Descrição do Produto: Ridgecrest Herbals AirwayClear
O Ridgecrest Herbals AirwayClear é um suplemento inovador que visa promover a saúde dos pulmões e o suporte à respiração. Com uma fórmula herbal cuidadosamente elaborada, AirwayClear é ideal para quem busca uma respiração livre e saudável. Este produto combina uma seleção de ervas tradicionais, como a fruta de Schisandra, a casca de Cassia e o gengibre, que trabalham em sinergia para manter as vias aéreas relaxadas e promover uma sensação de calma na região do peito. A fórmula abrangente contribui para o bem-estar respiratório, permitindo que você respire com facilidade e conforto.
Os ingredientes naturais de AirwayClear são de alta qualidade e incluem frutas e raízes que são conhecidas por suas propriedades benéficas. A fruta de Perilla, por exemplo, é rica em ácido alfa-linolênico (ALA), um ácido graxo essencial que apoia a expansão pulmonar e uma resposta inflamatória saudável. Outros componentes, como a raiz de Angelica e a casca de alcaçuz chinês, complementam a fórmula, oferecendo um suporte respiratório eficaz e natural.
AirwayClear é projetado para uso tanto sazonal quanto regular, sendo um suplemento de ação rápida e não sedativo. É especialmente valioso durante a temporada de alergias, nos meses de inverno, em épocas de incêndios florestais, em dias de ar poluído ou mesmo para o suporte diário à saúde respiratória. É recomendado para adultos, homens e mulheres, ou qualquer pessoa que precise de suporte para a função pulmonar e respiração livre, incluindo fumantes, usuários de vape, indivíduos sensíveis aos pulmões e atletas.
– Suporte Respiratório Eficaz: Promove a saúde das vias aéreas, facilitando a respiração livre e confortável.
– Ingredientes Naturais: Composto por ervas tradicionais que oferecem uma abordagem natural para o suporte respiratório.
– Uso Versátil: Adequado para uso durante todo o ano, especialmente em épocas de alergias e poluição.
– Não Sedativo: Proporciona alívio sem causar sonolência, permitindo que você mantenha sua rotina diária.
– Apoio à Saúde Pulmonar: Ideal para fumantes, atletas e pessoas com sensibilidade pulmonar, ajudando a melhorar a função respiratória.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de Ridgecrest Herbals AirwayClear diariamente, preferencialmente com um copo de água. O uso regular pode ser mantido durante todo o ano, especialmente em períodos de maior exposição a alérgenos ou poluentes. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Kindle Customer –
I have had exercise induced asthma since I was a kid, and had always controlled it with a long-acting medication, as well as using my rescue inhaler right before exercise. I started working out again after MANY years of doing absolutely nothing, and my regular regime wasn’t enough to keep my asthma under control. I was having to use my rescue inhaler several times after exercising nearly every day. My doctor tried a few different things, but none of them were working and I didn’t like how they made me feel. In desperation I tried this. Within the first couple of times using it I didn’t have an asthma attack after exercising for the first time in months, and after about a week I backed off of the long-acting drug too (which makes me happy since one of the side effects is “sudden death”). Now I just take this about 45 minutes before working out, and then use my rescue inhaler right before we start, and I’m totally fine with no exacerbation. My doctor is a little puzzled, but quite happy that I’m not having to use my rescue inhaler hardly at all.
Larkin Bray –
I’ve eliminated my loratadine in the morning and benadryl at night. So far so good, although yesterday I had a really bad “runny nose, congestion, sinus pain, sneezing” for about 5 hours. None today, just using flonase.
Kindle Customer –
Not very many in bottle so maybe you need a few more bottles to see improvement
dfalco –
I’ve been taking 2/day, morning and evening, for 2 months. I’ve gone from constant wheezing and coughing, especially if I laughed or talked much, truly needing to break down and go to the doctor for an inhaler, to being able to breathe, laugh, talk, without coughing. Amazing and wonderful. I was experiencing tightness and difficulty with breathing. It seemed to be made worse by any sorts of allergens. I’m not taking anything else to help with breathing. So I have to attribute the big change to this AirwayClear. My breathing problems had been coming on gradually for a couple years. Always worse, and I’d blame it on whatever was in the air…but really, it was just getting worse. I hate the way inhalers make me jittery. So I wouldn’t use one. I was afraid this stuff would make me jittery. IT DOESN’T. And it didn’t take weeks to notice a difference. I felt better the very next day. But I was hesitant to think it was AirwayClear after only a couple doses. But I can say now, it was better in a couple doses, and the wheezing is almost gone, only flairing up a little, occasionally. The difference is night and day. I will be continuing to take this product every day.
M. Wish. –
Not sure if I noticed a difference. Did 1 capsule in morning and 1 at night.
Kindle Customer –
I have just started using this product, and I want to think, I am seeing (feeling) the results. Over the past few years, I’ve had off and on sinus issues(mostly, allergy – related), so, I am excited to try this product, because the ingredients seem pretty good and clean, and I am expecting for the results (as I get closer to finishing the bottle) to be just as great:)
joe –
Works well. Very happy I decided to use this
Initially I was coughing and clearing my throat often. Now I appreciate being able to take a deep breath better then ever.
Jodi –
Helps my son’s breathing. We give him this daily instead of Singular.