Resina de Shilajit do Himalaia – Grau Ouro, Verificada em Laboratório dos EUA
A Resina de Shilajit do Himalaia é um tesouro natural, extraído das altitudes impressionantes de 16.000 pés e mais, nas remotas montanhas do Himalaia. Cada gota dessa resina pura é colhida manualmente, garantindo uma excepcional pureza e potência. O Shilajit do Himalaia é conhecido por sua qualidade superior, preservando a autenticidade e a eficácia que o tornaram um dos suplementos mais valorizados na medicina tradicional.
Cada lote da nossa resina de shilajit é rigorosamente testado em laboratórios certificados nos EUA, assegurando que atenda aos mais altos padrões de pureza e segurança. Esse processo meticuloso garante que você receba um produto limpo e eficaz, ideal para o uso diário. Além disso, nossa resina é completamente natural e isenta de aditivos ou enchimentos, oferecendo uma experiência autêntica com cada frasco. Rica em minerais naturais, ácido fúlvico e compostos bioativos, a resina de shilajit proporciona uma verdadeira conexão com a natureza.
Sustentavelmente colhida de regiões himalaicas intocadas, nossa resina de shilajit é processada utilizando métodos tradicionais de purificação, respeitando tanto o meio ambiente quanto a potência natural do produto. Com uma composição rica em ácido fúlvico e minerais essenciais, essa resina não apenas apoia a saúde celular, mas também impulsiona a energia e melhora a vitalidade. Incorporar a resina de shilajit à sua rotina de bem-estar pode trazer benefícios duradouros e um impulso natural ao seu dia a dia.
– Pureza Garantida: Testada em laboratórios dos EUA, assegurando um produto livre de contaminantes.
– Aumento de Energia: Melhora a vitalidade e o desempenho físico, ideal para quem busca mais disposição.
– Saúde Celular: Os minerais e o ácido fúlvico presentes promovem a saúde das células, contribuindo para o bem-estar geral.
– Sustentabilidade: Colheita responsável que respeita o meio ambiente e as comunidades locais.
– Sem Aditivos: Produto 100% natural, sem adição de substâncias artificiais, garantindo uma experiência autêntica.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios da Resina de Shilajit do Himalaia, recomenda-se dissolver uma pequena quantidade (aproximadamente 300-500 mg) em água morna ou em uma bebida de sua preferência. Misture bem até que a resina esteja completamente dissolvida. O ideal é consumir uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente pela manhã, para maximizar a energia e a vitalidade ao longo do dia. É importante armazenar o produto em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
L. Minten –
Ordered this hoping it would taste better than one we ordered that was mixed with honey. I thought that one tasted horrible but this one is far worse. I just had a small swipe from my finger and a couple of licks and just couldn’t do it. Taste lasts for a bit too.
I had hoped my husband would try it but after seeing/smelling/tasting it he is a big no. At this point I am thinking all of this tar like resin is going to taste terrible thus the reason I didn’t give it a lower score. I have read about the many health benefits and this company did a nice job with minimal packing.
The flavor is intense and the color is rich. It comes with a small gold spoon for dosing. Small compact high quality jar. I am planning on researching a way to dilute or mask with other foods/drinks.
MickR&R –
I must admit…
The taste is hard to deal with. Especially the 1st couple times I tried it.
Within a week I tried to use mind over matter and told myself…if it tastes this bad, it MUST be good for me. 😂
Truth is: there’s most definitely a lot of good that comes from using this Himalayan Shilajit Resin.
After approx 1 week of taking this twice a day, I’m finding more energy than I’ve had in a while.
For those not familiar, just do a search on this type of resin.
It’s packaged quite nicely. The spoon is a bit small for those with big hands.
As for taste, obviously, I’d have to give it 1 star, but you don’t use this resin for the taste of it. You use it because of the many benefits.
Glad I tried this stuff. It works!
Matt Morrow –
This appears to be very high quality Himalayan Shilajit. The packaging is very nice and they make a lot of quality claims regarding the purity, potency, and being US lab tested. The hard part will be getting past the potent smell and taste. I used mine in coffee and just one very tiny pea sized amount overpowers the entire cup of coffee. I don’t know how some people drink it with water. It’s not horrible in coffee, but it takes a lot of the enjoyment out of having the cup of coffee. But if you believe the health claims, this is worth the difficult taste issues. Similar to those who want the benefits of apple cider vinegar.
ludwig222 –
Very interesting product, just ultimately not for me. The smell is fuel-like, and it was difficult for me to use consistently. Definitely the real deal just won’t reappear in my routine.
L. Minten –
The packaging and included testing information gave me confidence in the quality of this product right away. The shilajit has a strong, smoky aroma with notes of peat and oil, which is exactly what I’d expect from the real deal.
The results speak for themselves. This is a potent and authentic shilajit, sustainably harvested and thoroughly tested. At this price, it’s a fantastic value for anyone looking to add legit Himalayan shilajit to their routine. Highly recommend!
claus –
I appreciate the small package in comparison to some competitors’ excessive package for a small container of Shilajit. It was a great value price. I do not appreciate, though, is that it says it is “organic” in the listing. Yet, there is no organic whatsoever word on the package itself. It only says it’s purified resin. How they grow and “purify” it is what worries me. Zero certification too.
***Mat Lon Thui*** –
I like it. Shilajit is something I like. Even if I don’t claim to be a doctor, I think it has a really good impact on my life. I’m grateful that it’s available in the USA and will continue to make taking it a priority. Among the several kinds I’ve tried, this one has the typical shilajit taste of woody/charcoal (Iike). The flavor of this one is actually rather strong. I am accustomed to the taste of shilajit, thus I typically eat it straight from the spoon. However, if you’re new to shilajit, I strongly advise combining this with water instead of taking it straight. This shilajit appears to be well-made. It is thick, dark, and extremely rich in color.
lil demon –
i had bought some for my husband earlier in the month and it has changed his energy so much!!!!!