Descrição do Produto: Robitussin Children’s Honey Cough
O Robitussin Children’s Honey Cough é um xarope especialmente formulado para aliviar a tosse e a congestão no peito em crianças. Cada embalagem contém três frascos de 4 onças, proporcionando um tratamento eficaz e prático para os pequenos. Com uma combinação única de ingredientes, este produto é ideal para ajudar a acalmar a tosse seca e a aliviar a sensação de desconforto causada pela congestão. A presença do mel em sua fórmula não apenas confere um sabor agradável, mas também atua como um agente suavizante, tornando a experiência de tomar o remédio mais palatável para as crianças.
O Robitussin Children’s Honey Cough & Chest Congestion DM é livre de corantes artificiais e é projetado para ser seguro e eficaz para crianças a partir de 6 anos. Sua fórmula contém dextrometorfano, um antitussígeno que ajuda a suprimir a tosse, e guaifenesina, um expectorante que auxilia na eliminação do muco, facilitando a respiração. Este produto é uma escolha confiável para os pais que buscam um alívio rápido e eficaz para os sintomas de resfriados e gripes, permitindo que as crianças voltem a brincar e se divertir sem a interrupção da tosse.
– Alívio Eficaz da Tosse: Combate a tosse seca e irritativa, proporcionando conforto imediato.
– Fórmula com Mel: O mel não só melhora o sabor, mas também ajuda a suavizar a garganta.
– Expectorante Inclusivo: Facilita a eliminação do muco, aliviando a congestão no peito.
– Sem Corantes Artificiais: Seguro para crianças, com uma fórmula limpa e natural.
– Praticidade: Embalagem com três frascos de 4 onças, ideal para ter sempre à mão em casa.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que as crianças tomem o Robitussin Children’s Honey Cough conforme as instruções do rótulo. A dosagem deve ser baseada na idade e peso da criança, e é importante não exceder a dose recomendada. O xarope pode ser administrado a cada 4 horas, conforme necessário, mas não deve ser utilizado por mais de 7 dias consecutivos sem orientação médica. Agite bem o frasco antes de usar e utilize um copo medidor para garantir a precisão da dosagem. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
LibE –
I’ve been using Robitussin for my colds and flu symptoms ever since I was old enough and could pick up a phone and google best cold syrup for colds and flus. I love the fact that this has honey in it and I am happy to see they have it for children or you can use the children’s version if you are an adult and just take more of it. Either way it’s a win win.
LibE –
Anytime I get sick, there’s a handful of medications I immediately go out and grab. Robitussin Cough and Chest is one of them. It’s always helped me get through the worst parts of any cold I’ve got. Great product that doesn’t taste as horrible as some of the others. Price is great, considering this is a 2 pack. Something to always keep on hand too.
M Jay –
Being a nurse and a mom it’s always important to have your medicine cabinet stocked and ready for that moment you might need it. It’s never easy to have to run out to grab what you need when your little one is sick. This is a great product to have. The honey helps to coat and smooth the throat, and there is decongestion and and cough syrup as well.
This is a great value and a great product. Trusted brand as well! Love this!
Erika V. –
Great taste which is perfect for children who don’t like any other flavor but sweet. Price also was reasonable compared to the one in other pharmacies I went to.
Nicole Atencio –
So we intended to buy the adult version of this medication but clearly failed at this venture during our time of distress. We figured we might as well use it because we didn’t want to waste our money. I have news folks…. The children’s version works like a charm even on adults!
The package shows 3 items. The package contained only 2 items when it arrived. In addition it arrived about 2+ weeks after the date ordered. I am truly disappointed.
Mainiac –
DM is almost always the version of cough syrup I seem to need, so I was interested in trying this. It’s “for children”, but has adult dosing information, which in quantity seems comparable to other cough syrups. So, hey, you could have one kind of DM in your medicine cabinet.
For each 10 ml dose, there’s 10mg of Dextromethorphan HBr (cough suppressant) and 100mg of Guaifenesin (expectorant). That’s the same amount of the same active ingredient that are in regular adult Robotussin (though for both, adults have a 20ml dose, so double ’em up).
I think it tastes awful, but so does any DM cough syrup. This is a little less awful, and the bonus is that the aftertaste is the honey, and it’s a really lovely honey flavored aftertaste.
Comes in a smaller bottle than most adult cough syrups, but that can be handy for some situations, and it’s a 3-pack.
A little pricier than the adult version, which comes in an 8oz bottle. (Instead of the 4oz bottle here.)
Thraddash –
Last year was rough for us, since our two school age children basically STAYED sick from October until March. The illnesses out here were almost so bad that the school system considered closing the schools for a week to let the kids get well! Nasal congestion can be messy and miserable, but chest congestion can be a whole different animal.
Enter this wonderful cough and congestion remedy that will help to clear out sick lungs and get your children back on their feet. Everyone knows and trusts Robitussin and for good reason-they do a great job! BEST OF ALL-NO artifical colors! I am SO HAPPY to finally see this! Artificial colors are bad, especially for children. Also, it’s gluten free if they have sensitivities to it.
The added benefit of honey makes my life easier as well. I always try to give them honey when they’re sick with coughing illnesses and this has it in there. Not only that, but it’s a True Source certified honey so you can rest easy knowing it’s safe honey from a trusted source.
Very happy with this product. It’s a great stock up quantity to make sure you aren’t caught off guard this cold and flu season. Especially if like us, you have multiple school-aged children.