Descrição do Produto: Pure Authentic Shilajit Siberian Mumijo Resin, 100 Grams, 3.5 OZ
Descubra o poder ancestral do Pure Authentic Shilajit Siberian Mumijo Resin, uma resina pura e autêntica que vem das montanhas Altai, na Sibéria, Rússia. Este produto é 100% puro, garantindo que você receba todos os benefícios naturais sem qualquer tipo de diluição. A resina de Shilajit é conhecida por suas propriedades revitalizantes e energizantes, sendo um verdadeiro tesouro da natureza.
Em sua apresentação, o Shilajit é acondicionado em um elegante frasco de vidro, que não apenas preserva a qualidade do produto, mas também proporciona uma estética sofisticada para sua prateleira. Com a certeza de que não contém conservantes, corantes ou aromas artificiais, você pode confiar que está consumindo um produto que respeita a pureza e a integridade dos ingredientes naturais.
A resina de Shilajit é rica em minerais e compostos bioativos, que têm sido utilizados por séculos na medicina tradicional para promover a saúde e o bem-estar. Ao incorporar o Pure Authentic Shilajit em sua rotina, você não apenas se conecta a uma tradição milenar, mas também potencializa sua saúde de maneira natural e eficaz.
– Aumento de Energia: O Shilajit é conhecido por melhorar a resistência física e mental, ajudando a combater a fadiga.
– Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Os compostos presentes na resina fortalecem as defesas naturais do corpo.
– Melhora da Saúde Cognitiva: Pode auxiliar na clareza mental e na memória, promovendo um melhor desempenho cognitivo.
– Equilíbrio Hormonal: Contribui para a regulação hormonal, beneficiando tanto homens quanto mulheres.
– Ação Antioxidante: Ajuda a combater os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular e o envelhecimento saudável.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Pure Authentic Shilajit, recomenda-se dissolver uma pequena quantidade (aproximadamente do tamanho de uma ervilha) em água morna, leite ou outra bebida de sua preferência. Misture bem até que a resina esteja completamente dissolvida. O ideal é consumir uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente pela manhã, para maximizar a energia e a vitalidade ao longo do dia. É importante armazenar o frasco em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Precursor –
There’s some kind a residue left on the bottom after use ,it leaves like particles that do NOT dissolve in HOT water and i did not see this in the previous 2 time i purchases , definitely Not the same Product , kind a disapointed !!!
Janine – Amazon Customer –
Amazon is littered with fake Shilajit, sadly. This product is pure. I strongly recommend it. Don’t waste your time and money on others. You will highly likely get a fake. If you have questions, just reach out to customer support. They are top notch! I usually don’t write reviews. But the product and service I received made me leave one.
Frank –
This is authentic Altai mumijo. It’s a glossy resin with the consistency of pitch and a slightly bitter vegetal-mineral taste that is unpleasant but tolerable—and distinctively different from the Himalayan shilajit I’ve tried, which tasted more like heavily roasted coffee/chocolate. The product dissolves very quickly in warm water and passes the burn test (turns into ash when put under a lighter) which means it’s pure and undiluted. I also shot an email to the company requesting lab analysis reports and they got back to me within 24 hours with two reports from different labs—one was just a contaminants lab analysis, the other had a comprehensive list with levels of detected metals.
Lele Ben –
Just received another jar, probably my 4th or 5th so far and this jar definitely isn’t as strong. I opened it this morning and spooned out my usual amount, and upon stirring into my hot water, I noticed it didn’t make the water as black….and upon tasting it I definitely noted it’s just not as strong tasting as it usually is. I smelled it and it doesn’t have much of a smell either. Not sure what’s going on, but I’ll probably switch brands next time because I’m not happy with this jar
Janine – Amazon Customer –
I love this product! AND it smells and tastes awful! But…It has helped me get off of B12 shots. I believe it works by optimizing the minerals you are missing. So it helped me feel better up to the point that the missing minerals were being replaced. I have a lot of health issues so improving even one of them is a good thing. There is no way I can just put this into a liquid of any kind and drink it. It smells and tastes like I imagine tar tastes like mixed with a little turpentine for top notes. Ugh. So…I decided since it comes from the tops of mountains it couldn’t hurt it to freeze it. I take a small amount out with the point of a sturdy knife (no small feat as it is, well, thick as tar and as sticky) and form into little balls on waxed paper. I then freeze them and put them into a plastic container after frozen. Then every morning I pop one in my mouth and drink it down quickly. Yay! No taste, well very minimum taste anyway.
This stuff is hell getting out of the jar, BTW. The jar is attractive with it’s angled corners but impossible to get all the “primordial ooze” out of it. Melting in a pot of simmering water helps but it would really help if the jar was round.
Enough complaints. From research on the web, I find that this seems to meet all the criteria for a good Shilijit. Black, tar like and melts completely in water with no residue left over. Highly recommend.
Update: It’s been several years I’ve been using this now as I age. I have definitely noticed a big improvement in my brain function when using that goes back down when I don’t. Still hate the jar though. LOL.
Precursor –
This is a good product if other antidepressants anti anxiety prescriptions don’t work for you or if you prefer to use a natural product like this. It’s pretty strong and I could feel the effects get stronger each day the four days I took it. It does taste like tar and it has the consistency of tar; but the results outweigh the negative taste. I had to stop taking it because the effects were too strong for me at half the recommended dose; as strong as a prescription antidepressant I have taken in the past and could not tolerate. The company recommended another type of Shilajit they offer that I’m going to try and despite the taste I’m hoping it will be a winner.
The Shilajit, Mongolian is definitely a winner. Again I just take half the recommended dose and it works wonderfully. My anxiety is lowered shortly after ingesting it and my neck and shoulder pain, due to stress, disappears. I totally recommend it and this company. A+