Descrição do Produto: Rookie Wellness Sleep – Auxiliar Natural para o Sono
O Rookie Wellness Sleep é um suplemento formulado para promover um sono reparador e de qualidade, ideal para aqueles que enfrentam dificuldades para relaxar e adormecer. Com uma combinação poderosa de 180 mg de Magnésio Bisglicinato, 1 mg de Melatonina e Extrato de Raiz de Valeriana, este produto atua de forma sinérgica para ajudar a regular o ciclo do sono e reduzir a ansiedade. O Magnésio Bisglicinato é conhecido por suas propriedades relaxantes, contribuindo para a redução do estresse e da tensão muscular. A Melatonina, um hormônio natural, auxilia na regulação do relógio biológico, facilitando a transição para o sono. Já a Raiz de Valeriana é uma erva tradicionalmente utilizada para promover a calma e o relaxamento, tornando-se um aliado eficaz para quem busca um descanso profundo e revitalizante.
1. Melhora da Qualidade do Sono: Promove um sono mais profundo e reparador, ajudando a acordar revigorado.
2. Redução da Ansiedade: Os ingredientes naturais ajudam a acalmar a mente, reduzindo a sensação de estresse antes de dormir.
3. Regulação do Ciclo Circadiano: A Melatonina ajuda a ajustar o relógio biológico, facilitando a adaptação a novos horários de sono.
4. Relaxamento Muscular: O Magnésio Bisglicinato contribui para a redução da tensão muscular, promovendo um estado de relaxamento.
5. Fórmula Natural e Segura: Com ingredientes naturais, é uma alternativa saudável aos medicamentos convencionais para o sono.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula do Rookie Wellness Sleep cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. É importante tomar o suplemento com um copo de água, preferencialmente em um ambiente tranquilo, que favoreça o relaxamento. Para otimizar os efeitos, evite o uso de dispositivos eletrônicos e crie uma rotina noturna que ajude a sinalizar ao corpo que é hora de descansar. Não exceda a dose recomendada e consulte um profissional de saúde caso tenha condições médicas pré-existentes ou esteja utilizando outros medicamentos.
Joe –
I struggle to get to sleep at night due to anxiety and the horrible habit of late night scrolling. I ordered a sample pack from the Rookie Wellness website. I wasn’t sure it would work but within minutes of taking it, I felt instantly relaxed. My husband said he knew I had fallen asleep fast because I started snoring early. lol I sleep hard through the night and wake up feeling refreshed. The strawberry pineapple flavor is definitely better. They both smell good and mix well. I find mixing with less water is best. I will definitely be ordering more!
Jody Liggett –
Tried some others really like the beam. Dream. This one a lot cheaper but I couldn’t really find any umph to putting me out having me sleep. I will throw the rest in the trash and it doesn’t taste very good, waste of money for me. Maybe not for you but it was for me
Jacqui Gonser –
This not only helps you fall asleep but if you wake up you can go back to sleep faster.
Joe –
You’re getting 30 individually wrapped/packaged powdered mixes in this set which is nice since you can travel with these and they will stay fresh. I like the fact that there’s no “scooping” or measuring involved here. Sometimes you just want to dump it into a glass of water and go which these allow you to do.
The Blackberry Lemon flavor was tasty. It’s sweetened with Stevia which I’m used to so I didn’t have any kind of reaction to the flavoring.
As for helping with sleep, they do. I’m obsessed with my Sleep Score on my fitness tracker. I know getting my Sleep Score into the 80s means I had a very good night’s sleep.
When I used these I noticed I was falling asleep faster than usual. I was also achieving deep sleep quicker and longer. Where I felt the product wasn’t as effective was in the later stages of sleep for me. My REM sleep went down a bit with these and I was more awake in the later stages of my sleep than usual. I would say I was more awake an hour or so before my normal wake-up time.
These contain Melatonin (good) and Magnesium Bisglycinate (very good). That form of Magnesium is extremely effective when you’re trying to sleep. You can’t just use any form of Magnesium. You need Bisglycinate or Glycinate. I’ve tested all the other forms of Magnesium and the ones that help me sleep the best in the order of effectiveness are Magnesium L-Threonate, Bisglycinate and Glycinate. So you’re getting good stuff in here.
This also contains Valerian Root & Passion Flower which I suspect had something to do with me falling asleep faster than usual as I don’t usually take that. As I said, I went out fast and deep using these.
While I wish the effect sustained through the end of my sleep cycle, that could be attributed to me, my stress level, how late I ate, etc. So take my report on that with a grain of salt.
What I can say is that I drank one of these 30 minutes before bedtime and went out fast. I think it’s a good product. It’s a little costly at $45 for 30 servings, but I also see the value here with each of them being individually wrapped. I also loved not having to swallow down pills or gummies before bed.
Give these a shot. I think it’s a well-designed thoughtful product that works.
j Catalina –
This took my Oura sleep score from 30s and 40s to high 90s. It works so differently from any other sleep supplement I’ve tried. I love that it has >1mg of melatonin so I don’t wake up feeling groggy, and the magnesium and relaxing herbs help me spend more time in REM so I feel more energized throughout the day too. Strawberry Pineapple is the best flavor IMO!
RayeNicolette –
It is a little tough comparing sleep assisting blends since I’m never in the same base state. Everything I have tried has worked, including melatonin, melatonin and some other ingredients, two different versions of magnesium and some other ingredients, and this formula.
With this sleep calming formula, I had longer uninterrupted sleep periods and longer sleep overall. I think it is a little less effective than some others. But I am not sure, because I never get the same sleep experience every night with each. So I’m comparing a mental average of what each does.
With these, I definitely get to where I just have to go to sleep. I’ll get to where I can’t even pay attention to what I’m trying to do, like watching something or reading, or listening to something and will have to sleep. I took some before staring this review and am ready to sleep. The initial effect is stronger with this product, but the goal is sleep.
What I think is I get a little less sleep length with this compared to other formulas. But if so, not by much. And again, I don’t get the same length every night on each product, so I may be wrong.
This is very nice for travel since each dose is in and individual packet, and it also a nice taste. Drinking in a glass of water is also a nice way to take it. I tried melatonin/magnesium gummies and they worked very well. But also were in a large bottle so not so easy to travel with and have to be taken before brushing teeth since they’re gummies.
Kristen –
I was very hopeful this product would work but after laying in bed for over 2 hours it was obvious it wasn’t going to. Big purchase mistake and be careful because as expensive as it is, it can’t be returned!