Descrição do Produto: Rugby Niacin 500mg – Suplemento de Vitamina B3 para Homens e Mulheres – 1.000 Comprimidos
O Rugby Niacin 500mg é um suplemento de vitamina B3 de alta qualidade, projetado para atender às necessidades nutricionais de homens e mulheres. Com 1.000 comprimidos em cada embalagem, este produto se destaca como uma fonte confiável de Niacina, essencial para a manutenção da saúde e bem-estar. A Niacina, também conhecida como vitamina B3, desempenha um papel crucial no metabolismo energético, ajudando o corpo a converter os alimentos em energia. Além disso, é fundamental para a saúde da pele, do sistema nervoso e do sistema digestivo.
- SUPLEMENTO VALIOSO: Os comprimidos de Rugby Niacin 500mg são uma fonte confiável de Niacina, ideal para uso como parte de um suplemento dietético.
- COMO USAR: Adultos podem tomar 1 comprimido de Niacina diariamente como suplemento dietético, ou conforme orientação de um médico. É possível que você experimente um rubor temporário, coceira ou formigamento, especialmente ao iniciar o uso. Consulte um médico se você apresentar erupção cutânea, desconforto estomacal ou pressão arterial baixa ao ficar em pé.
- NIACINA 500 MG: Este suplemento de Niacina é livre de subprodutos de origem animal, glúten e conservantes.
- FORMULAÇÃO DE QUALIDADE: Mantemos altos padrões de cuidado através do cumprimento rigoroso de regulamentações para oferecer suplementos nutricionais cuidadosamente formulados e eficazes.
- RUGBY LABORATORIES: Na Rugby Laboratories, acreditamos que o bem-estar deve ser acessível a todos. Orgulhamo-nos de nosso legado de fornecer suplementos vitamínicos e OTC de qualidade.
1. Apoio ao Metabolismo Energético: A Niacina é essencial para a conversão de alimentos em energia, ajudando a manter os níveis de energia ao longo do dia.
2. Saúde da Pele: Contribui para a manutenção de uma pele saudável, promovendo a hidratação e a elasticidade.
3. Função Nervosa: A vitamina B3 é importante para o funcionamento adequado do sistema nervoso, ajudando a melhorar a saúde mental e o bem-estar.
4. Sem Aditivos Nocivos: A formulação livre de glúten, conservantes e subprodutos animais torna este suplemento uma escolha segura e saudável.
5. Facilidade de Uso: Com 1.000 comprimidos por embalagem, o Rugby Niacin oferece uma solução prática e duradoura para suas necessidades nutricionais.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que adultos tomem 1 comprimido de Rugby Niacin 500mg diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição para facilitar a absorção. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde, especialmente se você estiver iniciando o uso do suplemento. Esteja ciente de que, ao começar a tomar Niacina, você pode sentir um leve rubor ou formigamento na pele, que são reações normais. Caso experimente qualquer efeito adverso, como erupções cutâneas ou desconforto gastrointestinal, consulte um médico imediatamente.
AZEnergizer –
Just received the package.
Product: Rugby Niacin x 500Mg – 1000 tablets (in the form of Nicotinic acid as per the bottle)..
On empty stomach in the morning, the tablet when chewed had collapsed and ended up as small granules. I put it under the tongue and it absorbed in less than a minute.
The flush felt good and wanted.
After 15 minutes, I could feel slight tingling and burning in the back of the neck and head and in the next few minutes quickly spreading in to shoulders, face, arms, back, and then getting to legs. It starts to feel like I am in a hot sauna, nothing more. I see that one can simply ignore it and be fine. If you keep moving and physically active, then one can easily almost get out of the burning feeling. But if you sit back on a sofa and let it take over, then you feel the intensity. It faded in the next 30 minutes.
During fading, I felt withdrawing symptoms like shivering hands and chills in the initial 10 minutes followed by knocked-down effect which lasted 5 more minutes. But overall, it was not bad at all. Actually felt like it was helping my body in someway.
Date: September10th/2021
I am taking 3 to 4 times a week, one or 2 tablets(500mg x 2) a day or less, I noticed that if I exercise, for example walking 45 mnts and then take it, I don’t fell the flush at all.
I am not sure about any side effects, but need to check my triglycerides, and ldl, HDD next month, and will update again,
September 2022:
I have also added Codliver Oil, and Raw Flax seed oil supplementation – 4 – 5 times per week.
Within 3 months, I noticed my Cholesterol levels became normal.
For reducing High BP, and cholesterol, the combination seem to work for me. But one needs to becareful with Nicotinic Acid – Niacin as you need to check if your Liver is able to process and eliminating the extra Niacin, and that you do not have any Stomach ulceration issues, and No gout etc., Rarely soem people can have adverse reactions because of other health conditions/issues etc.,
I am happy that I have found something useful and now my 80 year old Mom is taking Niacin to keep her BP in check, along with her BP medication, and she is able to handle the flush. ( She only takes 250- 300 mg , which is enough to lower her BP) . Over supplementation was making her numbers go down below 110/70.
Dawn Mueller –
Appears to be good quality. Gave me a typical niacin flush like other brands did. Inexpensive. Bottle is much larger than I thought it was going to be. Pills are small enough to swallow but I like to use a pill crusher for better absorption.
