Rhodiola Rosea Perfeita para Melhor Foco, Energia e Alívio do Estresse, Proporção Ótima de 3%%%% de Rosavinas para 1%%%% de Salidrosídeo, um Adaptógeno Natural ~60 Cápsulas Vegetais
A Rhodiola Rosea é uma erva adaptógena natural amplamente pesquisada por sua capacidade de aumentar a energia, melhorar o humor e reduzir o estresse. Com o Perfect Rhodiola Rosea, você pode desfrutar de todos esses benefícios e muito mais.
Este suplemento oferece múltiplos benefícios para o seu corpo e mente. Além de aumentar a resistência e a stamina, a Rhodiola Rosea promove um sono saudável, melhora a clareza mental, aprimora a memória e fortalece o sistema imunológico.
O Perfect Rhodiola Rosea é feito com raiz de Rhodiola rosea siberiana 100%%%% selvagem e liofilizada, preservando todos os nutrientes essenciais. Cada cápsula contém uma proporção mínima de 3%%%% de Rosavinas e 1%%%% de Salidrosídeo, garantindo a máxima eficácia.
Este produto é produzido sem aditivos, enchimentos, produtos químicos ou agentes de fluxo, sendo totalmente natural e testado em laboratório para garantir sua pureza. Além disso, é livre de glúten, vegano e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM).
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Aumenta a energia e melhora o humor
- Reduz o estresse e promove o alívio do estresse
- Aprimora a clareza mental e a memória
- Fortalece o sistema imunológico
- Puro e natural, sem aditivos prejudiciais
Experimente o Perfect Rhodiola Rosea e descubra como essa poderosa erva adaptógena pode melhorar sua vida. Adquira agora mesmo na Vitaminer Shop!
O Perfect Rhodiola Rosea oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina diária. Entre os principais, destacam-se: 1) Aumento significativo da energia, permitindo que você enfrente o dia com mais disposição; 2) Melhora do humor, ajudando a combater a ansiedade e a depressão; 3) Clareza mental aprimorada, essencial para quem precisa de foco em atividades intelectuais; 4) Fortalecimento do sistema imunológico, contribuindo para uma saúde geral melhor; 5) Alívio do estresse, proporcionando uma sensação de calma e bem-estar em momentos desafiadores.
Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula de Perfect Rhodiola Rosea diariamente, de preferência com uma refeição. Para melhores resultados, é aconselhável manter uma rotina consistente de uso. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
heidi –
not for me, it gives me bad migraines
I had heard about Rhodiola through a friend at work and, after doing my own research, I decided to try it out. I have a very on-the-go lifestyle (like most of us!) which includes a full time job, planning a wedding and performing stage combat every weekend. My stress levels were extremely high, I was gaining weight, I was exhausted…what could I lose by trying this natural product?
I am so glad I did! This product has helped me feel more focused and more energetic. I have also noticed that I am handling stressful situations with more grace and clarity (my fiance appreciates that!) I highly recommend it!
*This is long but worth the read. Please*
I have plenty of stress/anxiety. An endocrinologist’s blood and urine analysis showed my cortisol levels were high. I wanted something natural to help.
I’ve ordered this product twice. The 1st time, I didn’t notice much. Maybe slightly more relaxed? Admittedly, I forgot to take these as recommended, skip days, or took less etc. Went through the bottle like that.
After a couple of months, I was struggling & decided to try this again. My supplement routine had improved & I took this for 5-6 days at the recommended dose, each day at the same time.
I did notice a calmer more stable feeling for the 1st couple of days… BUT, by the 4th da, in particular… I was very concerned about some experiences I had that I can only relate to this product. I quit taking it.
**The 3rd day, I did notice that I was incredibly tired and lacked motivation. The 4th day, I had TWO moments of legitimate DISORIENTATION. It’s hard to describe. I was working (on a patient) & my vision and my brain were not working together. I continued what I was doing, and stayed very calm, as I was exploring my peripheral vision asking myself ‘where am I?’ ‘What room am I in?’ ‘It looks like Room 3, but the dimensions aren’t right’??. Well that was disturbing. Later that day, I sat in my parked car, and looked at the side mirror. As a truck was coming, AGAIN – my eyes and brain had broken communication. I couldn’t tell where the truck was coming from… and the mirror (or just the reflection?) was not sized appropriately. Wth?
The 5th day, more extreme tiredness- and my get up and go and got up and went. I was calm, but crabby! That’s when I put two and two together and finally decided to quit. The next day was some better and the day after that was fine. I don’t know what in the world to think about this stuff. Did I take too much for me individually? Wrong time of day? I liked the calming effects – but everything else was NOT ok. So maybe this will work for someone else. Maybe it would work for me without those effects at a different dose. I don’t know- but I’m afraid to try again
Pam K. –
Maybe it’s my imagination , however , I feel these help somewhat with alertness.
Dom –
5 out of 5 stars…Just got off Paxil and was feeling totally out of sorts and wasn’t myself for about 4 months until I found this. After lots of research it appears to me that this and the Gaia brand are the best and most pure formulas…Jarrow too actually. Anyhow, I take 2 in the morning for a week and then lay off for about 4 days or so and feel wonderful. I’m clear in the head, less anxiety, and actually feel more stamina levels playing basketball and whooping up on my buddies. I will be a Rhodiola dude for life.
Update: 10/7/2011
So after taking this for a few weeks, it seems to have lost its effectiveness for me. I still take a pill every 3 or 4 days because I have some left and I’m hoping it kicks back in soon. Anyhow, was really hoping it would be the permanent solution for me but it appears to me that SAM-e, GABA, and Tryptophan are the most effective mood elevators to me.
tbaggs22 –
I have suffered from BAD anxiety for 8 years but hated the idea of meds due to all the side effects so I lived with it. It was almost constant anxiety that made my life hell. I tryed this not expecting much as other herbs did nothing for me…. Long story short, my anxiety went from a 9 to a 2 or 3, my workouts improved, sex life got better, and I’m actually happy! Amazing stuff….. If your on the fence, try it, worst it will do is not work.
ibpickin –
It is the only rhodiola one found that is from freeze dried root which is supposed to be better for you
I’ve had much more energy since taking this product
1 –
I have tried various Rhodiola Rosea products and Perfect Rhodiola is by far the best! Not only is it 100% wild-crafted and freeze-dried Siberian Rhodiola Rosea Root but it has a minimum of 3% Rosavins and 1% Salidroside. So it is comparable to the Rhodiola used for trials.
I used this product for around two months on and off. I found it keeps me alert for longer in the day without the ‘buzz’ of caffeine. I feel it also helps anxiety, seasonal depression and a low libido. For people who feel drained this can help a lot! In lower dosages it acts as a mild stimulant and many could find it uncomfortable if they can not handle caffeine, especially those suffering from social anxiety and situational anxiety. In higher dosages it acts as a mild sedative and can be quite calming. However, this all depends on the R:S ratio of the extract. Rosavin being serotoninergic and the other being dopaminergic.
I’ve been taking this product for three weeks in a row now, and with a healthy diet and exercise, I fell much better. Rhodiola is definitely helping with fatigue, motivation and workouts.
I have stopped this product because it stopped working and started to make me a little derealized and dull. I think this is due to increasing many peptides including vasopressin in the brain, implicated in anxiety. Therefore, acute ingestion of Rhodiola Rosea is fine, however long-term ingestion I personally think more randomized trials need to be conducted to test its efficacy and harm scale.
This product is grown in Spain and not Siberia! Be aware of this. Their label is deceptive and I believe they’re lying. The product is potent nonetheless.