Runner Multivitamin: O Suplemento Essencial para Corredores
O Runner Multivitamin é a solução ideal para corredores que buscam maximizar seu desempenho e acelerar a recuperação. Formulado com uma combinação poderosa de vitaminas e antioxidantes, este multivitamínico foi projetado especificamente para atender às necessidades dos atletas, proporcionando energia, resistência e suporte imunológico. Com uma fórmula completa do complexo B, o Runner Multivitamin não só promove a produção de energia, mas também garante que o corpo esteja preparado para enfrentar os desafios do treinamento intenso.
- VITAMINA B COMPLEX PARA ENERGIA & RESISTÊNCIA: O complexo de vitaminas B é essencial para a produção de energia no corpo. Nosso multivitamínico contém níveis de desempenho de Vitaminas B1, B2, B6 e B12, fundamentais na criação de ATP e glóbulos vermelhos. Ao contrário da maioria dos multivitamínicos, o PERGRUNE inclui também a Vitamina B4 (Colina), B8 (Inositol) e B10 (PABA), proporcionando um espectro completo de vitaminas B1 a B12 para energia.
- 3X ANTIOXIDANTES PARA IMUNIDADE, SAÚDE & RECUPERAÇÃO: A corrida gera radicais livres que atacam tecidos e células saudáveis, causando inflamação e danos. Nosso multivitamínico contém níveis de desempenho de Vitamina C e E, potentes antioxidantes. A Vitamina C é solúvel em água, neutralizando dentro das células, enquanto a Vitamina E é solúvel em gordura, neutralizando radicais livres nas reservas de gordura. O PERGRUNE combate radicais livres em todo o corpo.
- VITAMINA A & VITAMINA D PARA APOIAR TREINOS SEGUROS: Muitos corredores treinam de manhã cedo, à noite ou em ambientes fechados. A Vitamina A melhora a visão para treinar com segurança em baixa luminosidade. A Vitamina D é naturalmente produzida pela pele quando exposta à luz solar, e sua deficiência é comum entre corredores que treinam em horários sem luz solar visível.
- VEGANO, NÃO-OGM & FEITO COM ALIMENTOS INTEGRAIS: Ao contrário da maioria dos multivitamínicos, o PEREGRUNE é um multivitamínico de Alimentos Integrais. Os Alimentos Integrais refletem a forma como os nutrientes são naturalmente absorvidos da dieta. Nossa mistura de 42 frutas e vegetais resulta em uma absorção aprimorada pelo corpo, reduzindo o desperdício de vitaminas.
- FEITO NOS EUA & FABRICAÇÃO CERTIFICADA GMP: Os corredores podem confiar na qualidade, segurança e transparência dos nossos suplementos para corrida. Nossa fabricação segue os mais altos padrões da indústria, e todas as vitaminas são verificadas com base no Certificado de Análise para garantir a qualidade e transparência dos ingredientes.
Benefícios Destacados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Aumento de Energia: O complexo B proporciona um impulso significativo na produção de energia, essencial para treinos intensos.
2. Recuperação Acelerada: Os antioxidantes ajudam a reduzir a inflamação e o estresse oxidativo, promovendo uma recuperação mais rápida após os treinos.
3. Suporte Imunológico: A combinação de vitaminas C e E fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças comuns entre atletas.
4. Melhoria da Visão: A Vitamina A garante que os corredores possam treinar com segurança em condições de baixa luminosidade.
5. Absorção Eficiente: A formulação à base de alimentos integrais maximiza a absorção de nutrientes, minimizando o desperdício.
H.H. –
I bought these after starting to struggle running more than 3 miles. I was really getting frustrated, because I normally didn’t get tired until mile 8. Started taking them, took a few weeks but wow I feel great again and running stamina is back!
