Rogaine Mulheres Espuma Minoxidil 5%
Descubra a solução definitiva para a queda de cabelo com o Rogaine Mulheres Espuma Minoxidil 5%. Este tratamento diário é especialmente formulado para mulheres que enfrentam a perda hereditária de cabelo e o afinamento capilar. Com uma embalagem que oferece 4 meses de tratamento, contendo 2 frascos de 60g cada, este produto é ideal para quem deseja manter a densidade capilar e promover o crescimento de cabelos mais cheios e espessos.
- REGENERE CABELOS RALOS: O Rogaine Mulheres é um tratamento diário que ajuda a tratar a perda hereditária de cabelo e o afinamento capilar, mantendo a densidade capilar e permitindo o crescimento de cabelos mais cheios.
- 5% MINOXIDIL: Formulado com 5% de minoxidil, esta espuma tópica é clinicamente comprovada para regenerar cabelos 48% mais espessos.
- TECNOLOGIA TRICHO-PRIME: Apresenta a tecnologia Tricho-Prime, que condiciona o couro cabeludo e previne a secura e irritação, além de manter os folículos capilares abertos para uma absorção adequada do minoxidil.
- NÃO ESPERE: Esta solução atua de cinco maneiras para reativar o ciclo natural de crescimento capilar, promovendo cabelos mais cheios e espessos. Comece a aplicar aos primeiros sinais de afinamento capilar.
- FÁCIL DE APLICAR: Para cabelos mais cheios, basta aplicar metade de uma tampa cheia da espuma no couro cabeludo uma vez ao dia. Usar mais ou com mais frequência não aumentará os resultados.
- Dois frascos de 60 g de tratamento diário para crescimento capilar.
- Eficácia Comprovada: O Rogaine Mulheres é clinicamente comprovado para regenerar cabelos 48% mais espessos, oferecendo resultados visíveis.
- Tecnologia Avançada: A tecnologia Tricho-Prime condiciona o couro cabeludo, melhorando a absorção do minoxidil e promovendo um ambiente saudável para o crescimento capilar.
- Facilidade de Uso: A aplicação diária é simples e sem bagunça, permitindo que você integre facilmente o produto à sua rotina de cuidados capilares.
- Recomendado por Dermatologistas: É a marca número 1 recomendada por dermatologistas para o crescimento capilar, garantindo confiança e segurança no uso.
- Prevenção e Tratamento: Ajuda a tratar a perda hereditária de cabelo e o afinamento capilar, promovendo cabelos mais cheios e espessos, melhorando a autoestima e a confiança.
Para obter cabelos mais cheios, aplique metade de uma tampa cheia da espuma Rogaine Mulheres Espuma Minoxidil 5% no couro cabeludo uma vez ao dia. Certifique-se de que o couro cabeludo esteja limpo e seco antes da aplicação. Massageie suavemente a espuma no couro cabeludo e deixe secar. Não enxágue. Usar mais ou com mais frequência não aumentará os resultados. A consistência na aplicação é fundamental para alcançar os melhores resultados no crescimento capilar.
Customer Review –
I have been meaning to write this review for a long time! I just passed my 1-year anniversary of using Rogaine 5% Foam faithfully and I never ever expected these kind of results. I’m just your typical woman who has aging and genetics working against her. I’ve always had fine hair (like mom) but plenty of it. That is, until about 5 years ago.
My hair started thinning. I’d notice hairs in the shower and on my vanity. I tried every supplement – from embarrassingly expensive to quite affordable – and every topical solution available. It was a pretty depressing situation. So Rogaine was really my last shot. And I was very surprised and pleased when I found it was available in 5% solution rather than only 2%.
Right off the bat, I didn’t like the application process. The foam dissolved on my vanity top before I could even get it to my scalp. So I decided to part my hair and apply thin strips directly from the can… like I’m touching up my roots with hair color. There is a learning curve and the amount that comes out (and the speed) varies from can to can. I snapped a couple of quick photos on Day 1 but I really didn’t expect it to work.
The product is for the scalp (top) but my thinning was all-over and I figured I had nothing to lose by spreading the love to the sides of my head.
After about a month, I noticed baby hairs at my hairline… like I was regrowing a widow’s peak. And it occurred to me that I hadn’t been seeing any hairs in the shower. At 3 months, I was so happy that if no other progress was made, I’d be totally okay with it. But it just kept getting better and better… on my scalp and my sides! At 6 months, I felt like my hair was better than it had been in decades. I had more of it and what I had felt fuller and stronger.