I highly recommend lab tests, liver ultrasound, and doctor’s supervision before starting therapeutic doses of niacin, – any brand. 500 mg is many times more than the daily recommended dose. If you get the green light, start with very small doses much less than 500 mg and work your way up over a period of months. Carefully monitor how you feel and continue visits with your doctor. Niacin is nothing to fool around with or blindly try to see if it works.
Many people have liver disease and no symptoms whatsoever. If tests show you have any liver damage at all, 500 mg of niacin or more per day can possibly be fatal within days or weeks. Research causes of “acute liver failure”. Please be careful. As good as niacin is for some people, it’s not for everyone.
Steve –
The most affordable flush Niacin tablets you’ll find for the amount without having to go into powder territory! Intense flush for those who love the flush, for those who pollute Niacin reviews because of this you really should be doing your research into what you’re taking because a quick search on Niacin will always tell you about the two kinds and what the flush is about. Nobody is tricking you except your own ignorance unless the manufacturer specifically lists their product as Niacin in the details when the name says Niacinamide in the headline. I only mention it because its annoying to see good products get tanked by bad customers who can’t even do a single google search or their due diligence into what they’re buying. The product works if you get a flush and its sold as Niacinic Acid. Your reaction is irrelevant because that is it working exactly as intended.
On to the product. Niacinic Acid is a powerhouse that I’m sorry Niacinamide just can’t beat. The flush if you’re someone who can tolerate it is something most Niacin lovers can’t get enough of. The tablets are incredibly small like a dime and are able to be easily split into 2 x 250mg doses if you want to start slow. There’s just no describing the ‘high’ you get on it and the only reason I use Niacinamide is to give myself a couple day break while maintaining all the benefits of Niacin dosing allowing my body to reset. I found it takes a minimum of 48 hours and possibly 60-72 hours max to reset the body all over again. Then you can reset the two week guarantee flush clock.
Some things I have noticed as I took it were the benefits against anxiety, stress, and depression as well as high blood pressure, nervousness, focus, and depression. Some have heard of “Niacin Megadosing” taking 3-9g daily for cholesterol, but few know of its potential for all of the above symptoms I mentioned. It’s basically the Vitamin cure for almost all mental related issues in high enough doses taken multiple times a day. (i.e. 3g total 1 gram 3 times a day). It’s not just the dose that’s important with Vitamins, it’s the FREQUENCY! If you have any of the above issues I would recommend doing exactly that. What I noticed from personal experiences are as follows:
First Week – The instant high everything seems to calm down. Blood pressure, anxiety, nervousness, focus intensifies and OCD behavior calms down magnitudes. Things don’t bother me as much as they did like I’m moving on egg shells. Depression dampens and I just generally ‘feel good’. Stress is nonexistent and very difficult to get me agitated.
Around 2 Weeks In – I notice my body getting used to it and like with any narcotic high you get your body eventually levels off and you come down a little. The positive effects are still there but like a drug addict you are always chasing that high, or it could be just me given my history with said drugs or having an addictive personality. People who know chasing that first time will understand what I mean at this point. It’s good but not as great as it was.
Continuing to take daily 3 times a day as before 500mg per I noticed around the 2nd month mark I picked up again and my body really settled down. The issues I started with just seem like a dream. It’s absolutely unbelievable how slowly it creeps up on you after the initial first week high to the next two weeks coming down for the next month or so neither feeling more improvement or going back to the state before starting. Then for myself at the 2 month period I just seem normal again. I’ve tested this multiple times and can’t explain it but the point is that there are 3 VERY DISTINCT PERIODS of Niacin treatment. Give it time, give it frequently, and give it the proper dose if you’re trying to get a result!
This Vitamin is an underrated powerhouse. Oh and did I mention my energy levels improved drastically? I started a family member on it recently as they were coming down with a virus and after taking it she was so energized she cleaned her entire house and felt ecstatic! There’s a ton of evidence out there showing any illness to the body almost immediately depletes your Niacin and Vitamin C stores which makes sense why both are very loved megadosing vitamins. For more details look into Thomas Levy and Andrew Saul’s books on Vitamin C and Abram Hoffman’s book Niacin: The Real Story. Game changing materials!
Dawn Mueller –
I read other reviews and it was exactly what I was looking for. I knew that it was the flushing type and I’m ok with that, because I like the flush and heat it creates. I split the first tablet and I’ll get my system used to taking 250mg in the morning and at night for a while, until I get a tolerance. The flush was amazing and is very therapeutic physically and mentally. I was taking a daily dose of about 120mg, but I wanted something more potent and pure and this Rugby product is it. It’s so incredibly affordable! The benefits of Niacin are amazing. It naturally helps with hypertension (high blood pressure), high LDL cholesterol and lipid levels. It’s a natural alternative to deadly statens. I haven’t taken statens and don’t ever plan on it. The research on Niacin proves it’s worthiness and benefits. This isn’t one of those naturopathic things that never ends up working, or you never see the results you were looking for. This one shows you instantly. After about a month, you will dramatically see blood pressure reduce, circulation and joints feel better and LDL cholesterol will reduce. Remember, this won’t work as good if you still eat like crap and aren’t moving around or doing anything physical. Your body was designed to move. Do what you can, eat healthier food, stay away from processed foods and control portions. You will see things get better within a month.