Brent Mynatt –
I have been taking this multivitamin for a couple of months and can definitely tell a difference in my energy levels! While I don’t run long distances, I think that these vitamins have helped improve my strength training performance and cardio endurance. A big selling point for me has been that this one multivitamin has the perfect mix for me. Until I discovered this multivitamin, I was taking both a daily multivitamin, a B-complex vitamin (to lower my homocysteine levels) and Vitamin C (at least during cold and flu season). This multivitamin has large enough doses of those vitamins that I no longer need to take multiple vitamins per day . I also had been thinking about taking a daily probiotic and appreciate that this multivitamin contains that as well, along with other non-traditional ingredients that I think are helpful (e.g. green tea extract, echinacea, etc.). I highly recommend this multivitamin!
Matt R. –
Para empezar este producto es lo máximo, por mi trabajo el cual es muy físico( recojo basura y reciclaje) mi cuerpo demanda mucha energía, después de unos días o 1 semana a lo mucho de tomarlo sientes la diferencia. Recomiendo también comer sano y el deporte o actividad fisica lo cual te va a ayudar más a que sientes ese soporte. Ahora compraré esto de largo. Recomendado!!!
H.H. –
Another update (2024): we still take these but I’m now just taking one a day because I’m getting most of my nutrients through food now as I’ve become very conscious of eating for health.
Update: My husband and I have been taking these for months now. They are truly the best vitamins I have ever taken. We bought more bottles so we won’t run out any time soon. I was concerned about the effects becoming less noticable over time, but it hasn’t happened. I feel as good as when I first started. Try these for a month and you’ll see!
Original Review:
Love these vitamins! These are the best I have ever tried. I take one a day and I felt almost an instant boost in performance. Within the first three days I noticed that I had more stamina during runs. The first week I cut a full 1.5 minutes off my mile time (each mile of my run). I didn’t change anything else, so I know the vitamins played a huge part.
I did stop taking them for a week (because I forgot) and I noticed a drop in performance again. Obviously, they need to be taken everyday to be completely effective. That is the case with any vitamin though. These are the real deal. I just wish they didn’t have soy in them…they would be perfect.
Brian Taylor –
For those who have high bp or a heart condition and are taking amlodipine (calcium channel blocker), you may want to forego using this supplement. Had a heart attack a year or so ago and have been on blood pressure medicine since. Prior to using this supplement, my systolic bp was in the low 120- high 110s, and has been for months. My doc had made other prescription changes around the time I started taking this supplement, so when my BP started to increase to over 130 systolic I was not initially alarmed. However, it continued to climb over the course of a couple of weeks to the point where I was regularly in the 140s. It was not evident that the supplement caused the problem right away due to the prescription changes that were made around the same time that could also have that effect, and honestly I would have never suspected a supplement would increase BP this much. My doctor reversed one of the prescription changes that could potentially have affected BP, but still it continued to gradually rise. After three weeks on this supplement, I had results of up to 150 systolic. I really had a hard time believing that a multivitamin could be the cause of the issue. My wife convinced me to stop taking the multivitamin at the three week mark. After 5 days off of the multivitamin, I was back down in the 130s, and now my BP is back to where it originally was. Otherwise, I saw no other detriments or benefits from the supplement.
Amazon Customer –
I have been taking these for a little over a year now and have been pleased. I like that they combine several things I was taking separately (Vitamin b complex and probiotics especially) into two pills. They are much cheaper then buying all the included supplements separately!! They are a pretty large pill so that may cause a problem for some but the are not really any bigger than any other multi. Definitely take them with plenty of water. I do wish the doesge was just one pill instead of two but that is not really that big of a deal. I will continue to keep taking them!
Beagle Crazy –
These gave a nice boost in energy and endurance, but are so potent that they irritated my bladder. Apparently this is due to excess vitamins being eliminated by the kidneys, according to my doctor. He advised a more normal supplement product.
Charles Balladares –
You may say it non gmo / and certified but it doesn’t say it on the bottle why not so that means it DOESNT HAVE the ingredients in the bottle you say it does