At the 10 month mark, I went through a “shedding” process where I was losing a few hairs/day in the shower. I was freaked out at first but that eventually stopped and I still have this full head of hair.
I apply it in the evening after I brush my teeth so it’s quite routine now. It dries very quickly. I go through 4 cans in around 3 months. The photos (absolutely untouched) are Day 1 and my 6 Month anniversary… all with wet hair because you can really see my scalp and the full effect that Rogaine has had. And no side effects btw. I wish everyone as much success as I’ve had!
bdr1332 –
alhanuf –
Started using the product
Zenzinin –
مفيد جدا لإنبات خصلات الشعر
وصلني بعد معاناة في التسليم بعد شهر ظهر لي انه تم التسليم في دبي لكن الحمد لله وصلني بعدها بيومين المشكلة طلبت ارجاع مبلغ ما اعرف ايش الحل
Customer Review –
I can say it’s effective. I have a big forehead. I used it for one month, and I stopped for two weeks due to extreme busyness. Now, I see many hairs on my forehead. Thank you for the factory.
Zenzinin –
رائع وفعال
Dodo –
Used for 5 months, then again after 4 months. Here’s my review.
Used it for 5 months from February to July:
I’m a woman at 31, with short to medium-length hair. Everyone wants to know if it works first, and the answer is YES! I started using this in February 2018 to grow some of my hair back. By March, I started noticing that my hair was growing out a little bit thicker. In April, I took a trip to Singapore and Japan, and continued to use this religiously every morning while I was there. Singapore was really hot and humid, by the way, so using this made me feel a bit heavy, but I had gotten used to it. By this time, my bald spot wasn’t apparent anymore. Having a head full of hair without any glares from the top of my skull made me feel more confident about myself.
Promise delivered:
My hair fell out a lot less in the shower, and like I said, my bald spots weren’t so visible and apparent anymore. In fact, I no longer noticed them. My roots became super thick as well, my baby hairs around my hairline were growing so beautifully and abundantly that I kept touching it. Another thing is that this product was a little like mouse or wax, so I actually didn’t have to use any other hair products while I was using Rogaine.
Allergy to Rogaine developed – the consequences:
By July, however, my scalp had started to itch. It itched so badly that I had to stop the Rogaine treatment altogether. This wasn’t due to the weather. I think I developed some kind of allergy to Rogaine because 4 months later in November, I tried to use it again and had the same exact itching reaction by the 2nd day! My head was itchy, the Rogaine came off with my skin in patches… You get the idea. So I can no longer use Rogaine ever again. And no, it had nothing to do with the specific bottle. I had been using the same bottle during the month of July when this allergy suddenly happened. So, I can no longer ever use Rogaine again!
What happened after I stopped the Rogaine treatments:
So did my hair fall out after I stopped using Rogaine? Well, actually… It didn’t fall out excessively like it used to before I used Rogaine. In fact, for the first month after stopping the Rogaine treatments, my hair stayed almost intact. Very little missing hair, no bald spot… My head and hair wasn’t reverting back to how it used to be, like others said it would when you stop using Rogaine. This stayed like this for an entire month.
After a month, my hair did start falling out, but slowly. My hair remained thick. I think it has something to do with the Biotin shampoo I was using once in a while though. Anyways, 4 months later (in November) was when I actually started noticing my bald spot again. Yeah, I was surprised it took 4 months for my hair to fall out instead of immediately after I stopped using Rogaine. Maybe I had changes in my lifestyle? Gosh, I can’t imagine what changed though. I gained more weight I guess…? My biotin shampoo that I occasionally use? I don’t know…
Rogaine works. For some, like me, it will work better than for others. However, I developed an allergy to this thing mid-way through it. I itched like crazy for 2 weeks before the inflammation went away. So, while I do recommend it, I just thought I’d let people know that the allergy symptoms are a possible side-effect.
How to apply:
I recommend looking on any Youtube videos, but basically:
– Hair must be dry.
– I filled the cap from the rogaine bottle 3/4th full. This is enough for my short to medium-length hair. Sometimes, if I need more, I squeeze about a 5th out into the cap at a time.
– I use a fine tooth comb with a pointed end to split my hair. Using a comb that you don’t share with others is ideal for Rogaine so that the product doesn’t transfer to your regular brush.
– Split your hair section by section as you apply with your finger little bit at a time.
– When done, rinse the cap and the comb, then style your hair as usual.
This gets easier and faster as you do it. It first took me 20 minutes each day, but then I got so quick at it that it only takes me 3-5 minutes.