Rosa: Perfume Floral Feminino 50ml – Fragrância Delicada e Sofisticada
Descubra a essência da feminilidade com o Rosa, um perfume floral feminino que encapsula a delicadeza e a sofisticação em cada gota. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, este perfume é mais do que uma simples fragrância; é uma experiência sensorial que envolve os sentidos e exalta a beleza natural da mulher. A combinação de notas florais frescas e envolventes cria uma aura de elegância, perfeita para qualquer ocasião, seja um encontro romântico ou um dia de trabalho.
O Rosa é enriquecido com extratos de rosas, conhecidos por suas propriedades hidratantes e rejuvenescedoras. Ao aplicar o perfume, você não apenas se perfuma, mas também proporciona à sua pele uma dose de cuidado e nutrição. A fórmula suave e natural do Rosa é ideal para todos os tipos de pele, garantindo que mesmo as peles mais sensíveis possam desfrutar de sua fragrância encantadora sem irritações.
Além de sua fragrância irresistível, o Rosa possui propriedades antioxidantes que combatem os radicais livres, promovendo uma aparência saudável e radiante. Com benefícios que incluem hidratação profunda, redução de rugas e linhas finas, e proteção contra danos ambientais, o Rosa é a escolha ideal para quem busca não apenas um perfume, mas um aliado na rotina de cuidados com a pele.
1. Fragrância floral delicada que exalta a feminilidade.
2. Propriedades hidratantes que nutrem a pele.
3. Ação antioxidante que combate os radicais livres.
4. Redução visível de rugas e linhas finas.
5. Fórmula suave, adequada para todos os tipos de pele.
Para aproveitar ao máximo a fragrância e os benefícios do Rosa, aplique o perfume em pontos estratégicos do corpo, como pulsos, pescoço e atrás das orelhas. Aplique uma pequena quantidade e deixe a fragrância se desenvolver naturalmente ao longo do dia. Para melhores resultados, utilize diariamente, permitindo que a essência floral envolva sua pele e realce sua beleza natural.
Weareborgswife –
Daughter says it smells to much to use. She tried at night and she had a hard time falling asleep because of the smell
kui –
This rose scented oil has a nice scent. It’s a nice massage oil with an almond oil base. This oil would be much nicer if it were made with organic ingredients, but then the cheap price would probably triple.
I’ve had many items from this brand, Aliver. They produce acceptable and affordable products. They do, however have 2 practices that I’m not fond of. Their products are not usually labeled with where they’re made, (1) but they do print a company name (Apex) with an address in Ireland on the item (2).
This practice leads the consumer to believe the item is made in Ireland, when in fact it’s made in China. I see nothing wrong with an item being made in China, but when it’s hidden, I wonder why they’re trying to hide it.
In this case, the country of origin in the ad is China, but country of origin does not mean that’s where it’s made. The definition for COO is : represents the country or countries of manufacture, production, design, or brand origin where an article or product comes from.
So, the item could be designed in or the brand name from 1 country, while production takes place outside that country. This is why I trust only the ‘Made in (country name)’, and want to see it ON the product. In this case, It does NOT state Made in ANYWHERE on the product label.
There is a sticker applied to the outer cello of the box that states ‘made in China’.
This product is an ok oil, it’s not organic, nor is it a high quality oil, but I don’t think anyone is expecting that from a $10 oil.
It’s a solid 3 star average oil that I would order agian.
N. Phan –
This face oil comes with a dropper, making it very easy to apply. The oil goes on smoothly and leaves my skin feeling soft. The scent is lovely.
Nimue –
I am a huge fan of daily gua sha, but have only ever used unscented oils for my routine. This rose-scented oil adds a welcome sensory layer that makes the process reminiscent of what I’d expect from a higher end spa! The oil is very gentle and absorbs into my skin well, but not so rapidly as to make it unuseable for gua sha; it caused no irritation or breakouts.
The scent reminds me of an eau de toilette that my mother would let me wear when I was a very young girl: it’s delicate and unapologetically floral, with a classic finish that transports me back in time. Highly recommended, especially at such a reasonable price!
L. Minten –
It’s a nice blend, each oil has great benefits and its definitely making a difference to my skin especially with the colder weather.
L. Minten –
The smell is wonderful and brings back very fond memories of some of my favorite people. Rose water, oil, everything used to be big back in the day and I loved it. It has been years since I have had anything rose and nearly cried when I popped this open and gave it a try. Will use it directly and will add in a few drops to my homemade lotion.
The smell is wonderful but the oil itself is also very nice and rich. It feels nourishing on my skin and I love that it is organic. What a great price too..
Retired Rosie –
It’s so easy to use. It’s very quick dry and moist. It has very strong smell of rose if someone love rose flowers. Price is cheap. Great product and highly recommend it!