Ms jeannie –
Very nice quality natural soap.
tristan –
Like this soap a lot. very pleasant scent. when smelling the bar, it seems a little strong, but after showering, was pleased to see that it left a light but pleasant scent on my skin. skin feels clean and refreshed after using. Also glad to know that i don’t have to worry about any of the harmful ingredient that many soaps have (yes, i checked the ingredients!)
good sized bar too. i was surprised to see the bar was so big, so i cut it in half, and now have two smaller bars, but just my opinion.
OVERALL? great soap, Pleasant scent. worth the price definitely.
I can’t say enough positive things about Plantlife soaps.
I came to natural soaps for a very specific reason–a husband whose eczema was virtually out of control. For years, we’d tried keeping him on soaps designed for sensitive skin. While this would generally calm flare-ups slightly, it wouldn’t prevent them from creeping up again. Admittedly, since beginning to use Plantlife’s soaps, my husband is NOT eczema free… BUT his skin is drastically improved and his flare-ups are down to about 10% of what they once were.
The scents of Plantlife’s soaps are remarkably pleasant too. I’ve yet to find one that is offensive to my nose–they’re delicately done, not over-powering or too “perfume-y.”
So if you’re thinking of switching to herbal soaps to treat your skin to the best, most natural clean possible–try some Plantlife soaps. If you’re simply looking for some aromatherapy or some way to mix-up your usual soap routine–try some Plantlife soaps. I’d be willing to bet that if you returned to “normal,” store-bought soaps afterwards, you’d do so grudgingly and reluctantly!
Ruby’s Heemah –
I have been buying this soap for several years. The scent is lovely and herbal. One of the reasons I purchase this soap is because of the minimal packaging. Recently, I purchased two bars and the packaging has changed from the small band on the right to the big box on the left. The box has two layers of cardboard in some areas. Why, I ask? It is soap. It isn’t glass. I would have given this soap 5 stars, had they not changed the packaging.
Ruby’s Heemah –
My boyfriend absolutely hates what he calls “girly” soaps, but it seems we’ve finally found a product we both agree on. Generally, as we all know, men can be a bit messy at times. Since I’ve moved in with my boyfriend, a few of his habits have changed, and I can thank Plantlife for one of them! Thanks, PLANTLIFE, to giving my boyfriend the joy of lathering up!
Personally, and my boyfriend agrees,the smells of these two oils combined together are absolutely magical! It is invigorating, healthy for my/our skin, and leaves me/us smelling fresh ALL day!! I buy myself this soap at least once a month, but the soap lasts the two of us(shower/bath users) at least an entire month, sometimes two! I truly hope Plantlife never EVER closes shop, because I will be beside myself the day they do!
Adriana Bastos –
I love this soap. My skin and myself can’t live without it. I does great for my skin conditions. I have eczema, lichen planus and I am aging. I love the scent..it reminds me of sauna scent for some reason, it says “rosemary and tea tree” but there are other fragrances on it I guess, because I have both essential oils and they together do not smell like this wonderful soap.. This soap scent disappeared from Plantlife site for a couple weeks, a month or so ago.. and I panicked thinking they discontinued it (and how I am going to deal with my skin?).. I’ve contacted Plantlife about that and they said it would be available soon again and it sure was. GREAT SOAP for people like me who enjoy “sauna” strong scent and have inflammatory skin condition.
Luckyone –
Great soap with plaeasant scent.
Visionaerie –
This wonderfully natural bar soap has an aroma that really takes command, and I suspect it makes a formidable insect repellent as well. It reminds me of either flax oil soap or Murphy’s oil soap, perhaps a bit like Ivory? With plenty of coconut oil it will definitely treat your skin, and the tea tree oil will keep it sanitized from all those nasty bacteria, not causing any resistance there either. I have always thought the rosemary fragrance is among the most euphoric and it certainly does the trick here. You can even see and feel the little needles in there. (But what is the “proprietary blend”? That should be spelled out!) This one should definitely replace your usual deodorant soap, though it is a bit pricy. But what is your health and skin worth? You will soon have a healthy glow like a kind of halo attracting the best forms of attention. And you can even take it camping — just don’t let the wild creatures steal off with it!