【Vitamina de Bem-Estar Pré e Pós Celebração】 – A Vitamina de Bem-Estar Pré e Pós Celebração contém ingredientes de recuperação e proteção. RECUPERAÇÃO: um auxílio pós-bebida para o metabolismo do álcool e para ajudar você a se sentir bem após brindar. Funciona como um suplemento de cardo de leite, reduz o rebote do GABA, repõe vitaminas e eletrólitos perdidos e suporta o fígado, que tem a função de quebrar os subprodutos tóxicos do álcool. PROTEÇÃO: Projetada para aqueles que estão prestes a beber, apoia a limpeza, desintoxicação e reparação do fígado. Protege o fígado dos danos causados pelo álcool.
【Descanso e Recuperação】 – Tome PROTEÇÃO como seu suplemento diário para o fígado ou antes de beber, proteja seu fígado e apoie a limpeza, desintoxicação e reparação do fígado. Tome RECUPERAÇÃO após a última bebida antes de ir para a cama, ajuda no metabolismo do álcool e alívio da ressaca, levando você a dormir melhor e acordar revigorado no dia seguinte.
【Ingredientes de Recuperação】 – RECUPERAÇÃO é projetada para depois de beber. A mistura de restauração de 600mg contém cúrcuma, cardo de leite, gengibre e melissa, apoiando o metabolismo do álcool, alívio da ressaca, livre de dores de cabeça e náuseas após beber. Os 90mg de eletrólitos contêm sódio, potássio e magnésio, repõem os eletrólitos perdidos após brindar e saciam sua sede. O multivitamínico apoia seu bem-estar geral. – Sem ressaca, sem tontura, sem dor de cabeça, acorde revigorado amanhã!
【Ingredientes de Proteção】 – PROTEÇÃO é projetada para antes de beber e funciona como um suplemento para o fígado. A mistura exclusiva de 1000mg antes de beber contém cúrcuma, cardo de leite e gengibre, ajuda a proteger e rejuvenescer as células do fígado, apoiando uma limpeza suave e um fígado mais saudável. 7 tipos de multivitamínicos apoiam um fígado saudável e restauram nutrientes vitais. A pimenta preta promove uma maior biodisponibilidade e absorção do cardo de leite – BRINDE FELIZ! SEM PREOCUPAÇÕES!
【Fabricado nos EUA, Fonte Confiável, Sem Gelatina】 – RECUPERAÇÃO + PROTEÇÃO são à base de pectina, 60 em uma garrafa. Fabricado nos EUA em uma instalação registrada na NSF-cGMP e é testado por terceiros quanto à pureza e precisão. Não contém OGM, sem glúten e sem gelatina. Se você não gostar, sua compra é por nossa conta; Sem perguntas; Nosso atendimento ao cliente de classe mundial quer que você fique satisfeito com sua compra.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Recuperação eficaz após beber álcool
- Proteção e apoio ao fígado antes de beber
- Ingredientes naturais que promovem o metabolismo do álcool
- Reposição de eletrólitos perdidos e suporte ao bem-estar geral
- Fabricado nos EUA, com garantia de qualidade e satisfação
– Sugestão de Uso:
Tome 2 cápsulas de PROTEÇÃO com água antes de beber para proteger seu fígado. Após a última bebida, tome 2 cápsulas de RECUPERAÇÃO com água antes de dormir para ajudar no metabolismo do álcool e aliviar a ressaca. Não exceda a dose recomendada. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de usar se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver alguma condição médica.
Mariel –
The Rest & Recovery wellness vitamin was a lifesaver the day after the bachelorette party! This supplement really helped with alcohol metabolism and liver support. I felt noticeably better, with less of the usual post-party fatigue and discomfort. The milk thistle and turmeric blend worked wonders, and I appreciated the added electrolytes for rehydration. It was an essential part of our post-celebration wellness routine, making recovery smooth and manageable. Highly recommend for anyone looking to bounce back after a big night!
CR MacGal –
These gummies are specifically to help you with a hangover—take some before you go out and the other when you get home. I’m not sure there’s much difference than just drinking lots of water. I will not get them again.
Deuce & Coco –
I did not think that these would work at all, but boy was I wrong! I was just on a trip with a bunch of friends and several of us tried the “before” gummies right when we started drinking and none of us who had them got a hangover! Several who didn’t take them were not well in the morning. 🙂
I couldn’t believe it. We tried it again the next night and same result! We also had the morning ones and we felt pretty darn good after several hours of drinking. Very impressed and they taste good also! I made sure to bring back any extras as they are excellent!
Highly recommend!
Mesmerize –
I tried over the holiday weekend and they do work but don’t expect miracles. I taken the before and after gummies and the did help as I already milk thistle and other supplements but I stopped taking them while using this product. Also these supplements have vitamins in them as well. I can recommend these but if you already supplement it could be a waste but if you don’t take milk thistle and multivitamins this is a good option taste good as well.
Mattmoon9 –
I have been taking these anytime I’ve been drinking the past several weeks. They don’t completely remove all effects of every hangover, but they certainly appear to help (though I’m not sure if that’s more of the pre, post or both working together). Milk thistle is supposed to help before drinking (in the pre) and electrlytes (with lots of water) certianly help after, so there is science to support these uses. I recommend using these if you’re searching for such a product.
Frank –
I snagged these for those nights where you get into it a bit more than you maybe had hoped. They were sort of a joke at first but now I think these are really working when taking them as described. They also taste really good. Very orangey.
I can’t say they eradicate all hangover symptoms but they do make my gut feel healthier when using them. Overall I think these are a win in my book – even if they were a gag-gift at first.
Edward W –
Sometime, conferences get a little out of hand when it comes to imbibing. I thought I would give these a shot to see if they helped. Whether my tolerance is different, my friends drank more than me or these actually working, I had no issues the following days after some late nights. I followed the directions for the supplements and I was fine, while several of my friends were a little slow going the next days. Meh, maybe they do help but I really wasn’t scientific about it so this is just anecdotal evidence.
Sid –
On occasion and during heavy R&R, I might indulge in a good beverage in high spirits. Sometimes social get-togethers result in a little more consumption than normal, resulting in a miserable day the next day. One would know their limits and be able to gauge the probablitiy of this happening.
With a product like this, it’s amazing how it can “reset” you FAST and it helps avoid the nasty headaches and potential bad day feeling from such occasions.
This helps bring me back to normal relatively quick, but I advise this should not be used as a means to speed things up as far as consumption and metabolism goes, especially if you are in a hurry or need to operate machinery.